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Is Your Portfolio Ready for 2022?

January 10, 2022 | With health, many people get a checkup or physical each year. Why, then, don’t more people do this with their portfolios? Why isn’t it included with more people’s New Year’s resolutions?

In times like this

January 25, 2022 | If you are active on social media in the community known as “FinTwit” or have flipped on CNBC in the past week, you’ve likely seen that there’s a bit of panicking going on right now surrounding the stock market.

Mr. Market

May 25, 2021 | Back in 1949 when Benjamin Graham shared his concept of “Mr. Market” in his book The Intelligent Investor, cryptocurrencies didn’t exist and the financial markets were quite different than they are today.

Stock Investing Principles

May 12, 2021 | I’ve collected the best of what I’ve learned from other successful investors and added them as my own investing principles to follow. I’ve cloned ones that speak to me. I want to share those investing principles with you today.

Do You Want to Appear Smart Or Build Wealth?

May 5, 2021 | It is not to say you can’t do both — appear smart and build wealth. However, as an investor, appearing smart to the outside world can often come at the detriment of your wealth.

I Like The Trend, But I’m Not Sure About The Company…

April 14, 2021 | When it comes to the online dating industry, I tend to believe the trend and move towards online dating will continue, and likely grow. I’m interested and intrigued by a potential investment opportunity taking advantage of that trend.

Intrinsic Value Assessment: Big Lots, Inc. (BIG)

April 7, 2021 | It has a good management team, a strong balance sheet to weather a storm, and it has carved out a small niche that it operates well in. My best guess, and it’s just that, a guess, is that it will continue to do about $4-$5 billion in sales...

SPACs, NFTs, and Equity Crowdfunding

March 30, 2021 | It seems almost every week there is a new development in the world of Fintech. I spend nearly all of my working hours studying and researching financial markets, investing strategies, and general business, yet I can barely even keep up.

What Is “Intrinsic Value”?

March 23, 2021 | Not only the strategy of value investing, but many investors don’t seem to be giving any thought to the true value, or the intrinsic value, of the underlying asset in which they are purchasing.

TikTok Takes On Amazon

January 04, 2024 | Could TikTok be the next big e-commerce company? TikTok already flipped the social media world upside down, drawing YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to all focus more on short video content. Now, the company is taking on the e-commerce space, colliding with another giant: Amazon.

Wall Street Neighborhoods

January 03, 2024 | Rent growth is stronger for single-family homes than apartments, and Wall Street is looking to capitalize. Read more about this story.

Crony Capitalism

January 02, 2024 | Even staunch stock-pickers who zoom in on companies’ fundamentals acknowledge that nothing happens in a vacuum. Too much of a big-picture focus isn’t actionable, but none is equally problematic.

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