5 August 2022

On today’s MI Rewind, Robert Leonard talks with Chris Lustrino about online private markets, equity crowdfunding, how to value, analyze, and rate private businesses as compared to publicly owned companies, and much, much more! 

Chris is Founder & CEO of KingsCrowd, the first ratings and analytics service for the online private markets. He has raised $2.5M from 2,100 investors to date and grown his business to over 350,000 subscribers and 20 full time staff. Prior to founding KingsCrowd, he worked on behalf of private equity clients at LEK Consulting from 2014 to 2017. He also founded Simple.Innovative.Change, a Fintech publication focused on alternative investments and lending, and was a finalist for the 2018 LendIt Fintech Journalist of the Year.



  • What an online private market is, what equity crowdfunding is, and how Title II of the JOBS Act made both possible.
  • What to look for when analyzing a private business and how it is different from analyzing a publicly traded company.
  • How to go about valuing a business raising money through an online private market.
  • What SAFE is as an acronym (S-A-F-E), and not just the word “safe” as a security type.
  • What specific security types people should avoid as investments.
  • How Chris views diversification when investing in private companies and how important it is.
  • How returns in private businesses differ from traditional public stocks.
  • How investors actually realize returns and how they get liquidity.
  • How running a ratings business helped Chris with his own business.
  • How a ratings business remains objective when analyzing other private businesses.
  • And much, much more!




Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Chris Lustrino (00:01):

If we focus on early-stage companies, which I think is probably the most exciting investment opportunity for most people and the one that most people want to get into and are doing online right now.

Robert Leonard (00:16):

In this episode, I talk with Chris Lustrino about online private markets, equity crowdfunding, how to value, analyze, and rate private businesses, how that process is different than it is for publicly-traded companies, and much more. I’ve recently entered the world of equity crowdfunding myself as an investor, and I have found this space absolutely fascinating lately. I really enjoyed this conversation with Chris and I’m sure you guys will too. Before we get into this episode, I want to share some exciting news and an opportunity we have available for you guys.

Robert Leonard (00:50):

We’re actually looking for a new podcast host. Specifically, I’m looking for someone who wants to become a podcast host full-time with TIP. You’d be working with me directly and hosting the Millennial Investing Podcast. It is a full-time role, but you’re able to make your own hours, work whenever you want, from wherever you want. If you’re interested in applying, please send your resume via email to robert@theinvestorspodcast.com, or you can DM me on Twitter or Instagram for more information. And you can connect with me on Twitter and Instagram @therobertleonard.

Robert Leonard (01:29):

All right. Now, without further delay, let’s get into this week’s awesome episode with Chris Lustrino.

Speaker 1 (01:35):

You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard (01:58):

Hey everyone, welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Robert Leonard, and with me today, I have Chris Lustrino. Chris, welcome to the show.

Chris Lustrino (02:08):

Hey. Thanks so much for having me, Robert, really excited to be here.

Robert Leonard (02:11):

Let’s kick off the show, talk a little bit about you, let the audience get to know you a little bit better. Tell us about yourself and how you got to where you are today.

Chris Lustrino (02:20):

Well, it’s an interesting story. I graduated college about, I guess it’s seven, eight years now from Boston College. And went and got my first job where I definitely thought I was going to change the world. I was working at a management consulting firm. I helped the biggest companies in the world solve their hardest problems. Well, I learned an incredible amount, I also ended up learning how the real world works, and maybe that’s not necessarily always the case. And spent a lot of my time working for private equity finance.


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