08 October 2021

On today’s Millennial Investing Rewind, Robert Leonard revisits his talk with Nir Eyal wherein they discuss his experience as an entrepreneur and his two best-selling books, Indistractable and Hooked. Nir is an expert on behavioral psychology and he has been able to use that to create many successful businesses and products. Nir is a strong believer in controlling your mind and attention to achieve superior results throughout life.



  • Nir Eyal’s experience as an entrepreneur through multiple successful ventures
  • What angel investors are looking for and how projects become successful
  • Why you need to be “indistractable”
  • Why behavior psychology is so important in business
  • And much, much more!


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Robert Leonard  00:02

Today, I speak with Nir Eyal to discuss his experience as an entrepreneur and his two best-selling books. Nir is an expert on behavioral psychology, and he has been able to use that to create many successful businesses and products. Nir is a strong believer in controlling your mind and attention to achieve superior results throughout life. I’m excited to have Nir on the show today because the topics we talked about in this episode help in so many different aspects of life. The topics will help with your general productivity in life. But if you’re able to master them, they can also help with a lot of your stock investing, your career, side hustles, business or even your personal finances.

Robert Leonard  01:56

Thank you so much to everyone who has left reviews for the show already. And if you haven’t already, but you’d like to help the show grow, or possibly even hear your review read on an episode, you can take just 30 seconds and leave a five-star rating and review in Apple podcasts. As you heard from the two I just read, they can be long or short, they both helped the same. So it doesn’t have to take a lot of your time. You can also help with word of mouth by sharing the show with your friends and asking them to subscribe. Both of these really help the show grow, and I truly appreciate it. Now without further delay, let’s get into this episode with Nir.

Intro  02:31

You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host Robert Leonard interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard  02:53

Hey, everyone, welcome to the show. I’m your host, Robert Leonard, and with me today, I’m very excited to have Nir Eyal. Welcome to the show, Nir.

Nir Eyal  03:01

Thanks. Great to be here.

Robert Leonard  03:03

You’ve had a lot of experiences and success as an entrepreneur, investor, and author that I’m looking forward to talking about throughout this interview, as well as the specific topics you cover in your two best-selling books. But let’s start with your background and who you are.

Nir Eyal  03:18

Sure, so I’m what you would call it behavioral designer. And that means that my job is about helping companies design healthy habits in their users through the use of technology. So my first book was really about how to build habit-forming products. The book is called “Hooked.” And the idea behind the book was to steal the secrets from companies like Facebook, Google, and Slack and all of these products that are so engaging, right, the best in the business products when it comes to creating very sticky and engaging products, so that the rest of us can build the kind of products and services that improve people’s lives by building healthy habits.

And that’s exactly what’s happened. So companies like Fitbod uses the “hook” model to get people hooked to exercising in the gym. Companies like Kahoot! is a company I like so much actually invested in them. They use the “hook” model to get kids hooked onto in-classroom learning. My clients have included companies like the New York Times that I’ve helped people hook to reading the newspaper every day. And so, the idea is that we can use this stuff for good.

Nir Eyal  04:12

Of course, in the course of my study, a question that always came up and a problem that I had in my own life was what happens when products are designed to be so good that sometimes they’re hard to stop using? That sometimes that can lead towards distraction? And so that’s the topic of my second book, “Indistractable,” which is all about how to control your attention and choose your life. And it was because I had this vantage point of understanding the root cause of distraction and how these products are designed to capture so much of your attention. I know also the Achilles heel. And I think I now have a framework that took me over five years to develop to help people get the best out of technology without letting it get the best of us. So it’s a very tech positive approach to using technology, in such a way that it doesn’t distract us but in fact empowers us to do more.

Robert Leonard  04:14

Has social media platforms done such a good job that it’s *inaudible users too hooked?

Nir Eyal  05:05

I don’t think so. I think that today we hear a lot of blame at these companies. And that’s, interestingly enough propagated by their competitors. So where you hear that narrative is, you know, in, in the New York Times and in the traditional media, the companies that are threatened by the business models of companies like Facebook, Google, because look, they all monetize the same way, right? The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal monetize the same way Facebook does, and that’s by selling your attention to advertisers. Big surprise.




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