25 May 2016

In this episode, Preston and Stig talk to one of the most notable macro investors in the world, Raoul Pal. Raoul is the owner and CEO of Real Vision TV and he has interviewed some of the biggest names in finance. During this interview, Raoul talks about some of the biggest ideas he has heard from billionaire hedge fund managers and high-net worth individuals.


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  • Why Raoul Pal is bear on oil and why it has nothing to do with supply and demand.
  • Why the dollar might soar in the coming months.
  • Why there’s a possibility of the dollar and gold going up simultaneously.
  • Why QE and asset prices might not be correlated as much as people think.
  • Why the hedge fund industry might be heading for trouble.


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Intro  0:05  

Broadcasting from Bel Air, Maryland, this is The Investor’s Podcast. They’ll read the books and summarize the lessons. They’ll test the waters and tell you when it’s cold. They’ll give you actionable investing strategies. Your hosts, Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen!

Preston Pysh  0:27  

Hey, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh. I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast. And as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host Stig Brodersen out in Denmark. 

Today, we’ve got a guest for you that you guys are going to love. I know this for a fact that you’re going to love him because on our forum, one of the nice things about having a forum is you get to see all the discussions that are taking place within your community, and a name and a company if you will, that comes up quite a bit is Real Vision TV, and today we have the founder and CEO of Real Vision TV, Mr. Raoul Pal.

So we are thrilled to have Raoul here. He comes with just a wealth of information. Real Vision TV, what they do is they go around and they interview the most famous and influential investors on the entire planet. For example, Raoul has interviewed Kyle Bass, who we talk about on the show all the time, Jim Rogers, who we talk about all the time. I mean, I could go on and on the people that he has interviewed. 

So Raoul has this background in investing. He’s a global macro guy. He worked for GLG Partners and also Goldman Sachs. So Raoul, Stig and I are so thrilled to finally get you on our show to talk to you and I know our audience knows who you are. So this is really exciting to finally be able to get this going, guys. 

Alright, so I’ve got kind of the first question here. Stig, do you have any other comments or anything? Or you would want to just jump right into the questions?

Stig Brodersen  1:50  

I think it’s funny that you said that Raoul was basically doing a video and that we’re doing in audio format and I can only think it’s because he’s better looking than us. 

Preston Pysh  1:59  

That is a guarantee. All right, Raoul.  Well, so the thing that we’ve kind of noticed with guys that are really successful in the market is it’s almost like they’ve had this experience, if you will, or this event that really kind of propelled them into a certain direction. 

So, for example, Ray Dalio comes to mind, of a guy who he started off working as a caddy. He made a bunch of money on some really bad picks. He was selecting his first stock because it was the cheapest price like literally, it was like under $5. So he thought he could buy more shares. And so he started doing well and had no idea what he was doing. Then, he just got crushed in the market and had this really bad experience. We’ve kind of seen that theme with investors that these guys that really do well or that really become a big name, they have like this event that happened to them, and then they just get so immersed into it and can’t look back. 

Have you ever had an experience like that? Or is that a common theme that you see among investors when you’re interviewing them?

Raoul Pal  3:02  

Yeah, very much so. And I mean, I’ve been really lucky. My career was super lucky because I started kind of in that hedge fund game very early on. So what really influenced me, I was in equity derivatives sales for a UK bank. And I start reading at the time the Barron’s roundtable with Jim Rogers and various other people in it, and this global macro thing started appealing to me. Tiger Management who was one of our clients, Julian Robertson, started huge trade, which was based on South Africa opening up, So the South African market has just opened up. And then I saw how somebody like him would think through that situation, how to implement strategy in South Africa, and it’s like, “Wow, I get this. This is really fascinating because you’re putting together what you read in the newspaper, a global view on the world, and then seeing them implemented trade.” 

So in my career then on I then realized hedge fund is what I want to do. I then started speaking to, luckily again, some of the world’s most famous hedge fund managers. So I speak to *inaudible Jones every day and all of these guys. I saw how they implemented trades, and how they thought through things and use multiple asset classes to express views. And then it all, I guess it all culminated in 1998, the Asian crisis. I was then about eight years into my career and that’s when I really saw what global macro is all about, how investing is done, trade implementation, all of these things. And that was it. 

So most of these guys, bear markets have been a feature of them, because that’s where the fastest highest returns can be made. Bull markets tend to be slow returns. Bear markets, if you get them right tend to be very rapid returns and big returns.


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