13 January 2022

Robert Leonard and Clay Finck chat with Simon Erickson about Reddit and the Wall Street Bet’s movement, what is happening in China with the crackdown on tech companies, what is going on in the semiconductor industry and why it’s important, the space economy, Affirm’s business model and competitive advantages, and much, much more! 

Simon Erickson is the founder & CEO of 7investing and a former lead adviser at the Motley Fool. Simon’s team at 7investing has 7 advisors searching for the very best opportunities in the stock market. 7investing’s advisor team has a tenured track record of investing success, and they’re seeking out the important trends that are disrupting entire industries such as AI, biotech, cloud computing, and digital payments.

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  • What Simon’s take is on the Reddit and Wall Street Bet’s movement.
  • Where Simon recommends investors go to learn about investing.
  • What exactly is happening in China with the crackdown on tech companies?
  • Whether Simon invests in Chinese companies in his personal portfolio or not.
  • What is happening with shortages in the semiconductor industry and why is it important?
  • What the space economy is and what types of companies are involved.
  • What companies or industries Simon is most excited about and why.
  • What Affirm does and why they are well-positioned as a business.
  • What Affirm’s competitive advantage is and why they can land big-name partnerships.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Simon Erickson (00:00:03):
So much of this is the digital world now. We have got a completely different way of analyzing companies than we did in the turn of the year 2000 because it’s been more and more focused on recurring revenue and software as a service. And that’s why you see these metrics like net-dollar retention rates coming up, annual recurring revenue, average contract sizes, all of these kinds of things with the understanding and the expectation that you’re going to have 90% plus retention rates, any recurring model.

Robert Leonard (00:00:35):
Hey everyone, welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. As always, I’m your host, Robert Leonard. Before we dive into today’s episode, I’m super excited to introduce to you my new co-host and the new main host of this show, Clay Finck. He just recently joined the TIP team, and starting with this week’s episode and going forward, you’re going to start to hear a lot more of him. So I wanted to take a minute and introduce Clay to you all. Clay, welcome.

Clay Finck (00:01:01):
Robert, thank you so much for the introduction. It’s an honor to be the next co-host of the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m very excited to be a part of the TIP team and extremely grateful for this opportunity.

Robert Leonard (00:01:13):
You and I have been chatting for weeks now as we’ve gone through this application process, so I’ve gotten to know you a bit, but for the audience who doesn’t know who you are, give us a background on who you are and how you got to where you are today.

Clay Finck (00:01:26):
Of course. I was born and raised in Nebraska, so stumbling upon and learning about Warren Buffett naturally happened fairly early on for me. I recall reading a book, which is called The Snowball. It’s a biography about Warren Buffett. And I read that book when I was 18 years old and really have been hooked to the concept of investing ever since. And from there, I discovered The Investor’s Podcast, and I’ve been a huge fan of the show ever since. And it’s really a bit surreal sitting here with you today. It’s incredible the amount of value I’ve gained from listening to these podcasts, so I really thank you for that.

Clay Finck (00:02:02):
A little bit more about my background, I graduated with an undergraduate degree in actuarial science from the University of Nebraska, and I’ve worked in the industry for a few years prior to joining the team at TIP. And I really couldn’t be more thrilled for what lies ahead for us.

Robert Leonard (00:02:19):
It’s funny how things worked out where you’ve spent some time in Omaha, you’ve grown up in the area, given Warren Buffett is from there, and TIP was founded on studying Warren Buffett. And we didn’t look for somebody that was based near Warren Buffett when we started the search, it just happened that way. So it’s funny how everything came full circle where somebody who lives near the person that we started studying to start TIP just worked out that way. So I thought that was a bit funny. And I appreciate you sharing a bit for me and the audience about your background, even more so than just learning a bit about you, I think listeners are probably interested in knowing what is next for the Millennial Investing Podcast.

