01 March 2024

On today’s Millennial Investing Rewind Episode, Robert Leonards chats with Brennan Schlagbaum to talk about the state of financial education and how to take control of your financial future. Brennan is a Certified Public Accountant, Investment Coach, and Author of Investing 101: Everything the Investor Needs to Know.



  • The strategy of paying down debt as fast as you can.
  • How to manage the dynamic of living for now while striving towards financial goals.
  • How should listeners approach paying off their students debts right now?
  • Why you need to actually invest the cash in your investment accounts.
  • What is currently wrong with our financial education system?
  • How low-cost resources going to change the future of financial education.
  • Why a budget doesn’t have to be restrictive.
  • Common mistakes that new investors make.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Robert Leonard (00:02):
On today’s show, I chat with Brennan Schlagbaum, better known as Budget Dog, to talk about the state of financial education and how to take control of your financial future. Brennan is a certified public accountant, investment coach, and author of Investing 101: Everything the Investor Needs to Know. I met Brennan from being active on social media, specifically on Instagram. Brennan has a passion for personal finance and teaching, so he took what he knew and decided to start sharing it on Instagram to help teach other people, and that’s how he and I got connected.

Robert Leonard (00:35):
What I find great about my relationship with Brennan, and what you’ll hear in today’s show, is that we don’t necessarily agree on everything. For example, he believes in being completely debt-free, including his mortgage, so he’s paying down his mortgage as fast as he can. I don’t personally like that strategy for myself. Now, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with that strategy, it’s certainly right for some people. It just isn’t right for me, personally. Despite me and Brennan having different opinions on how to approach personal finance and investing, we’re able to frequently have civil conversations about these topics, as we did in this podcast, and frequently via text or email. And, we have the same goal and that’s to help bring more awareness to financial education.

Robert Leonard (01:19):
What I’d like for you all listening to take away from this episode is that there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy, and that you can have conversations with people that think differently than you. You have to find what is right for you. I’ve mentioned it before on the podcast, but that’s why I bring on a wide variety of guests, so you guys can all hear different strategies and pick the best one for you. And once you’ve decided what’s best for you, you don’t necessarily have to try to convince every other person that your strategy is right and theirs is wrong, or that yours is better than theirs. So I hope you guys enjoy this conversation with fellow financial educator, Brennan Schlagbaum.

Intro (01:57):
You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard (02:19):
Hey everyone, welcome back to the Millennial Investing Podcast. As always, I am your host, Robert Leonard. And with me today, I bring in my good friend Brennan Schlagbaum. Welcome to the show, Brennan.

Brennan Schlagbaum (02:30):
Hey Robert, how are you doing, man? Good to see you.

Robert Leonard (02:33):
Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got to where you are today.

Brennan Schlagbaum (02:37):
Yeah. I was the typical American, I guess you could say. I went to school thinking that that was the only route. I got into school and I had a lot of debt on my name. So dating back to 10 years ago, I left school with $40,000 on my name. And it was a scary reality, but that wasn’t what all I had. I got married shortly after, I took a look at the finances and I realized there was $76,000 added up to my name. And my wife’s of course because she took on my burden, and so we had to get moving.


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