16 September 2023

In this episode, William Green speaks with Chris Bloomstran, President & Chief Investment Officer of Semper Augustus. This conversation has been divided into two episodes. Here, in Part 2, Chris discusses what we can learn from studying Berkshire Hathaway & Warren Buffett; weighs the risks of Berkshire’s huge Apple stake; discusses Berkshire’s valuation; & explains why the stock should beat the S&P 500. He also talks about avoiding charlatans and living with integrity.


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  • Why Chris Bloomstran says it’s so valuable to study Berkshire Hathaway.
  • How Warren Buffett thinks about intelligent asset allocation.
  • How share buybacks are mishandled by many companies.
  • Why most investors shouldn’t pick stocks for themselves.
  • How Chris manages his time.
  • What his football coaches taught him about integrity & kindness.
  • How he’s risen above a painfully difficult childhood.
  • Why the key to investing success is a fierce work ethic.
  • How Chris uses social media to criticize what he calls “charlatan promotion.”
  • What he thinks of Berkshire’s huge stake in Apple.
  • How he values Berkshire, & why it should outperform the S&P 500.
  • What a legendary golfer taught him about how to live.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:03] William Green: Hi there. This is part two of my conversation with Chris Bloomstran, a terrific investor who’s the President and Chief investment Officer of Semper Augustus Investments Group. Chris has an excellent long-term record over the last three decades, but he’s probably best known as one of the world’s leading experts on Berkshire Hathaway.

[00:00:23] William Green: Chris’s annual letter to clients has developed a cult following, not least because it includes an amazingly detailed analysis of Berkshire. In his most recent letter, he devoted 59 pages, by my count, to analyzing Berkshire’s many different businesses and valuing the company in four different ways. That attention to detail gives you a sense of how fiercely driven, obsessive, and intense Chris is when it comes to analyzing stocks.

[00:00:54] William Green: In this part of our conversation, we talk in some depth about why investors and CEOs should study Berkshire Hathaway and what they can learn from Warren Buffett, about things like how to allocate capital more intelligently, and how to think rationally about share buybacks, and also how to treat shareholders more nobly and honorably and fairly as partners.

[00:01:18] William Green: We also discussed the merits and risks of Buffett’s enormous investment in Apple and Chris explains why he expects Berkshire to outperform the S&P 500 over the next decade. Along the way, we also chat about why most investors shouldn’t pick individual stocks for themselves and why they should be extremely careful of the casino side of Wall Street, which is full of smooth talking promoters who are good at spinning stories and making themselves extremely rich, but are not necessarily looking out for the best interests of unsuspecting retail investors.

[00:01:55] William Green: As you’ll hear in this very candid conversation, Chris has some intensely personal reasons for caring so deeply about integrity and truthfulness and protecting regular folks from abusive behavior. I hope you enjoy part two of our conversation. Thanks so much for joining us.


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