18 June 2017

Every quarter the Mastermind Group from The Investor’s Podcast gets together to discusses their latest investment ideas. In this episode, each member of the group recommends a stock pick that might outperform the S&P 500.  After each stock pick, the remaining members of the group pick-apart the idea.

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  • Which 4 stock picks that might outperform the S&P 500.
  • How to invest when real assets have never been cheaper compared to financial assets.
  • Why you are only as smart as your dumbest competitor in a commodity business.
  • How to validate your investment thesis.
  • How Preston and Stig ended up in Bed Bath & Beyond for a guys’ night out.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  0:02  

Hey, how’s everyone doing this week? So we’re really excited about today’s show because what we’re doing is a little bit different than what we normally do whenever we do our Mastermind episodes. Typically in the past, whenever we’ve had these episodes, what we’ve done is everyone brings up a topic that’s interesting to them during that quarter. But this time, what we’re doing is every person had to bring one stock pick to the table for this week’s discussion. 

As that person brings that stock pick to the table, they basically give a pitch on why they think it might be a good idea. And then, what we do is we go around the horn of everyone in the Mastermind, and then they kind of shoot holes and they troubleshoot why that might not be a good pick. 

The point behind the way that we’re going about this this week is to show the audience how we’re thinking through the problem and the key questions that we’re asking to try to understand why something might be a good pick and why something might be a bad pick. So we really, really had a lot of fun doing this. 

And as a side note, we also have Jesse Felder with us this week because Hari wasn’t able to make it and Colin wasn’t able to make our Mastermind discussion. So we have Jesse Felder with us. 

Jesse has managed a billion dollar hedge fund before. And he’s extremely intelligent, as you’ll see during our conversation. And we also have Toby Carlisle with us who is obviously bright and brilliant in his own regard with deep value investing. He’s the author of the book, “Deep Value” and a couple other books that are just phenomenal. So, we’re really excited to have this conversation today.

Stig Brodersen  1:24  

We’ll be talking about how to value a commodity-type business. I really hope that this in depth analysis of four different stocks will not only make you excited about the stocks because that’s really not the point. It’s the process of how we’re building a thesis for analysis, and how to exchange the feedback and see if you can validate your own investment thesis. Okay, let’s do it.

Intro  1:49  

You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast, where we study the financial markets and read the books that influence self made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  2:10  

All right. So this week as we said in the intro, a little bit of an amendment to our Mastermind group. So before we started talking today. On email, we were basically saying this is the company I’m going to talk about. What we’re going to do is I’m going to open it up. Who wants to bring up their stock pick first?

Jesse Felder  2:27  

I’ll go first. 

Preston Pysh  2:27  

All right, let’s talk to Jesse. 

Jesse Felder  2:30  

Yeah, I picked CF Industries.  CF is the largest producer of nitrogen fertilizers in North America. And really what brought my attention to this stock. I started buying it last summer, [and] was one of the ways that I kind of screen or look for opportunities is just through insider buying and selling. 

I noticed last summer the insiders started buying chunks of stock. CEO and CFO have both bought sizable chunks of stock, and so, I said I got to look into this thing. And essentially what’s going on in the nitrogen fertilizer market is demand grows at about 2% per year. Farmers have to put this stuff down every year. Demand grows at about 2% a year. 

So, it’s really the supply side that affects the pricing of their products. And pricing got really, really good back in 2011 to 2012, which brought on a lot of new supply, mainly from China. You know, China built a lot of production capacity. 


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