28 May 2022

On today’s episode, Clay Finck covers why it is harder to beat the market than most people believe, why most people should invest most of their money in low-cost index funds, and why you should be mindful of the fees investment managers charge. Even if you enjoy picking stocks and investing in other asset classes, this episode is a must listen so you can better understand why investing in low-cost index funds is so powerful and very difficult to beat.



  • What it means to beat the market.
  • Why it is harder to beat the market than most people believe.
  • Why low-cost index funds should be the base foundation of most people’s portfolio.
  • Why you should be mindful of the fees investment managers charge.
  • And much, much more!



Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Clay Finck (00:03):

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Clay Finck, and today is another release of our mini episode series that is released every Saturday. The mini episode series is the type of episodes where it is just me diving into a specific topic related to personal finance, money, investing, and other money challenges that millennials might face in their life. With that, let’s dive right in.

Intro (00:27):

You’re listening to Millennial Investing, by the The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your hosts, Robert Leonard, and Clay Finck, interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Clay Finck (00:48):

All right. During this episode, I’m going to be covering why it is so difficult to beat the market, and by market, I mean the S&P 500. I think that many people almost assume that about anyone can beat a simple S&P 500 index fund, thinking that it really can’t be that difficult.

Clay Finck (01:05):

First, when someone chooses that they want to invest in stocks, one could either choose active management or passive management. Passive management involves simply buying a low cost index fund that follows the trend of the overall stock market. The S&P 500, for example, owns 500 of the largest companies in the United States. Its top holdings include companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and so on. So when I say it is difficult to beat the market, by market I generally mean the S&P 500, since it is a general indicator of the stock market as it holds 500 of the largest companies.

Clay Finck (01:40):

Active management involves trying to pick and choose stocks, oftentimes with the goal of trying to beat the S&P 500, because if you can’t beat the S&P, then you might as well just take the passive strategy because it doesn’t take any effort at all or waste any of your time trying to pick and choose and research stocks. Or for some people, they might be paying a money manager to pick and choose stocks for them.

Clay Finck (02:03):

If you turn on CNBC or log into Twitter, you’ll see a lot of people saying to buy some stock because they think it will do well over the next few years or for the long-term, for whatever reason, or they might even say that the company is going to be the next Apple or the next Amazon.


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