06 October 2021

Robert Leonard chats for the second time with Mike Michalowicz to discuss entrepreneurship and marketing tactics in his new book, Get Different, why having no money or experience actually gives someone a shot at their business working, why a business plan is a waste of time, and much, much more!

Mike Michalowicz is a serial entrepreneur, who had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies by the age of 35. Confident that he had discovered the formula to success, he became a small business angel investor and lost his entire fortune. Driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies, he decided to start all over again and has devoted his life to the research and delivery of innovative, impactful entrepreneurial strategies. He has also written some of the best-selling books in business, including Profit First, Clockwork, and Fix This Next, which are practical and proven guides on standing out in a crowded market.

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  • Why having no money or experience actually gives someone a shot at their business working
  • Why a business plan is a waste of time, and if we don’t need a business plan what the three sheets of paper that we need to successfully launch, manage, and grow a business
  • Why being better isn’t enough to win customers
  • How someone can get their very first customer, who isn’t a friend or family member
  • Why most businesses and people’s marketing plans fail
  • Why copying best practices from your competition almost guarantees your marketing will go unnoticed
  • The breakdown of the idea of the DAD or D-A-D framework
  • If Mike was able to go back to before he started his first two successful companies, or even if he is to launch a brand new business today, what would he use that he knows now would increase the speed and probability of his businesses’ success
  • Which habit or principle does Mike follow in his life that has had a big impact on his success, and what has been the most influential book in his life
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Mike Michalowicz (00:02):
I think the greatest day for most entrepreneurs, honestly, is the day before they start their business. With these grand hopes, “We’re about to get into the ring with Tyson, we got this.” And then, you take that first punch and it’s like, “What the hell just happened?”

Robert Leonard (00:18):
On today’s show, I bring back Mike Michalowicz to discuss entrepreneurship and marketing tactics, why being better isn’t good enough to win customers anymore, why having no money or experience actually gives someone a shot at their business working, why a business plan is a waste of time, and a bunch more. Mike Michalowicz is a serial entrepreneur who had founded and sold two multi-million dollar companies by the age of 35. Confident that he had discovered the formula to success, he became a small business angel investor and lost his entire fortune. Driven to find better ways to grow healthy, strong companies, he decided to start all over again and has devoted his life to the research and delivery of innovative, impactful, entrepreneurial strategies. He has also written some of the bestselling books in business, including Profit First, Clockwork, Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, Fix This Next, and his newest book, Get Different. I always have a great time anytime I get the chance to chat with Mike, he teaches me a ton about business, entrepreneurship, and even building side hustles. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Intro (01:24):
You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard (01:47):
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I am your host, Robert Leonard. And with me today, I welcome back Mike Michalowicz. Mike, welcome to the show.

Mike Michalowicz (01:56):
Robert, it’s a “two-peat”. It’s good to be back!

Robert Leonard (02:00):
Your last episode on the show was number 43, for anyone that hasn’t heard it yet and is interested in going back to check it out. For those who haven’t heard it and might not know who you are, which I think they’re crazy if they don’t, but give us a quick rundown on your background, who you are, and how you got to where you are today.

Mike Michalowicz (02:18):
Today I am an author, that’s my full-time endeavor. And actually, you can see over my left shoulder here, I have my books they’re strategically positioned. But I’m an entrepreneur, my entire adult life, came from the tech space. I had built some businesses, I had the good fortune of selling some businesses. Had the misfortune, which actually now in retrospect is probably the best thing ever. I started an angel investing company. I was like, “Oh, I’ll build tons of small businesses and that’s going to be the pinnacle of my success.” And I was horrible at it. I destroyed these businesses. I had no idea what I was doing and I wiped myself out financially, I actually lost everything except for my family. I lost my home, lost my cars, lost everything, and went through depression as a result. It triggered a change. I woke up and said, “Oh my gosh, I thought I knew everything about entrepreneurship, I know nothing.”


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