Robert Leonard (00:03:02):
What does having a new host mean? How is the show going to change? What’s happening to Robert? Etc. So I want touch on a couple of those. The first thing is, I will still be hosting the Real Estate 101 Podcast that you guys hear come out in this podcast feed. So I’ll still be hosting that myself, and occasionally, I’ll still be hopping onto this Millennial Investing Show as well. Not sure exactly how frequently that’s going to be, but from time to time, you will still hear me co-hosting with Clay on an episode, but for the most part, Clay will be leading the show on a regular basis and will be the main host.

Robert Leonard (00:03:36):
Other than that, I’m also working on building out a software platform for TIP, it’s called TIP Finance, and it helps people automate and simplify their stock analysis. It’s a portfolio tracker. There’s a bunch of cool tools that we’re building. So I’m going to be spending a lot of time on that as well. And that’s also one of the biggest reasons why I’m taking a little bit of a step back from being the host of this show and handing the reins off to Clay.

Clay Finck (00:04:00):
Thanks again for the warm welcome, Robert. I’m hoping that I am able to bring a unique perspective to the podcast and continue to provide quality investing content to our listeners. I also wanted to mention that if anyone would like to connect with me, they can reach me at my email, clay@theinvestorspodcast.com. I’d be happy to accept any feedback you guys have on how Robert and I could improve the show or what types of guests you would like to hear from. I want to be sure that we are providing as much value as possible for you guys.

Robert Leonard (00:04:31):
Thanks again, Clay. It’s a pleasure to have you part of the team and I look forward to being a co-host with you all. I know the audience is in good hands, I’m sure you guys are going to love Clay. Now, with that, let’s dive right into this week’s episode.

Clay Finck (00:04:47):
On today’s show, Robert and I sit down to chat with Simon Erickson about Reddit and the Wall Street Bets movement, what is happening in China with the crackdown on tech companies, what’s going on in the semiconductor industry and why it’s important, as well as other emerging industries. We wrapped up the show by chatting about Affirm’s business model, competitive advantages and their brilliant CEO, Max Levchin. Simon Erickson is a founder and CEO of 7investing and a former lead advisor at the Motley Fool. Simon’s team at 7investing has seven advisors searching for the very best opportunities in the stock market. And his team has a 10-year track record of investing success.

Clay Finck (00:05:27):
They’re constantly researching the important trends that are changing entire industries. So Simon is very well versed when it comes to disruption. I hope you enjoy this episode with Simon as much as Robert and I did. Without further delay, let’s dive right in to this week’s episode with Simon Erickson.

Intro (00:05:46):
You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts, Robert Leonard and Clay Finck, interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Clay Finck (00:06:07):
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. Today I’m joined by my co-host, Robert Leonard. And as I mentioned in the introduction, we have the great pleasure of being joined by Simon Erickson. Welcome to the show, Simon.

Simon Erickson (00:06:20):
Clay, I am excited and honored to be interviewed by you on the show today. It’s a lot of fun. Thanks for having me.

Clay Finck (00:06:26):
When I heard that you were going to be my first guest on the podcast, I was very excited, to say the least. As a listener of the show, I enjoyed learning from your insights on how you think about investing and where you see the future going in some of the industries we’re going to talk about today. Now, you’ve been on the podcast twice previously, those are episodes 40 and 88 for listeners who would like to refer back to those. For those who are newer listeners, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got to where you are today.

Simon Erickson (00:06:56):
Well, I like long walks on the beach and I’m an Aries. I’m just messing with you. My story is, I started as an engineer, Clay. I was a chemical engineer that transitioned into a technical sales role. So rather than swatting mosquitoes in the middle of a chemical plant in Texas, it was going out and traveling and staying in that same Courtyard Marriott every single night, four nights a week. But the interesting eye-opening part of it was I got to see what was innovative, what people were working on out there. Every company wants to stay a step ahead of its competitors and develop new products. And so, we were selling the specialty chemicals that were becoming a part of that.


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