20 May 2018

In this episode, Preston and Stig talk to the world renown economist and central banking expert, James Rickards.  Jim is the New York Times Best Selling Author of books like Currency WarsThe Death of Money, and A New Case for Gold.  Jim has worked on Wall Street for more than 35 years and his comments and commentary is frequently aired on CNBC, Bloomberg, and countless other national level news organizations. And His books are on the recommended reading lists at places like Bridgewater Associates and major banks. Our interview with Jim is two episodes long, so on today’s show, we cover a couple different topics.


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  • Why the opportunity to short Bitcoin has changed the price setting.
  • Why Bitcoin can’t be used in a credit based system, and why that is a problem for economic growth.
  • Why it’s easier to forecast financial events in 6 months than tomorrow.
  • How the Euro will appreciate compared to the dollars by the end of the year.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  0:02  

How is everyone doing out there? On today’s show, we continue our conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jim Rickards. 

If you missed our first part conversation, I highly recommend that you go back and listen to the first 45 minutes of that discussion. This episode picks up where Jim left off in the previous week. He was describing his concerns with Bitcoin and how it fits into the modern credit-based financial system. 

Additionally, Jim talks to us about a new venture he is starting that involves artificial intelligence. Without further delay, here’s our second part interview with Jim Rickards.

Intro 0:36  

You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast where we study the financial markets and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  0:57  

Let’s just say that we fast forward a year two years in advance and let’s say Bitcoin has another big resurgence and another big price movement. At this point, let’s say that the US government or any other major economy says, “This is enough. We’re going to shut this down.” 

I personally feel you’ve had so much entrenchment into the finance industry at that point. I mean, we now have the CME with derivatives wrapped around this. We’re potentially going to have ETF vehicles now that the derivatives are in place that is then going to be wrapped around this. We’re going to have options that are then wrapped around the ETF vehicles and everything else. 

Don’t you kind of feel like the longer that the government doesn’t make a decision on this, the harder it’s going to be for them to actually shut it down? What are your thoughts on that?

Jim Rickards  1:43  

I think the decisions have already been made. It’s an interesting hypothetical, but the decision has already been made. 

The fact that Bitcoin is way off the top. As such, the price has dropped 70%, which it has, but the volumes have dropped. You’re not seeing the transaction volume. A lot of exchanges have been shut down. We’re under scrutiny. 

However, the point being a lot of people are getting a very rude awakening about reporting their crypto profits. Some people are going to roll the dice and not report them. They have a good chance of landing in jail. Those who do report them are like, “Wait a second, I got my Bitcoin about 1000. I saw… 12,000 I swapped into Ripple. I still have crypto but you’re trying to do 10,000 a coin on 1000 coins is $10 million. I owe $4 million in tax when all I have is Ripple.” 

That’s what’s happening. You have to pay the tax in dollars, even if you rolled into Ripple or ether. People are just finding out the hard way that the rules apply to them. 

As far as the derivatives are concerned, I remember when, late last summer, early fall 2017, when the Chicago Board Options Exchange and NASDAQ were announcing all these derivatives and all the Bitcoin groupies were jumping out of the seas and saying, “Yay. Look at us. We’re real. We’re respectable. These big established institutions are watching derivatives on our currencies. That validates the use case of our currencies.”

I said, “Man, you don’t know anything about derivatives. They’re going to crush you.”

If you look at when the Bitcoin future was launched, and when the market broke, it was the same day. In other words, one of the reasons it went up was because there was no way to short it. 

The demand can create short interest is like, “Hey, bring it on.” So I just said, “Be careful what you wish for. Those derivatives have proved the undoing….”  Bitcoin might have gone to $40,000 if you had never invented a way to short it, but they didn’t. It went straight down after that. 

As far as the Chicago boys are concerned, they will trade anything for a buck. They don’t care. They’re not Bitcoin supporters. They’re supporters of commissions: soybeans, lumber, pork bellies, Bitcoin. It’s all the same. If they can make a spread and if it is any big, they’ll trade it.

To the combination of fact that they did for reasons of their own that had nothing to do with supporting the Bitcoin community and the many ways you can short it, it felt like a rock up off of its high building. That tells you all you need to know about derivatives.


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