16 March 2024

In this episode, William Green chats with renowned hedge fund manager Guy Spier, who has run the Aquamarine Fund since 1997. This conversation has been split into two episodes. Here, in Part 1, Guy discusses the art of compounding wealth over decades, drawing on lessons he’s learned from Warren Buffett, downhill ski racers, & his own mistakes. This is an unusually candid conversation between William & Guy—old friends who collaborated on Guy’s classic book, “The Education of a Value Investor.”


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  • Why it’s so intense for Guy Spier & William Green to collaborate.
  • How telling the truth changed Guy’s life.
  • Why the Global Financial Crisis terrified him.
  • Why it’s hard to invest rationally in the real world of chaos & confusion.
  • How Guy deals with his emotions when making investment decisions.
  • Why his default position is to hold his stocks indefinitely & resist meddling.
  • Why he didn’t sell his stake in Alibaba.
  • Why he’s pleased with & disappointed by his investment returns.
  • How excessive risk destroyed a fund manager he once knew.
  • What Guy learned from investing in a company that went bankrupt.
  • Why his mission is long-term compounding without catastrophe.
  • What the fastest skiers can teach us about success & survival.
  • What we can learn from Warren Buffett about financial resilience.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:03] William Green: Hi there. Welcome back to The Richer, Wiser, Happier Podcast. I’m your host, William Green, recording this on the first wonderfully warm and sunny day of the year here in New York. It’s a special pleasure to bring you today’s guest, Guy Spier, a well-known hedge fund manager who runs the Aquamarine Fund.

[00:00:20] William Green: This was a particularly memorable conversation for me because we recorded it in person at Guy’s beautiful house in the heart of Klosters, which is a gorgeous ski resort in the Swiss Alps. We were sitting together beside a log fire in his living room, looking out on the mountains covered in snow. Guy is one of my closest friends and I just spent a week with him, so what you’re listening to here is an unusually personal and candid conversation between two friends who know each other incredibly well and have built up a great deal of trust over many years.

[00:00:55] William Green: A decade ago, I helped Guy to write his memoir, The Education of a Value Investor, during an intense period when I more or less lived with him and his family for several months at their home in Zürich. I also edit Guy’s annual report every year, and I’ve been an investor in his fund for something like 23 years.

[00:01:15] William Green: Guy launched the Aquamarine Fund back in 1997. By the end of February 2024, the fund had returned a total of 932 percent. To put that in context, this means that he’s beaten the S&P 500 Index by 157 percentage points, and the MSCI Global Index by 396 percentage points over the last 26 years or so. That record puts Guy in a tiny minority of fund managers who have outperformed the market over more than a quarter of a century.

[00:01:49] William Green: It also means that 1 million invested in the Aquamarine Fund back when Guy launched it has now grown into more than 10 million. Which gives you a very tangible sense of just how lucrative it is to continue compounding at a solid rate of return over many years. As you’ll hear in this conversation, what’s distinctive about Guy’s investment approach is this emphasis on sustainable compounding over decades.

[00:02:16] William Green: He’s not trying to shoot the lights out by taking huge risks, which could lead to disaster. In many ways, he’s the absolute opposite of a high rolling gambler at the casino. Instead, he wants to be sure that he and his investors survive and thrive no matter what, even in an incredibly unpredictable and uncertain world where anything can happen.

[00:02:39] William Green: To achieve this goal, he draws on survival skills that he’s developed by studying everyone from Warren Buffett to downhill ski racers, who can teach us invaluable lessons about managing risk and avoiding catastrophe, so that we actually make it to the finish line. One reason why Guy has this relatively conservative, risk averse mindset is that over 40 percent of the money in his fund belongs to his family, so he has an enormous amount of skin in the game.

[00:03:08] William Green: In any case, this focus on resilient, long term wealth creation makes him an ideal person for us to study if you’re interested not only in getting rich but staying rich. One thing I should mention is that this is a long, wide ranging conversation, so I’ve broken it into two episodes, both of which are being published today.

[00:03:30] William Green: What you’re about to hear is part one. I hope you’ll also enjoy listening to part two, which is full of valuable insights about how to build a truly rich and meaningful life. Thanks so much for joining us.


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