26 January 2023

Rebecca Hotsko chats with Andrew Kadjeski about how the ETF structure and ecosystem works, how to compare ETFs with similar objectives but different indices and determine which is better, the importance of keeping a consistent exposure to the same index for investors building a portfolio using several ETFs, why Vanguard dumped MSCI Indexes in favor of CRSP for most US index funds in 2012, the three main costs associated with ETFs, when and how ETF’s take their fees, why investors should  avoid trading ETFs really early in the open of a market open, why it’s better to trade international ETFs at a time that coincides with the hours of the underlying shares local markets, what are some ways that ETFs can be used for short term goals, the two types of capital gains investors need to be aware of with ETFs, the difference between CAD listed vs US listed ETFs that track the same market, why can ETFs differ from their NAV, what does this mean if it’s trading at a premium or discount to the NAV, when is the best time to buy international ETFs, and so much more!   

Andrew Kadjeski, Head of Vanguard Personal Investor, Brokerage and Investments at Vanguard. In this capacity, he leads Retail Brokerage (trading, cash management, margin, securities lending, settlement, corporate actions, tax, and regulated output) and Education Savings (e.g., 529 plans).Since joining Vanguard in 2006, Andrew has also held various positions in Vanguard’s Finance, International and Institutional divisions. He received a B.S. in International Business from Elizabethtown College and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.



  • How the ETF structure and ecosystem works. 
  • The purpose of the indexes that ETFs track. 
  • How to compare ETFs with similar objectives but different indices and determine which is better. 
  • For investors building a portfolio using several ETFs, the importance of keeping a consistent exposure to the same index. 
  • Why Vanguard dumped MSCI Indexes in favor of CRSP for most US index funds in 2012. 
  • The three main costs associated with ETFs. 
  • When and how ETF take their fees? 
  • Why investors should  avoid trading ETFs really early in the open of a market open. 
  • Why it’s better to trade international ETFs at a time that coincides with the hours of the underlying shares local markets. 
  • What are some ways that ETFs can be used for short term goals? 
  • The two types of capital gains investors need to be aware of with ETFs. 
  • The difference between CAD listed vs US listed ETFs that track the same market. 
  • Why can ETFs differ from their NAV, what does this mean if it’s trading at a premium or discount?
  • When is the best time to buy international ETFs. 
  • What differentiates Vanguard from other ETF providers?   
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off-timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:02] Andrew Kadjeski: Now, if that’s the case, again, it’s really important for investors to understand how the different index providers define the sub-asset class. You need to get under the hood of the ETF. For example, again, if an investor were to choose an S&P 500 ETF, like Vanguard’s VOO, for large cap exposure, but then the Russell 2000 ETF, like VTWO, right?

[00:00:23] Andrew Kadjeski: For small cap exposure. That investor would actually end up with gaps in their portfolio, right? They’re going to be missing exposure to certain mid-cap companies. Again, at the end of the day, the simplest way for an investor to ensure they have exposure to the kind of the full investible market is to choose a total market fund .

[00:00:44] Rebecca Hotsko: On today’s episode, I’m joined by Andrew Kadjeski. Andrew is the head of brokerage and investments for Vanguard’s personal investor business. He’s responsible for the core brokerage services as well as the investment product portfolio for individual investors. During this episode, Andrew explains how the ETF structure and ecosystem works, how to compare ETFs with similar objectives, but track different indices and how to determine which is better.

[00:01:12] Rebecca Hotsko: He also discusses why keeping a consistent exposure to the same index is important for investors. Building a portfolio, using several ETFs, why investors should avoid trading ETFs really early in a trading open, when is the best time to trade international ETFs, the differences between Canadian listed and US listed ETFs that track the same market.

[00:01:34] Rebecca Hotsko: Why ETFs can differ from their net asset value, what does it mean if it’s trading at a premium or a discount to the net asset value and so much more. I really enjoyed this deep dive into ETFs with Andrew. As we talk about a lot on this show, ETFs are a great option for many investors for their long-term portfolio, but as with any investment, there are many things investors need to consider and do due diligence on when choosing which ETF to buy. And especially now as there have been such an influx of ETFs and new ETF providers over the years, it’s important to know what to look for in an ETF. And so Andrew covers all of this in this episode and more, and I found it extremely valuable.

[00:02:18] Rebecca Hotsko: So with that all said, I really hope you enjoyed today’s episode. 

[00:02:23] Intro: You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko, interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

[00:02:45] Rebecca Hotsko: Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Rebecca Hotsko. And on today’s episode, I’m joined by Andrew Kadjeski. Welcome to the show, Andrew. 

[00:02:55] Andrew Kadjeski: Thanks for having me, Rebecca. 

[00:02:57] Rebecca Hotsko: Thank you for joining me today. Today, we’re going to be talking all about ETFs. We talk about ETFs quite a bit on our show as good long-term investment options.


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