TIP119: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
In this episode, Preston and Stig review Eric Ries's book, The Lean Startup. This book was one of the top three recommended readings by the most prolific investors of Silicon Valley. The book covers important topics like incorporating the principals of lean manufacturing into newly established software companies in order to establish a culture of growth and optimization.
TIP117: Investing Legend Bill Miller on Apple, Amazon, Bonds, & Tesla
In this week’s episode, Preston and Stig interview investing legend, Bill Miller. Bill has managed more than 75 billion dollars and has achieved some of the biggest titles in finance. He's the former Chairman and Chief Investment Officer for Legg Mason Capital Management. Bill talks to Preston and Stig about the current market conditions, how he thinks about determining the value of a company, among many other topics.
TIP116: The 35-Year Bond Bubble w/ Grant Williams
In this week’s episode, Grant Williams joins Preston and Stig for an interesting discussion about the changes in the market. Since the election of Donald Trump, inflation expectations are creating a challenging environment for bond investors. Additionally, two well respected billionaires that are experts in macro investing have provided some interesting forecasts.
TIP114: Jim Rickards and the Road to Ruin (Part 2)
Preston and Stig conduct their second part interview with New York Times Best Selling Author, James Rickards. Jim has a new book titled, The Road To Ruin, where he writes about the potential risks in the current financial markets. Tune in to hear about insider conversations with Ben Bernanke and William Dudley at the US Federal Reserve.
TIP112: Billionaire Paul Allen – Idea Man
In this episode, Preston and Stig review billionaire Paul Allen's book. Allen was the co-founder of Microsoft and has known Bill Gates since his 10th grade year in high school. In this amazing first-hand account of building Microsoft, you will learn some fascinating things about what it takes to build a multi-billion dollar enterprise.
TIP111: Good to Great – A Review of Jim Collins’ Book
In this episode, Preston and Stig review the best selling book, Good to Great, by Jim Collins. This book has been recommended by billionaire Jeff Bezos and numerous other successful business owners. This book teaches people how to focus on hiring the right people, getting divisions to perform like hedgehogs, and how to create flywheels that produce fantastic results.
TIP110: Jesse Felder & Current Market Conditions
In this episode, Preston and Stig interview Jesse Felder. Jesse founded his own multi-billion-dollar hedge fund firm and is often seen on The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and Yahoo!Finance. Throughout the interview, Jesse talks about junk bonds, how Warren Buffett values macro factors, the Minsky Theory, and numerous other ideas.