30 November 2024

In today’s special episode, William Green looks back at some of the most powerful lessons from the first 50 episodes of the podcast. He highlights four of his favorite interviews: with multibillionaire Ray Dalio, Berkshire Hathaway board member Chris Davis, investing legend Bill Miller, & author Michael Berg. Here, Dalio discusses how to overcome our weaknesses; Miller reveals the insights that made him a vast fortune on Bitcoin; Davis shares what he’s learned from Buffett & Munger; & Berg explains how to increase your enjoyment of money.


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  • Why Ray Dalio believes success hinges on deep self-knowledge.
  • How he’s dealt with his own weaknesses.
  • What Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Reed Hastings & Ray Dalio have in common.
  • How Ray’s most painful mistake changed his views on investing & life.
  • Why it helps Chris Davis to view his life in three distinct 10,000-day blocks.
  • What Chris learned from his mentors, Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger.
  • What Bill Miller saw in Bitcoin that led him to make a vast fortune.
  • Why Bill sees Bitcoin as insurance against financial catastrophe.
  • What biases, beliefs & blind spots led Buffett & Munger to dismiss Bitcoin.
  • How to enhance your enjoyment of money.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:03] William Green: Hi folks, it’s lovely to be back with you again on the Richer Wiser Happier podcast. Today is a special celebratory episode that’s going to be a little different from our usual programming. We recently hit a big landmark for the podcast. We released our 50th episode, which made me want to pause and look back and think about some of the most valuable lessons that I’ve learned from these past 50 episodes.

[00:00:27] William Green: Since the podcast launched back in March 2022. I think all of us are a little bit overwhelmed by the bombardment of inputs and information that we get from the media. And so I think it’s really valuable to stop and take stock and really try to internalize some of the most important lessons and try to figure out how we’re actually going to use them in our own lives to affect the way we invest and the way we think and the way we live.

[00:00:55] William Green: But before we get to any of those specific lessons, I really wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for actually joining me on this journey over the last two and a half years or so when I started the podcast. I kind of expected just to do about eight episodes, which I thought I would call the richer, wiser, happier conversations, and then I’d be done and would go back to my usual life.

[00:01:17] William Green: But what I discovered, much to my delight, is that I actually really love doing a podcast. There’s something really wonderful about having these very rich, long form conversations with amazing people. And I just was thrilled that I got to chat often over an hour and a half, two hours with these people like Howard Marks or Bill Miller or Ray Dalio or Rick Rieder, who is managing 2.6 trillion dollars or Joel Greenblatt or Annie Duke, Aswath Damodaran. And it just seemed to me in many ways to combine all the parts of being a journalist that I loved most without the most painful parts.

[00:01:56] William Green: So, I would get to do all of the research, which is great fun, and the interviews, which I love. But I wouldn’t have the torture of actually sitting in my room on my own bashing my head against a computer screen trying to do the writing, which is incredibly difficult. So that was really fun. And then at the same time, another thing I really love is the fact that the guests are really candid. So they’re really sharing a lot of the most valuable lessons that they’ve learned, which made me think about this great line from Charlie Munger who said that the best thing a human being can do is to help another human being no more.

[00:02:32] William Green: So that really was the spirit of the podcast from the start. But then I think what surprised me also was to discover that it had this remarkable reach and impact. I think partly because there’s something very intimate about hearing people’s voices and maybe also because we launched during COVID. A lot of us were at home and really liked the company and listening to people.

[00:02:55] William Green: But for whatever reason, I’ve been kind of shocked at how big an impact and how big a reach the podcast had. And I was checking the numbers the other day for the first time in a long time and was amazed to see that the average episode has had a little more than 140,000 downloads and I think then if you add YouTube, we had nearly 1.6 million YouTube views for the videos of the episodes for the first 50 episodes overall. So by my calculation, we’ve had a total of, I think, 8.6 million downloads and views for the podcast. So it’s been reaching this great audience, but in many ways, for me, it’s really never been a numbers game. I think the thing that I love about a podcast is that there is a kind of intimacy to it.

[00:03:42] William Green: There’s this very direct connection to the audience. One of the great joys of doing the podcast over the last couple of years has been that I get all of these messages from listeners talking about how the ideas from the guests have had an impact on them. So I really just wanted to thank you for that because It’s been a ridiculous amount of work doing the podcast.

[00:04:04] William Green: Very enjoyable, but at the same time, crazy amount of work. And it sometimes seemed irrational. And then when I get these messages, it just makes it very life affirming and joyful for me and makes it just all seem worthwhile. So thank you, truly. In any case, the game plan for today is to focus on a handful of my favorite interviews from the last couple of years, starting with an amazing conversation that I had with Ray Dalio.

[00:04:30] William Green: And what I’m going to do is. I’ll play you a handful of clips from these episodes, and then I’ll add a few comments on my own. And I think probably we’ll focus on four or possibly five of my absolute favorite guests. It was hard to limit it to these, but I think you’ll understand by the end of the episode why these particular interviews and these particular insights had such an impact. Thanks so much.


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