29 April 2022

On today’s show, Robert Leonard chats with Raoul Pal to discuss the macro environment, NFTs, crypto, and bitcoin. Raoul Pal is a co-founder of Real Vision, has run a successful global macro hedge fund, co-managed Goldman Sachs’ hedge fund sales business in Equities and Equity Derivatives in Europe, and helped design the BBC TV program Million Dollar Traders, training participants in investment and risk management strategy. 

Raoul now lives in the Cayman Islands, from where he manages Real Vision and writes for The Global Macro Investor, a highly regarded original research service for hedge funds, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, and other elite investors.



  • How did Raoul’s experience at BBC while designing Million Dollar Traders inspired him to create Real Vision?
  • What were the roadblocks and defining moments that led to the creation of Real Vision?
  • What was missing in the marketplace prior to Real Vision?
  • What are the 3 phases of a crisis and which phase are we currently in?
  • How the multiple stimulus bills being passed by the US government affects the macro-environment.
  • What financial experts mean when they say the “government is printing money.”
  • With the fall of the macro environment, is this something that new investors should be worried about or should they focus on the basics first?
  • How did Twitter, Reddit and other social media outlets change the investing landscape for younger and newer investors? 
  • How Raoul’s opinion changed from just having a small amount of crypto to a large amount specifically, Bitcoin. 
  • What other fellow macro-experts think about crypto and bitcoin.
  • What other coins, other than Bitcoin and Ethereum have a potential to succeed.
  • Whether it’s possible for the government to outlaw crypto.
  • What are NFTs and Raoul’s view as a potential investment case?
  • And much, much more!




Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Robert Leonard (00:02):
On today’s show, I chat with Raoul Pal to discuss the macro environment, NFTs, crypto, and Bitcoin. Raoul is a co-founder of Real Vision, has run a successful global macro hedge fund. Co-managed Goldman Sachs hedge fund sales business in equities and equity derivatives in Europe, and helped design the BBC TV program, Million-Dollar Traders, training participants in investment and risk management strategy.

Robert Leonard (00:29):
Raoul now lives in the Cayman Islands from where he manages Real Vision and writes the Global Macro Investor, a highly regarded original research service for hedge funds, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, and other elite investors. During this interview, we went into detail about the macro environment. Raoul gave insight on the phases of a crisis and where we are currently. He also explained what the death of the macro-environment means, how it affects new investors, and if it is something they should be even worried about.

Robert Leonard (01:00):
We also discussed the impact of social media on the markets, and if the advantage that Wall Street and institutional investors has held over regular retail investors has shrunken. Raoul shared his thoughts in regard to NFTs what they are, how he views them as a potential investment. Lastly, he gives his take on crypto and Bitcoin. Now, without further delay, let’s get into today’s very timely episode with Raoul Pal.

Intro (01:27):
You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard (01:49):
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Millennial Investing Podcast as always. I’m your host Robert Leonard, and with me today, I have Raoul Pal. Welcome to the show, Raoul.

Raoul Pal (01:58):
Great to be here. Looking forward to it.

Robert Leonard (02:01):
For those in the audience who may not be familiar with your work or Real Vision, give them an overview of your background, your story, Real Vision, everything you’ve got going on.

Raoul Pal (02:10):
My background was I was [a] traditional finance guy. I caught the wave in the ’90s, which was a fantastic wave. But I was involved in the derivatives market and then the rise of the hedge fund business. I was a salesman at first, working for many of the largest investment banks. Ended up in Goldman, starting and co-running the hedge fund sales business in equities and equity derivatives. So I got to speak to the most famous hedge fund managers in the world on a daily basis. I was the guy in Europe, and it was a very fantastic opportunity to learn from the best.


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