04 April 2023

Rebecca Hotsko talks with Joseph Wang about the ongoing banking crisis, including the reasons behind the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse, the possibility of further contagion in the industry, and other related topics.

Joseph is the CIO at Monetary Macro, and previously a senior trader on the Fed’s trading desk.



  • An update on the current banking crisis. 
  • What caused Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank,  and Credit Suisse to fail? 
  • Joseph’s thoughts on whether this contagion is likely to spread and cause other banks to fail. 
  • What warning signs can investors look for to determine a bank is not properly managing their risks? 
  • His main take-aways from the recent Fed meeting. 
  • How increased regulations could impact bank’s profitability going forward? 
  • What’s driving the trend of declining deposits?
  • Does a “higher for longer” interest rate environment pose a major risk to the banking sector? 
  • Joseph’s thoughts on what the future of banking looks like, and whether we could see a bankless future or not.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off-timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Joseph Wang: I think it’s difficult to see a bankless future, and that’s because banks play a very important role in the economy by creating money. I think what’s more interesting about what’s happening now is that if you are willing to completely guarantee all deposits in a bank, I think the next step would be some kind of central bank digital currency.

[00:00:24] Joseph Wang: Instead of depositing money at a bank that’s guaranteed, maybe you just deposit money directly at the Federal Reserve. And that has tremendous implications because that would make the government ultimately a major creator of money and they could decide who gets money and who doesn’t. And I’d also note that it seems like the banks that have been going under.

[00:00:49] Joseph Wang: Are those that have been strongly associated with crypto, like Signature Bank, like Silver Gate and so forth. And you know, I think that would send a strong signal to other banks to probably not sponsor these activities.

[00:01:04] Rebecca Hotsko: On today’s episode, I bring on Joseph Wang, who’s the Chief Investment Officer at Monetary Macro, and previously he was a senior trader for the Federal Reserve. During this episode, Joseph breaks down the crisis the banking sector is currently facing with the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and then Credit Suisse.

[00:01:24] Rebecca Hotsko: He talks about how this happened, what this means for investors and depositors in these banks. And is this contagion likely to spread to other banks and institutions? He also shares his key takeaways from the recent Fed meeting, including the measures that were put in place to save the banking sector and what these new policies could mean for the banks’ future profitability.

[00:01:50] Rebecca Hotsko: We also dive into a deeper topic about what the future of banking could look like. I asked him if we could see  a world where there’s a bankless future and the role decentralized finance and crypto could play in this versus Central Bank digital currencies. I am so thrilled I got Joseph Vaughn to break down everything that’s been happening in the banking sector with us. This was a jam-packed episode, and so I really hope you enjoyed today’s conversation as much as I did.

[00:02:24] Intro: You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where hosts Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

[00:02:38] Rebecca Hotsko: Welcome to the Millennial Investing Podcast. I’m your host, Rebecca Hotsko, and on today’s episode, I’m joined by Joseph Wang. Joseph, welcome to the show.

[00:02:47] Joseph Wang: Thanks so much for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.

[00:02:50] Rebecca Hotsko: Thank you so much for taking the time to come on today. I wanted to have you on to get your thoughts on everything [00:03:00] that’s been happening with the banking crisis. We’ve seen the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and then Credit Suisse in recent days, and so I want to break down what led all of this to happen with you and get your thoughts on what this means for investors and the banking sector going forward. And I kind of want to start off the discussion with a high-level question of why we have bank runs in the first place. Because the Fed has the ability to save banks, and apparently, they even save banks with uninsured deposits. So why do they happen?

[00:03:40] Joseph Wang: Yeah, that’s a great question. So, I think it’s helpful to think about the problems that a bank faces as a business. So, a bank has short-dated liabilities, deposits, and longer-dated assets. Let’s look at it from a depositor perspective. So, me and you, we put money in a bank, right? And we expect to be able to take that money back whenever we want. In practice, we usually leave deposits there and we don’t do much with it, but in theory, we could take it back whenever we want. Now, from the bank’s perspective, they have all these deposits that in practice they usually stay put.


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