16 June 2023

Clay Finck chats with Tom Botica about what investors should keep in mind during a market correction, what it means to invest with a margin of safety, why investing checklists can be useful for value investors, the case for individual stock pickers outperforming the market indices, what Seritage Growth Properties does and why it’s potentially a compelling investment, why Seritage is trading at what appears to be well below it’s liquidation value, and much more!

Tom Botica is a value investor and studies superinvestors such as Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger,  Mohnish Pabrai, Guy Spier, and many others. Tom releases content on a wide range of investing topics on the Investing with Tom YouTube channel and is also the host of the Investing with Tom podcast.



  • What investors should keep in mind during a market correction.
  • What it means to invest with a margin of safety.
  • Why investing checklists can be useful for value investors.
  • How Tom balances his overall portfolio between index funds and individual stocks.
  • The case for individual stock pickers outperforming the market indices.
  • What Seritage Growth Properties does and why it’s potentially a compelling investment.
  • How Tom calculated the intrinsic value of Seritage.
  • Why Seritage is trading at what appears to be well below it’s liquidation value.
  • The potential risks investing in Seritage.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Tom Botica (00:03):

But on the other hand, there’s going to be periods of time where probably the exact opposite happens. Maybe you have a handful of extremely large companies that make up a third of the index or a quarter of the index or something, and maybe they just go sideways for five or 10 years. That’s something that has happened and will happen again, I’m sure.

Clay Finck (00:22):

On today’s show, I sit down to chat with Tom Botica. Tom is a value investor and studies super investors such as Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Mohnish Pabrai, Guy Spier, and many others. He also releases content on a wide range of investing topics on The Investing With Tom YouTube channel, and is also the host of The Investing With Tom Podcast.

Clay Finck (00:44):

During the episode we chat about what investors should keep in mind during a market correction, what it means to invest with a margin of safety, why investing checklists can be useful for value investors, the case for individual stock pickers outperforming the market indices, what Seritage Growth Properties does and why it’s potentially a compelling investment, why Seritage is trading at what appears to be well below its liquidation value, and much more.

Clay Finck (01:12):

As I mentioned in the previous episode, I wanted to let you all know that I’d like to start answering audience questions at the beginning of some of the Millennial Investing episodes. These questions could be related to investing, stock analysis, personal finance, Bitcoin, or whatever you think would be a good question for me. You could submit your questions to me via email or Twitter DMs. My email is clay@theinvestorspodcast.com, and my Twitter username is @Clay_Finck, @C-L-A-Y_F-I-N-C-K.

Clay Finck (01:46):

I’ll select a few of the questions and air them at the start of future episodes. So again, feel free to shoot any questions you have my way. All right, without further delay, I hope you enjoy today’s episode with Tom Botica.

Intro (02:00):

You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts, Robert Leonard and Clay Finck interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Clay Finck (02:20):

Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I am your host, Clay Fink. And today I am joined by Tom Botica. Tom, it’s a pleasure having you on the show. Thank you so much for joining me.

Tom Botica (02:31):

Yeah, I appreciate you inviting me on. I know we were talking a couple of weeks ago and I sort of just said in an email or something, “If you’re ever absolutely scraping the bottom of the barrel for guests, I’m happy to come on.” So I didn’t quite expect an invite this quickly, but I appreciate it.


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P.S The Investor’s Podcast Network is excited to launch a subreddit devoted to our fans in discussing financial markets, stock picks, questions for our hosts, and much more! Join our subreddit r/TheInvestorsPodcast today!


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