01 December 2020

On today’s show, I sit down with Peter Politis to talk about his real estate journey, international investing, and how he’s building a social living powerhouse, Greybrook Realty. Peter is a partner at Greybrook, CEO of Greybrook Realty Partners, and Co-Chair of Greybrook Realty’s Investment Committee. He’s overseen over 80 developments encompassing 39 million square feet with an estimated gross completion value of over $17 billion. Peter was also recognized in 2018 as one of Canada’s Top 40 under 40.



  • What is social living arrangements?
  • Why the Toronto, Miami, and Denver markets.
  • How investing in the US is different than international markets.
  • If luxury real estate investing comes with increased risk.
  • How ground-up developments work.
  • And much, much more!


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Robert Leonard  0:02  

On today’s show, I sit down with Peter Politis to talk about his real estate journey, international investing, and how he’s building a social living powerhouse, Greybrook Realty. Peter is a partner at Greybrook, CEO of Greybrook Realty Partners, and Co-Chair of Greybrook Realty’s Investment Committee. He’s overseen over 80 developments encompassing 39 million square feet with an estimated gross completion value of over $17 billion. Peter was also recognized in 2018 as one of Canada’s Top 40 under 40.

The strategy we talked about in this episode is a bit different than the usual traditional real estate episodes we have here on the show. However, I have to say that I really, really enjoyed this episode. I think this concept is very fascinating. I love learning about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up launching my own private equity fund in the future to implement a similar strategy to Peters’. 

Before we get into the episode with Peter, I wanted to tell you guys about the fee for the show. It’s not a monetary fee. I’m not going to ask you to pay anything to listen to the show. That’s why I love podcasts. They’re free to listen to. We’re not going to change that. 

What the fee is is an idea that I got from my favorite entrepreneur, his name is Andy Frisella. He can be a little bit polarizing for some people. Some people like him, some people don’t like him as much. I personally fall into the camp that does enjoy him. I love his content. He’s in the fitness space. I’m big into fitness as well. We align really well there. I think he’s a great business guy. I really like his story. 

Anyway, he hosts one of the most popular business podcasts in the world. It has been one of the most popular in the world for years. He started from scratch, with no following and built it where it is today. I think that’s admirable. 

So I want to do what he does with the fee for the show. What the fee is he asks and what I’m asking of you is to tell one person about the show, if you enjoy it. That’s the fee. You don’t have to share it across social media. You don’t have to scream about it from the rooftops. You don’t have to share it across all your different social media platforms. I mean, that would be great, but you don’t have to do that. 

All I’m asking is that if the episode makes you laugh, it teaches you something, makes you think a little bit deeper about the concepts that we’re learning, just share it with a friend. 

If someone asks you, “Hey, what have you been listening to lately? What have you been learning? What have you been studying”? Just say, “I’ve really enjoyed the Real Estate Investing Podcast.”Ask them to check it out as well. That’s the fee. 

If you guys enjoy the show, tell one person about it. We don’t run ads to promote the show. The show grows only from you guys organically sharing it with people that you know. I really appreciate all the support. I appreciate you guys paying the fee, sharing it with your friends and family. I hope you guys enjoy today’s episode and the conversation with Peter as much as I did. Let’s dive in.

Intro  2:53  

You’re listening to Real Estate Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful investors from various real estate investing niches to help educate you on your real estate investing journey.

Robert Leonard  3:15  

Hey, everyone, if this is your first time listening to the Real Estate Investing Podcast, welcome. If you are a returning listener, welcome back. Thank you so much for joining me today. As always, I’m your host, Robert Leonard. With me today, I have Peter Politis. Welcome to the show, Peter.

Peter Politis  3:32  

Hey, nice to be here. Robert, how are you?

Robert Leonard  3:34  

Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you get to where you are today? Why did you get into real estate?

Peter Politis  3:38  

Like all good things, I fell into it a little bit. I was born in Toronto and I was actually raised in South Florida. Then, I came back to Toronto for university. I really kind of wanted to be one of two things. I wanted to be a baseball player but I wasn’t very good. So that was a no go. 

Plan B was to be a real estate developer, for no reason. I don’t know why. I was just always interested in it.

I kind of became neither. We kind of got into investing in real estate development and private equity. I finished school and I started Greybrook right out of school. I was unemployed. I didn’t have any equity. It wasn’t a partner. I wasn’t a CEO. I was a kid with no experience and no money. I just wanted to work hard and 15 to 17 years later today, we run a portfolio of about 17 billion throughout the US and Canada.

It all kind of just fell into place. Today, I’m one of the three partners at Greybrook. When you say the story it kind of seems like a long time but it just kind of all happened in an instant.

Robert Leonard  4:38  

Did you do any deals like real estate deals yourself before you went into private equity at Greybrook or did you really just go straight there?

Peter Politis  4:45  

It was really hard to do deals with like literally no money, but I bought a condo. That was the extent of it. I scrounged up a few dollars early on in Toronto, before it got super expensive. It felt like we were spending a lot of money and today, we sell parking spots to the amount of money I bought that condo for.

It’s kind of in my blood. My parents are actually real estate agents here in Toronto. They’re both pharmacists by profession. They got into selling real estate. It was always around. Owning real estate, I’m Greek, so you’re not really Greek if you don’t own either a parking lot,  a sandwich shop or some real estate. It’s kind of in my DNA in many different ways.

Robert Leonard  5:22  

It’s too funny you say that. I actually have a little bit of ties to a Greek real estate investor. My father is an entrepreneur and owns his own small business. He rents his space from a Greek man. He owns a restaurant, a pizza shop, with a rental property behind it, and then also a mechanic shop building behind it. He got all this in one little parking lot.

Peter Politis  5:44  

Like literally you just stereotyped the typical Greek real estate investor, with the restaurant, mechanic shop, rental unit, boom! You get a Greek passport with that.

Robert Leonard  5:54  

How about today? Do you do any personal real estate investing outside of what you’re doing with Greybrook?

Peter Politis  5:59  

The thing with Greybrook is it became our thing, right? We now have three partners. We own the business equally today. Greybrook is Peter and Peter is Greybrook. We buy giant multifamily developments in South Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Denver and other places. We also bought an investment condo from one of our developments up here in Toronto.


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