26 April 2024

On today’s show, Robert Leonard talks with Lewis Howes about mentorship, adversity, personal development, and how having the right mindset leads to success in life, business, and investing. Lewis is a former professional athlete, New York Times bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, and a popular podcast host. He has been featured on Ellen, Good Morning America, Time magazine, Forbes, Entrepreneur, ESPN, Inc., Men’s Health, and many more!



  • How to overcome adversity and use it as fuel to succeed.
  • Why you need a mentor.
  • How a mentor can be virtual today.
  • Why your personal development impacts your investing and business success.
  • How to measure your success in life, outside of just money.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors may occur.

Robert Leonard  00:02

On today’s show, I share my conversation with a guest that needs no introduction, Lewis Howes. For those who may not be familiar with Lewis, he is a former professional athlete, New York Times best-selling author, successful entrepreneur, and a very popular podcast host. He has been featured on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America, Time Magazine, Forbes, Entrepreneur, ESPN, Inc., Men’s Health, and many more of the world’s most popular media outlets. He also just finished a super cool project, a documentary about his life, called Chasing Greatness.

Lewis and his story has been a big inspiration for me and taught me a lot. I’m honored to have Lewis on the show today. During this episode, we talk about mentorship, overcoming adversity, personal development, and how having the right mindset leads to success in life, business, and investing.

If you’ve been listening to the show for a while now, thank you. If this is your first episode, welcome. I’m the host, Robert Leonard, and on this Millennial Investing Podcast, I talk with successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire people from 22 years old to about 40 years old. My goal is to help you improve your financial literacy, and make better investment decisions with both your time and money.

We often cover tactical how-to investing advice, but we also cover more general topics like today’s episode, where Lewis and I talk about things that can make you an even better investor, or just better overall with your money.  For example, in today’s episode, we talk about having a good diet, not eating a lot of sugar and exercising. You might be wondering how that relates to business or investing.

It’s important in relation to being a successful investor, because if you’re not doing these things right, you can suffer from health-related issues that impact how you invest and manage your money. I know for me, personally, if I don’t follow the things we talked about in this episode, I feel tired, and I often have headaches.

From an investing perspective, that leads to me making bad investment decisions because I can’t think clearly and analyze the opportunities objectively. And from a personal finance perspective, it leads to me breaking my own money rules and the budgets that I’ve set, which just pushes me further away from my goals. So, while not everything we talk about on the show is tactical investing advice, I promise you it is all valuable, when your goal is to be successfully investing, managing your money, or starting a side hustle. But without further delay, let’s get into today’s episode with Lewis Howes.

Intro  02:37

You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard  02:59

Welcome to today’s show. As always, I’m your host, Robert Leonard, and I’m super excited to have Lewis Howes here with me today. Welcome to the show, Lewis.

Lewis Howes  03:08

Thanks, Robert. Appreciate it, man.

Robert Leonard  03:10

I’m sure a lot of people listening to the show today are familiar with you. But I’ve personally been super inspired by all the things you’ve done. So can you tell me the story of your success, and what you had to overcome?

Lewis Howes  03:22

Well, there’s a lot of stories to tell, but I think the main story is that I used to be a professional football player. That was my dream. I got injured very quickly in my first season, and I didn’t have a back-up plan. My whole goal my entire life was to make money catching a football or playing some sport, so when it was over, I just had no clue what steps to take and who I was supposed to become. Because the thing I wanted to become, I could no longer do.

I remember after many months of *inaudible* I guess, a little bit depressed, but I had a cast on. I had surgery, and I was living on my sister’s couch for six months. And during that time, I just remember asking myself,  “What am I supposed to do now? The dream is done. Who am I supposed to be? This is what I’m known for this the only thing I’m good at. I don’t have any other skills. I don’t have any college degree. So what am I supposed to do?” 

I remember eventually telling myself, “Okay, what you know is sports. You need to make this next phase of your life a sport. You need to make life a sport, and you know how to play a game. You know how to be a part of a team. So what’s the first step to recreating a sport in life?” For me, it was finding a coach. I knew that I had great coaches. I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the results in sports without them, so I started to look for mentors, ASAP. I started to reach out to anyone that I’ve met in college or anyone that I’ve met as a coach, previously.

I just started reaching out to people and asking them to mentor me and coach me. And I found three great mentors early on, who were able to give me some big coaching and guidance.  And the second thing I did is that I said, “Okay, I’m going to create some goals just like in sports. I had goals for a season or for my career; for all these things. I’m going to write down a list of goals.” After that, I would check in with my mentors every week on my goals and the action steps I was taking. I would get feedback on the failures I would make. I just kept moving forward every day until I achieved them.

So it really wasn’t a complicated idea. I just recreated that sports feeling into life. It was very hard to take action, to get the failures, and to learn something from scratch. It was hard. It was a simple concept, but it was hard to implement. But that’s something I’ve been doing now for the last, I guess, 12 years now, and I just keep repeating it and reinventing it with everything that I’m dealing with every new goal that I have.

Robert Leonard  05:42

Being an athlete myself for almost my whole life, I know that I’ve learned a ton from playing sports. What did playing sports teach you about business and life in general?

Lewis Howes  05:53

I think you learn a lot about yourself, when you’re playing sports. Because the greatest thing about the sport that I played was that there were no judges. It was always you either scored more points, or you are the fastest person in the race. It wasn’t like, “Oh, I think they did the best.” For a gymnast, I feel like has a hard time because they are judged based on a bunch of people saying, “I liked that” or “I didn’t like that.” Whereas my sports, it’s about whether you scored the most, and you won, or you lost. It was very clear.


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