3 May 2015

Josh Dorkin is the owner of BiggerPockets.com, a site that focuses on real investing to help investors. BiggerPockets has quickly gained popularity as one of the best resources on the internet for it’s open architecture and strong community. What started out as a small online forum now has more than 270,000 members, 800,000 unique visitors every month, thousands of articles, and investors who are ready to share their knowledge.


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  • Who is Josh Dorkin?
  • Josh’s biggest learnings as a real estate investor.
  • Josh’s biggest concerns for the real estate market in 2015.
  • Diversifying one’s portfolio.
  • How to identify which real estate investing strategy works for you.
  • Ask the investor: Which free stock screener and investment research site can you recommend?


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Preston Pysh  0:32  

Alright, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh, I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast, and as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host Stig Brodersen out in Denmark. I’ll tell you what, folks, we have a major player on the show today. His name is Joshua Dorkin and he is the founder and CEO of biggerpockets.com. Joshua has been featured on numerous channels like CNBC, Bloomberg, Business Week, NPR, entrepreneur magazine, AOL, and a whole bunch of others. 

His community that he stood up is a community that specializes in real estate and investing in real estate. And so we’ve had a lot of people on our show that are very interested in investing in real estate. 

So, we thought Josh would be the perfect guest for you today. And also, Josh has a podcast of his own. So if you guys ever want to check out his podcast, it’s over at biggerpockets.com and you can find that on iTunes and also his website. But Josh, fantastic. We’re just thrilled to have you on the show, and we’re really excited to get to some of the questions we got for you.

Joshua Dorkin  2:02  

Yeah, that’s great. Thanks for having me, guys.

Preston Pysh  2:04  

Alright, so Stig I think you got the first question. So, go ahead and fire away.

Stig Brodersen  2:08  

Okay, so today you are a big authority in real estate online, Josh. And people out there, they’re looking for you for advice. Now, I know from listening to you before that you had a very humble beginning and you are not afraid of talking about how you lost money in your first real estate deal. What did you learn from that experience? 

Joshua Dorkin  2:30  

Sure. So we all make mistakes. Let’s start there. As a real estate investor, if you’re not making mistakes, you’re probably not doing anything. It’s almost impossible to do this business, get into this field without messing up. So, technically my first real estate deal was this condo that I bought in California and lived in. And actually, I didn’t make money on that. Although, I learned a lot in doing that. 

I rant and rave about condos and boards and things like that, and all the chaos that can come with buying a property with a board. Lots of things leave your control when you do that, but yeah. I was inspired by my brother who had purchased a bunch of property and he came to me and said, “Hey, Josh!I know you’re kind of sitting with some money on the side, why don’t you buy some real estate?” And I said, “Oh sure. Let’s do this. Yeah, I’m a smart guy, I can just go and pick up some property and figure it out.” And so, I did that and it turns out being smart doesn’t really matter.

So, I bought property thousands of miles away because it was cheap wood. People now give me a hard time because I rant and rave about places like Detroit and say, Hey, you’re crazy if you buy in Detroit. I don’t think you’re crazy if you buy in Detroit. I think you’re crazy if you’re buying in Detroit when you don’t actually know Detroit. So, I bought a place that I thought I knew, that I really was unfamiliar with and I said, “Hey, I’m going to buy inexpensive property that on paper should have good returns.” 

But at the end of the day, when you buy a property in a sea level neighborhood, you’re dealing with war zones. And so, I bought property in a war zone. A property that was difficult to manage, was difficult to screen tenants for, was difficult to oversee, was difficult to deal with turnover, and I got myself in a lot of trouble. Not actual trouble, but you know, financially it was really a challenge. And so, I made a lot of mistakes. 

As a result, I started this platform. I started BiggerPockets because I was looking for answers to the questions that I had after the fact. It was a little too late, but you know, it’s okay. At the time, the landscape of the internet and the landscape of what was out there was very different. And so, at least what I saw were the only viable sources of education in the real estate investing field. 

At the time, they were the kind of get-rich-quick guys–the guys with the babes and bikinis, and the mansions, and the Ferrari’s, and the late night commercials. And I saw that, and I said, “Oh, I don’t trust this. I really don’t believe that the information I’m getting is going to be forthright. I believe that there’s going to be something in there. It’s going to be a pitch. There’ll be some value, and then I’m going to have to go do more.” And I was right. That’s kind of how that business works. 

There’s a funnel and you get some free tidbits. And then, to get any more that’s [of] value, you got to spend $997, then you got $5000, then $10,000, then $25,000, and then $50,000, and so on and so forth. And I said, “That’s crazy. I don’t believe it.” So, I started BiggerPockets. It was a community [for] me. It was a form of one.


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