10 March 2018

Malcolm Gladwell is a New York Times Best Selling author for multiple books, and on today’s show, Preston and Stig cover his book Blink.  Gladwell’s book goes into detail exploring the things that happen in the first two seconds a person is exposed to something new.  He examines why some people are able to make really good snap judgments while others are terrible.  The Investor’s Podcast chose this book because stock investors are constantly making good and bad decisions that sometimes based on instinct.  Hopefully, the information discussed in this episode will provide deeper clues into the reliability of using instinctive gut feelings when making investment decisions.


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh 0:02
One of the most common characteristics that every investor can empathize with is the feeling and emotions that occur while being a participant in the financial markets. For instance, when the market goes down by 2% in a single day, how well do you manage your emotions?

As we previously learned from studying Daniel Kahneman’s famous book “Thinking Fast and Slow,” people tend to make better decisions when they slow things down and use their rational mind to draw conclusions.

With that said, today’s conversation is going to go into more detail about our quick snap judgments. To learn more about this part of the mind, we read a book by the New York Time’ bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell. The name of the book is “Blink.”

This was a fascinating read about what happens in the mind when an individual uses their immediate cognitive thinking to get accurate and sometimes not so accurate results in the way that they interpret the world around them. I really think you’re going to enjoy this discussion about this landmark book. Without further delay, let’s go ahead and get to it.

Intro 1:00
You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast where we study the financial markets and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh 1:20
All right, how’s everyone doing out there? Stig and I are here with you covering the book “Blink.” The subtitle for this book is “The power of thinking without thinking.”

Malcolm Gladwell is effectively saying that the purpose of this book is to figure out what’s going on in the mind in the first two seconds that somebody is engaged with something new such as if they’re asked a question, if they meet a new person, if they have a new experience. The first two seconds when a person’s making that snap judgment, he’s trying to understand what’s cognitively happening during those first two seconds. This was a really interesting book. This was quite different from a lot of other things that we’ve read.

I guess you could say that Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” covers some of this with the fast thinking, but definitely not as interesting of a read. This was way more interesting to read and the stories in this were way better than Kahneman’s. That was much more academic in the way that it read.

I’m curious. Stig, did you like this read? What were some of your initial thoughts before we start plowing through the stories?

Stig Brodersen 2:27
I definitely liked the book. I like how he’s really looking at how you talk about the blink of an eye, like really snap. I think he called it just a snap decision about anything or something, and how we can use it to our advantage or disadvantage and how we have probably before reading the book, at least, not really considering and not being conscious about how we’re using that two seconds to advantage instead of the opposite.

Preston Pysh 2:53
I think that’s what I walked away from this book, probably more than anything. It is just being aware of the fact that I have these snap judgments that happen. The reliability of those judgments is sometimes really accurate, and then sometimes really bad. I don’t necessarily know that I can identify when one or the other after reading this.

Anyway, let’s go ahead and start off our discussion through the book. I really liked how this book started. I think that he had such a strong opening with the story that he told.

What it is is he starts off by telling this story about the Paul Getty Museum, which is out in California. This story happened back in 1983. There’s a kouros statue, this is like one of those Roman Greek statues like the statue of David kind of thing.

Now, I’m sure if anybody out there is into sculpting and things like that, you’re probably rolling your eyes at my description of all this stuff, because I am not the smartest person when it comes to sculpting.

What they brought into the museum was a kouros statue. The person who brought it to the museum wanted to sell it for around $10 million. And so, the museum before they would make the purchase of the statue, wanted to do a bunch of research to confirm that it was authentic. That was like a major process for the museum to undergo and they had to spend a lot of money bringing in experts to look at it to do tests on the actual stone. This is all to make sure that it was of the age that the statue was supposedly from.

They did all these tests and they went through all this. I think it lasted about a year. What they found was all the tests came back that everything was a-ok and that it was what the person who was selling it said that it was, but they had some strange encounters with experts that came to the museum to see the statue.

In one instance, they brought in some renowned experts in this field of study. When the museum pulled the cloth off of the statue and presented it to them, he immediately was kind of like, “There’s no way that’s real.”

He just looked at the curator of the museum and he said, “How much did you guys pay for this?” The curator says, “Well, we haven’t purchased it yet.”

He says, “How much are they wanting?” “$10 million.”

The expert was just like, “Good luck with that. I feel bad for the person that’s going to buy that for $10 million, because that’s not real.”

Remember, he had seen it for just a couple seconds. He hadn’t even walked around and looked at it, but that was his opinion. This really spooked the museum and they thought, “What in the world? Why would this guy say this? He’s not giving us anything really quantifiable as to why or anything that is wrong with this statue.”

So the museum takes the statue on a tour, they actually take it back over to Europe, which is where it originally had come from. They brought in a ton of experts out of Italy and had them all come look at it. The general consensus amongst all the experts was, “There’s no way that thing’s real.”

What was really interesting was the stone on it. It was of like the color and like the wear that it probably should have add based off of the test samples that they had done and all this other research on the background. They were looking at the documents like bank documents from 70 to 80 years ago to confirm all this stuff.

However, after that tour that they took the statue on and this other round of experts had looked at it and kind of just shook their heads, the museum dug much deeper than what they had done. What they ended up finding out was it was in fact a fake.

The story for me was just really fascinating. In the book, it does such a better job of going into the details and describing all the story. Gladwell really unveils this a lot better than what I just described via audio.

It was a fascinating entry to the book of how are these people able to look at something in two seconds and determine whether something’s real or not? When everyone else is… and stealing from Daniel Kahneman, they’re going through very methodically improving that the thing is real.

However, how are these humans being able to look at it in two seconds and make that determination? That’s at the very end of that opening. He says that’s what this whole book is about is how they are able to make that determination. It was a very fascinating story to open up with.


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