We Study Billionaires – The Investor’s Podcast Network2025-01-05T04:50:16-05:00

We Study Billionaires

We Study Billionaires podcast, hosted by  Stig Brodersen, Preston Pysh, William Green, Clay Finck, and Kyle Grieve, is the flagship podcast of The Investor’s Podcast Network, with more than 180 million downloads.

On the show, they interview and study famous financial billionaires including Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Howard Marks, and Bill Gates, and they teach you what they learn and how you can apply their investment strategies in the stock market.

Leverage the lessons we learned from studying billionaires and apply them in your own investing journey. Listen to our weekly episodes below.

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TIP022: Influence – Robert Cialdini’s Psychology of Persuasion

The Vice Chairman for Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, has said that Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, is one of his favorite books of all time. As a result, we decided to dig into the reading and discover why. After this podcast, you’ll be paying closer attention to all the ways you’re being influenced in a subconscious way.

TIP021 : How to Invest in Real Estate

Have you every wanted to buy commercial real estate, but you didn’t know how to get into the game? In this episode, we harness the decades of experience from our mystery guest and learn how he built a real estate portfolio with over 100 units. You’ll learn how real estate is valued and the general principals to good management.

TIP020: How to Create Passive Income with Pat Flynn

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own asset? Well, we bring on the king of digital content creation, Pat Flynn. After losing his job as an architect a few years back, Pat has created online assets that have made over $100,000 a month. We ask him how he did it.

TIP019: How High Frequency Trading Works – A Summary of Michael Lewis’ Book

Finance can be a very dry subject, but this episode is surely going to debunk that opinion. High Frequency Trading is a fascinating story of how a few elite technologists have outsmarted big Wall Street banks in making Billions of dollars through 1 cent increments. The problem is the common investor is the one paying the bill. You won't want to miss this exciting and ever changing story.

TIP018: Tony Robbins’ Book – Money, Master the Game

Preston and Stig talk about what they learned in Tony Robbins’ book, Money: Master the Game. During their discussion, they talk about the myths of investing and they also talk about the advice of a few billionaires. This was a fun and interesting episode that you won’t want to miss.

TIP017: My Business Deal With Billionaire Mark Cuban – With Stephan Aarstol

Recorded | 3 January 2015
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go on the hit TV show, Shark Tank? In our interview with Stephan Aarstol, we ask him insider questions and also what it's like to be a business owner with billionaire Mark Cuban. The episode generated some good discussion about search engine optimization (SEO) and running an online business.



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