MI144: Investing in the Metaverse and Technology Trends w/ Beth Kindig
Clay Finck chats with Beth Kindig about how she approaches investing in the metaverse, how large the metaverse market could become over the coming years, the companies and technology trends that Beth and her team at the I/O fund are most excited about, some key lessons to keep in mind when investing in growth companies, what Beth looks for in trends and companies to invest in, how to think about the role of the Federal Reserve as a tech investor, why Beth is very bullish on Bitcoin, and much more!
MI143: Good Money Revolution w/ Derrick Kinney
Clay Finck chats with Derrick Kinney about what led Derrick to selling his financial planning business to start Good Money Framework, the underutilized tool that Derrick found that businesses can use to drastically differentiate themselves from their competitors, why he believes that money is not bad and good people should have more of it, the actionable methods anyone can use to start increasing their income, and much more!
MI142: Now Everyone Can Mine Bitcoin w/ Whit Gibbs
Clay Finck chats with Whit Gibbs about what bitcoin mining is, why someone might want to mine bitcoin rather than just buying the asset, some of the exciting things happening in the bitcoin mining space in Texas and El Salvador, what led Whit to starting Compass Mining, what the economics are of owning a bitcoin miner through Compass, what the risks are of mining bitcoin, and much more!