03 January 2023

In this episode, Rebecca pulls together clips from some of her favorite interviews over the course of 2022 and shares the biggest lessons and take-aways from these guests, along with some practical take-aways of how to apply this to your own strategy going forward. 



  • An overview of the market and the best and worst performing sectors during 2022. 
  • Investment theme 1: Are we in a new commodity bull cycle?  
  •  Investment theme 2: How mean reversion impacts your returns
  • Investment theme 3: Two ways to become a better investor. 
  • And much, much more! 


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Rebecca Hotsko: Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Millennial Investing Podcast. As always, I’m your host, Rebecca Hotsko, and today’s episode, it’s going to be a little bit different. It’s just me because I wanted to do an end-of-the-year recap of 2022 and go over what happened in markets and share some of my biggest learnings and takeaways from the guests that I’ve had on this.

[00:00:23] Rebecca Hotsko: I know that I’ve learned an incredible amount from speaking with so many great guests over the past six months, and so this episode will be all about the most important takeaways and how we can use this knowledge to be better investors and in our own investment strategy going forward. So with that, all said, I really hope you enjoy today’s year-end episode.

[00:00:46] Intro: You are listening to Millennial Investing by The Investors Podcast Network, where your hosts Robert Leonard and Rebecca Hotsko, interview successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

[00:01:00] Rebecca Hotsko: So to kick things off today, I wanted to start off by running through a recap of the market, and go over the best and worst performing sectors to get a sense of where we are today. What’s been really interesting about this year is that on an average basis, it looks like it wasn’t too bad. But really when we dive into the data on an industry level, the average is being pushed up by the energy sector in terms of price, performance, and earnings growth.

[00:01:26] Rebecca Hotsko: Where if the energy sector was excluded from the index, The total earnings for the S&P500 index would actually have declined by almost 2% rather than the 5% growth that is expected. So the market as a whole has really been driven by energy, which isn’t a surprise to many of us. We’ve heard this from lots of guests on the show.

[00:01:49] Rebecca Hotsko: but jumping into this in a bit more detail, I think it’s an interesting thought experiment to look back and see what assets and sectors performed well during this high inflation, high-interest rate, low growth [00:02:00] environment, and see if that matches up to the assets that typically are expected to perform well during these times.

[00:02:06] Rebecca Hotsko: So if we start with the best performing sectors, which was. , it was up more than 40% for the year on a relative basis, and this sector is expected to report earnings growth of 151.7% for the year, which is the highest set of all the 11 sectors by far. So a couple of things to note on this. So the outperformance in the energy sector was really driven by these higher energy prices because of the rebound in demand post-pandemic.

[00:02:39] Rebecca Hotsko: And at the same time, producers had limited ability to ramp up production after shutting in due to Covid, which supply. And then this imbalance was further exasperated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which caused energy prices to spike to multi-year highs. And global gas prices actually spiked to all-time highs.

[00:03:00] Rebecca Hotsko: And so these higher energy prices were obviously very positive for these companies and was the main driver of this massive o performance for the sector and that crazy increase in earnings growth. Now are these really high prices expected to persist? We’re already currently down significantly from the highs where WTI was trading well over a hundred dollars.


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