30 April 2024

In this episode, Kyle Grieve chats with Compounding Quality about his quality investing philosophy, how quality businesses at fair evaluations can compound your money for decades, how quality investors can optimize portfolio management, which quantitative metrics to pay special attention to, what to consider when looking at a businesses reinvestment rate, a look at why he likes Dino Polska, and a whole lot more!

Compounding Quality is the Author of The Art Of Quality Investing and a writer for his Substack. He’s a former hedge fund analyst with years of experience on Wall Street. He now dedicates his time to the art of quality investing by sharing what he’s learned from his research with his audience. Bill Ackman, Jeff Bezos, and Lebron James consume his content.



  • The qualitative and quantitative criteria of quality investing.
  • Why investors should focus on high-quality businesses for long-term rewards.
  • Why intelligent investors should exclude companies with unclear business models.
  • The importance of looking for a successful track record of a business for at least 5 to 10 years.
  • Why investors should consider returns on invested capital compared to rivals.
  • How you can differentiate between secular growth and short-term market events.
  • Why investors should allocate a significant portion of time to high-quality companies with strong management.
  • Why investors should focus on management factors like compensation, incentives, and insider ownership.
  • Some strategies to safeguard investments against disruptive forces via innovation
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:01] Compounding Quality: I would say the most important thing here is, to really get out the noise. Don’t focus on the quarterly results and focus on decades instead. And I think the best example of this, and I’m a huge fan is, Francois Rochot. You also know them. Last week he published his latest annual shareholder letter and each year he compares the stock price or the performance of his fund with the owner’s earnings of the businesses and the owner’s earnings are simply calculated by doing EPS or adding EPS for the dividend yield.

[00:00:37] Compounding Quality: And what you see is that since 1996, his portfolio returns 2,887% and the owner’s earnings were equal to 2,859%. So in the very long term, stock prices follow the owner’s earnings almost exactly.

[00:01:00] Kyle Grieve: Compounding Quality has spent thousands of hours researching and implementing the tenets of quality investing. As a former hedge fund analyst, he spent time doing the duties that most analysts have to do. Things like reading broker reports, looking for businesses beating analyst estimates, and other things that aren’t relevant for long term investors.

[00:01:18] Kyle Grieve: So once he could leave the hedge fund world and focus on his true passion, quality investing, he could leverage his time to explore the complexities of quality investing as much as he pleased. Compounding quality is very talented at sourcing and creating investing material that is easily consumable, entertaining, and highly informative.

[00:01:35] Kyle Grieve: As a result of his research and skills in educating others, he built a massive following of people, including names like Bill Ackman, Jeff Bezos, and LeBron James. If you are the type of investor who prefers holding stocks for years, not months, you’ll like this episode. If you love researching the best possible companies in existence, but need a nudge in the right direction, you’ll like this episode.

[00:01:54] Kyle Grieve: Or, if you are an investor who wants to improve your investment analysis through the lens of quality investing, you’ll also love this episode. Now, without further delay, let’s jump right into this week’s episode with Compounding Quality.

[00:02:10] Intro: Celebrating 10 years. You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Since 2014, we interviewed successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation. Now for your host, Kyle Grieve.

[00:02:37] Kyle Grieve: Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host Kyle Grieve, and today we’re bringing Compounding Quality onto the show. Welcome to the show. 

[00:02:43] Compounding Quality: Thank you very much, Kyle. It’s an honor to be here. 

[00:02:46] Kyle Grieve: So I first got a chance to chat with you back on Millennial Investing Podcast, episode 314, and I really enjoyed our chat.

[00:02:52] Kyle Grieve: So when you told me that you had a book being released, I jumped at the opportunity to get you back on. So the book is called The Art of Quality Investing, and it covers several, very, important topics that are necessary for quality investors to follow in order to reap the rewards of owning high quality businesses.


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