TIP 044: OIL 101


7 July 2015

In this episode, Preston and Stig interview the best selling author of the book, Oil 101. Morgan is a professional commodities trader and one of the leading experts in the world on the price of oil. You won’t want to miss this episode if you’re trying to understand this very important commodity.


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  • Who is Morgan Downey and what can we learn from his book “Oil 101”?
  • Will oil be replaced in the future?
  • Will the price of oil increase over the long term?
  • Ask The Investors: Should I invest in an inverse S&P500 in an overheated market?


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Preston Pysh  01:04

Hey, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh and I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast. And as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host, Stig Brodersen, out in Denmark. And this is an episode I’ve been really waiting to do because ever since October, the oil industry has been acting a little funky. And I remember Stig and I distinctly talking about this on one of our earliest podcasts where we were talking about the oil industry and how I had read some article about the supply and demand on oil being all out of whack.

And so, I got a little scared and a little spooked. And I sold out of most of my oil positions back in October and into November. And it ended up being a very good choice. I’d like to say it was all skill, but it really wasn’t. There’s obviously a lot of luck that was involved in my decision to move out with a lot of those bits. But ever since that point in time, I’ve wanted to learn more and more about oil and Stig. And I obviously have a lot of contrasting points of view on oil. And we talked about that on our show from time to time.

Last week, when we had our Mastermind group, we were talking about some of our opposing positions. So what we did is we went out and we found the best author on all of Amazon, who wrote the book “Oil 101,” and his name is Morgan Downey. His book “Oil 101” explains the nuts and bolts of the oil business, from its composition on the molecular level to the analysis of the market players from refining economics to trading. I mean, it just goes on and on. And I mean, this book is so comprehensive. And the thing that I like about it most, Morgan, is the fact that it’s written in simple and plain English for anybody to understand, which is a true accomplishment in any type of economics book. So we are so thrilled to have you on the show.

Morgan Downey  02:47

Well, thanks, guys. I’m excited here to be on also. I’m a big fan.

Preston Pysh  02:53

So this is going to be a lot of fun. And before we get into the questions which Stig and I are obviously going to be probably prepping so that they’re in our favor, so we can win our argument, our ongoing argument between the two of us. But we want to learn a little bit more about you. I mean, this book is so comprehensive. I know whenever I arrived at my house, and I was flipping through it, I was like, “This is unbelievable. Like, it took this whole understanding of oil to a whole new level.” And I see Stig shaking his head because I know he totally agrees with me. But how did you… What motivated you to write this big comprehensive book on oil?

Morgan Downey  03:28

So it was actually interesting, I wrote the book I wish someone else had written. And I was in a similar situation to you guys. And I originally, I started out as an oil trader, and many, many years ago. And as a commodities trader, primarily oil. I read everything I could get my hands on in terms of oil markets, the engineering, the whole process of exploration, production, whatnot. And there was very, very little that was well written.

First of all, a lot of books, they were written for highly technical pieces that were written for a pipeline welder in Alaska operating in cold environments, that seem very highly specific technical test. But nothing that explained why the hell do our prices move from $20 to $150, and then back down to $40.

And not only was there nothing out there that explained the underlying fundamentals of the oil industry. You had it back in 2004-2005 when I   started putting this book together, you had a huge move in oil prices. And it became a media reaction at the time and man on the street reaction was that it was all speculators. And then it was a whole bunch of   Boogeymen that people were just grasping for straws.

And one of the reasons was that there was nothing out there that explained here’s how the price of oil is set at your local gas station or petrol station here inside the US. And it frustrated me when, particularly, people would blame speculators or just random events rather than looking at it from a fundamental basis. We had a supply crisis and no one was actually talking about the supply crisis that we were in. And there was a movement that was called a whole movement called the “Peak oil” movement that started then. And so there was a demand for information and information in a simple, straightforward fashion. And I   wrote that book I wish someone else had written.

Preston Pysh  05:31

And I can attest to that. Having seen it, the thing that I really liked is you started really big picture and it’s really well organized where it’s not like this scatterbrain of different oil facts and list of assumptions here and there. It is really well organized and thought out the way that you structured the book and huge kudos to you. I know anybody out there who would read your book, they’re going to see that immediately how well structured it is and how it’s a big top-level picture but then yet, it digs down into the finer elements if you really want to go that deep. It’s all there. And that’s what I really liked this how it was organized, but we’re going to go ahead.

Stig is going ahead and ask the first question here. And before you ask it, I’m just curious, were you talking about when there was an undersupply, you were talking about, like the 2006 to 2007 timeframe?

Morgan Downey  06:16

Yeah, yeah. Just 2005-2006. The prior 25 years we had $15 oil to $20 oil for such a long time. And then within a year, we went from $22 to almost $150. And so that that was the impetus was that defining moment.

Preston Pysh  06:35

Okay, Stig, go ahead.


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