26 March 2016

Although everyone knows trust is important to the success of any organization, Stephen Covey takes the idea to a much deeper level. In Covey’s book, “The Speed of Trust,” you’ll learn how trust is an economic issue that revolves around the speed at which people and organizations operate.


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  • Why costs are completely inversely correlated with trust in business.
  • Why trusting other people is ultimately your choice no matter past experiences.
  • How to find the right balance between blind trust and mistrust.
  • How building a corporate brand and building trust is essentially the same.


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Intro  00:04

Broadcasting from Bel Air, Maryland, this is The Investor’s Podcast. They’ll read the books and summarize the lessons. They’ll test the waters and tell you when it’s cold. They’ll give you actionable investing strategies. Your hosts, Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen!

Preston Pysh  00:28

Hey, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh. I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast. And as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host Stig Brodersen out in Denmark. 

Today, we’ve got a book that we read, and the name of the book is “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen M.R. Covey. If you’ve listened to one of our episodes in the past, we read another book by Stephen Covey, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” But this is not the same author, even though they have the exact same name. This is his son that we read this time. The M.R. in the middle of his middle initials is what separates the two here, so you can kind of keep them straight. But they have the exact same name and Stephen M.R. Covey is the son, and he wrote this book, “The Speed of Trust.” The subtitle is the one thing that changes everything. 

I want to say it could probably be a little bit shorter maybe. But I think that the points in the book were absolutely phenomenal and such a core fundamental thing for people to understand, especially if you are a leader within an organization. I think that this book is an absolute must. 


So you know, the whole theme of our show is we study billionaires. So one of the things that we’re big on is endorsements from billionaires, or whether they said that they read the book or not. So here are some of the names of different people that I’m telling you, there’s like a laundry list of people who have endorsed this book: Steve Forbes from Forbes magazine, he’s endorsed this book; Kevin Rollins, who’s the President and CEO of Dell; David Neeleman, he’s the founder and CEO of JetBlue Airways; JW Marriott has endorsed this book. And here’s one for you that I like, the sports star Michael Jordan has also endorsed his book. He’s a very high net worth person. 

So in short, a lot of people out there give their regards to how good this book is. After reading it, I can absolutely attest to the quality of the content. Now, one thing I’ll say is that I listened to the audio version of this book. And I don’t think that the audio version tracked with the actual hard copy of the book, as much as other books that we’ve done in the past. So I’m curious Stig, did you do the audio version of this as well?

Stig Brodersen  02:36

Yeah, I went with the audio version. So I wouldn’t know the other thing.

Preston Pysh  02:40

Now, was the audio version kind of like a seminar of him talking? Is that what you had?

Stig Brodersen  02:45

Yeah, I’d say it was. I had the abridged version, though. That’s one of my good habits from his father. Like I tried to be very time efficient. I think it was a very well-structured. It was almost like a textbook.

Preston Pysh  02:58

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go through chapter by chapter and kind of talk to you about the book. Just real fast, a little bit about Stephen M.R. Covey, the son. So he took over his father’s company and when he did that, he nearly doubled the revenues. I got some figures for you. So he grew the company so that it was doing revenues over 110 million dollars. The company was valued at about $2.4 million when his dad owned it. But then when the son came in, the one who wrote this book, within three years, he grew this shareholders value to 160 million dollars. And then I think he sold it in a merger or something. That’s how they’ve got that valuation. So he grew the company to you know, epic levels, under his leadership, almost 100 fold or like 75 fold of where he originally started out. 

So, not only is he a great writer. He has a lot of track record in business create just epic and awesome returns. So you’re probably wondering how did he do that? A lot of it revolves around his ideas that are written in this book, “The Speed of Trust.” So this is what this book is all about. If there’s one thing that a relationship, individual team company have in common, it’s trust. And when trust vanishes, it can completely destroy a nation, a team, or anything that’s running successfully. It could be even like a little small group. But whenever that trust is developed, and it’s ultimately the potential to deliver prosperity and success in every piece of our life. Trust is that one thing that has the ability to truly change everything, and that’s kind of what he’s getting at with this book.


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