27 May 2018

In this episode, Preston and Stig talk to one of the owners of the Atlanta Hawks Basketball team, Jesse Itzler. Jesse is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of numerous start-up companies. In particular, Jesse was the founder of Marquis Jet, which was sold to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.  During our discussion, Jesse talks to us about his new book, Living With The Monks. In the book, Jesse learns what turning off his phone taught him about happiness, gratitude, and focus.


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  • Why you should build your life up around moments.
  • What you do when someone offers to buy shares in your future life income.
  • How to make room for yourself in your life.
  • What we can learn from monks about the quality of work and true ownership.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  0:02  

On today’s show, we bring back one of our favorite guests, Mr. Jesse Itzler. Jesse is an owner of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team and he’s a highly successful entrepreneur across numerous ventures. 

For example, he created a highly successful jet card company called Marquis Jet, which was later sold to Warren Buffett’s NetJets. He’s a part founder of the ZICO Coconut Water company. He’s also the founder of the 29029 Mountain Climbing Challenge. 

When we first had Jesse on the show, he had written a book called “Living with a SEAL.” In this book, he talks about testing all of his physical limits by hiring a Navy SEAL to live with him for 31 days. 

This time around, we bring Jesse back on the show to talk about his newest book, “Living with the Monks.” He learns that turning off his phone and living in deafening quiet taught him about happiness, gratitude, and focus. Without further delay, we bring you the funny and ultra inspiring Jesse Itzler.

Intro  1:00  

You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast where we study the financial markets and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  1:20  

All right, here we are with our good friend Jesse Itzler. Jesse, it’s so awesome to have you back on the show. Thanks for taking time out of your day to be with us.

Jesse Itzler  1:29  

This is the perfect way to spend my day. Thanks for having me.

Preston Pysh  1:32  

Stig, this was insane, right? This book was really a lot of fun.

Stig Brodersen  1:37  

After reading about Jesse and then interviewing him, I kind of feel that, that dude can’t surprise you anymore. He writes this book and you’re like, “I really didn’t see that one coming.”.

Preston Pysh  1:55  

Well, Jesse, I saw the title of the book, “Living with a Monk.” When I saw the title, I immediately shot Mark a message. I said, “Jesse has got to come back on the show. I’ve got to get a copy of this book because I really, really want to read this thing. I know this is just going to be awesome.”

We really appreciate your whole team of folks and Mark for helping us get the book in our hands and doing this interview with us, Jesse. This is just awesome. 

Let’s go ahead and start asking me some of these questions here. What in the world was your initial motivation to do this? Where did the idea come from? Talk to us about your conversation with Sarah or family members. What in the world made you think to do this?

Jesse Itzler  2:39  

Well, I did the physical side with “Living with a SEAL.” I got so much out of it. I realized that I learned much better through experience than I do through reading. I have a hard time comprehending. 

I got so much out of it, physically, with SEAL. I wanted to explore the spiritual side. I just realized that I woke up, I’m turning 50 in a couple of months. The last decade went by in a flash, literally. 

As you get older, a percentage of your life, time just flies so much quicker. A big part of me is about building my life resume and just not looking at time, but looking at moments. 

I decided that this would be an unbelievable experience. I can explore the spiritual side, learn about myself, but really just get away from my phone. I just felt really overwhelmed as we all do. 

I wasn’t going to go take a vacation and sit on a beach. I’ve done that 9000 times and come home. Nothing’s really changed. I’m relaxed for an hour. I just said, “Where are the spiritual masters? I’m going to go live with monks.”

Preston Pysh  3:56  

You do such an awesome job. I’ll tell you having read quite a few books, you are great at putting the person in the moment.

When I read the story when you arrived with the monks, and you show up and just the silence. Explain what it was like when you showed up because it was nothing like what you expected.

Jesse Itzler  4:22  

Well, first of all, I was with eight monks that had been on the property. Four of them have been on the property for 50 years. They lived on a 500 acre wooded and isolated monastery. 

Intentionally I didn’t do any research really into where I was going. I didn’t have any preconceived notions. I don’t want to read any blogs or have anyone else put their experience into my head. 

The only experience I had with monks was really through watching movies, or any kind of articles or stories I’d heard. I thought a monastery equals 100 to 160 people on a property, walking around in sandals, just silence and meditating all day. It was nothing like that, at least the monastery I went to.

There were eight gentlemen, eight monks. They weren’t Buddhists. They were Russian Orthodox. They had their hair. A big part of their day was built around manual labor and keeping the lights on at the monastery. 

Spirituality and reflection were a big part of it, but it wasn’t the only part of it by any means.  

I have four kids and I live in a world of ding beeps and buzzes on my phone, Skype, and this and that. It’s just a really fast-paced life, like most of us live. This was the exact opposite. Time stopped. It was really quiet and slow. 

When you have no access, despite the urge to check your phone, check the news, listen to the radio, turn on one of the 10,000 options on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, all that stuff. When you lose the ability to do that and you’re forced to just be alone, a lot of amazing things happen. 

I went in there with the attitude of, “Well, how can I apply some of the principles of this 1500 year tradition of monasticism, of what the monks do and how they live their life. How can I apply that to my modern life? What are the takeaways?”

I realized, recently, before I went to the monastery, I lost my superpower. My superpower was being in touch with my gut. I’ve operated on instinct around people, business, everything off of pretty much gut. It’s what happens when you don’t break 1000 and your SATs. You have to rely on your gut.

All of a sudden, I wasn’t making the same good decisions. Not like terrible decisions,  but just decisions in the past that have guided me in the right direction… Not that I got lucky, or luck found me, I put myself in those positions to get lucky by following my instincts, but I was so bombarded with responding to people. It was dominating my time that I lost that instinct. 

I believe the only way to really get in tune with your gut is to be alone, to think, and to free up mental energy. At first, I was bombarded with thoughts because there was nothing to do but think. Though afterward, some really powerful things happened to me. 


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