24 September 2021

On today’s Millennial Investing Rewind, Robert Leonard revisits Part 1 of this two-part series all about Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology with TIP’s Co-Founder, Preston Pysh. Preston is a graduate of West Point and Johns Hopkins University, the founder of BuffettsBooks.com, and Co-Founder/Co-Host of We Study Billionaires by The Investor’s Podcast Network.



  • What Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain are.
  • Why we need an alternative currency that isn’t the US Dollar.
  • How to value an asset such as a cryptocurrency.
  • Why the most common argument against Bitcoin is inaccurate.
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors may occur.

Robert Leonard  00:02

Today’s show is a special one for a few reasons, mainly because I bring back Preston Pysh, who’s the co-founder of The Investor’s Podcast Network, but also because this is going to be the first two-part episode here on Millennial Investing. Preston’s and my conversation ran long, so I decided to split it up into two episodes. This episode will be part one, and next week’s episode will be part two, where we continue the conversation.

In this episode, we talk about topics that are very popular these days. I know a lot of people are interested in them, but we haven’t yet covered them on the show. Today, we’ll be talking all about Bitcoin, blockchain and other cryptocurrencies. You’ll hear throughout this conversation that I’m very honest and upfront that I personally know nothing about these topics.

If you’re new to it all, and it seems confusing, and even a bit overwhelming. I’m right there with you. I even tell a story in the episode about how I bought a bitcoin a few years ago, but I had to sell it a few days later because I literally felt sick. I didn’t understand it, and I just wasn’t comfortable owning it. I couldn’t sleep well at night.

So, if you’re like me, and you enjoy the content, but it’s a bit heavy or technical, don’t be afraid to go back and listen to it again and again and again if you have to. I’ve already listened to this entire conversation about three or four times myself. So, if you enjoy the content, but just need to hear it again to really comprehend it, I definitely recommend you do that.

Coming from the vantage point of not knowing anything about Bitcoin, blockchain, or really any cryptocurrencies, I’ve always been very skeptical of at all. A lot of what I read on the internet seems like a scam. My very surface-level thoughts made me think negatively about all of these things. In reality, it’s just been outside my circle of competency. But when someone like Preston is so passionate and bullish on it, it makes me realize that maybe I should look into it too.

I know Preston, and he’s a Warren Buffett value-investing type guy. He founded The Investor’s Podcast Network, wrote multiple books, and published a bunch of courses with Stig entirely around value-investing in Warren Buffett. So, to know that this type of guy can be into this content, and these types of topics, it really got me intrigued.

Throughout the conversation, I think it’ll be very clear for you all just how brilliant Preston is, and how he’s really put in the time and effort to study this material and understand it fully. That said, not everyone agrees with the points Preston makes throughout the episode. Some of it is his opinion, so keep that in mind. But he has at least put a lot of thought and research into it. He also uses a lot of great examples and metaphors throughout the episode that really helped drive home the points in ways that are easy to understand for people like me, who don’t know anything about these topics. With all of that said, let’s dive into part one of my conversation with Preston Pysh.

Intro  03:01

You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard  03:23

Hey, everyone! Welcome to the show. I’m your host, Robert Leonard. With me today, I have a very special guest. I have Preston Pysh from We Study Billionaires. Welcome to the show, Preston.

Preston Pysh  03:33

Hey, Robert! Great to be here. Excited.

Robert Leonard  03:36

Most of the people listening to the show today are probably familiar with you from your podcast, We Study Billionaires, with Stig, but for those who may not know who you are, give us a quick overview of your background.

Preston Pysh  03:47

Well, I have a strange background for this space to be talking about finance. I’ve always just had a passion for investing and then oh boy! Six years ago, I want to say, Stig and I started a podcast, which was the We Study Billionaires podcast. Maybe eight or nine years before that, we co-authored a book. We started off focusing on Warren Buffett and his investing style.

I programmed the website called Buffett’s Books, which kind of teaches Buffett’s style of investing step by step. It’s a completely free website. Every lesson on there is completely free. It’s buffettsbooks.com. If somebody has an interest in that style of investing, it’s a pretty easy site to go through. You can kind of learn the basics of investing. But that’s kind of how I got my start, putting all that content out there. It’s just a love of talking about finance. To be honest with you, it’s more of a love for mathematics and just trying to solve puzzles that have attracted me to finance and investing.

Robert Leonard  04:47

Investing really is just like a big puzzle, right? So you’re putting all these pieces together and trying to make them all fit and just make that masterpiece at the end.

Preston Pysh  04:56

That’s what it is. It’s a challenge. I think what I really liked about it was that everyone’s got an opinion. But at the end of the day, the thing that settles the score is the person who had the winning position and has the proof of work. That’s how I would kind of describe it. But it’s really fun to step in and try to take a contrarian position on something.


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