15 December 2015

During the 1980s, Michael Lewis worked as a bond trader at the notorious floor of Solomon Brothers. The book is a highly entertaining read about the competitive environment of Wall Street’s trading floors. The book describes an environment where no room is allowed for weakness, and where bold risk-taking is is the life-blood of the industry.

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  • Why everyone considering a career on Wall Street should read this book before their first interview
  • The business model of a broker and trading company like Salomon Brothers
  • How much money Stig made as a commodities trader
  • How Preston thinks traders should be compensated
  • Ask The Investors: Should I invest locally if I live in a small country?


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Preston Pysh  01:04

All right, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh. I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast. And as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host Stig Brodersen out in Denmark.

Today, we’ve got another book for you. The name of the book this week is “Liar’s Poker” by Michael Lewis. A couple of episodes back, we read the book “Buffett: The making of an American Capitalist.” In that book, there was a lot of description and a lot of talk about his time dealing with Salomon Brothers and the collapse that was almost going to occur until he stepped in and became the CEO.

So this book, “Liar’s Poker” is all about the Salomon Brothers and how that culture that Buffett was dealing with during that time was cultivated and grown because this book occurred… I don’t know how many years before Buffett was playing around in Salomon Brothers, but it was slightly before. I want to say within five years before Buffett had to swoop in and basically save this company.

This book, “Liar’s Poker,” was written about the culture and basically growing up in Salomon Brothers. This was written by Michael Lewis, who is just one of the best financial writers out there. So Michael Lewis started off working at Salomon Brothers. And this book basically outlines his entire experience of working there. I want to say he was there for maybe five years. Is that right, Stig?

Stig Brodersen  02:26

Yeah, something like that. I think the book was from 1989. So he was describing all the crazy things that were happening on Wall Street in the 80s. And that one thing that comes to mind would be in something like “Wolf of Wall Street” or something like that. That’s at least what I pictured when I read this stuff.

Preston Pysh  02:41

Yeah, and his description of this stuff is just crazy. So before we get to the book a start talking about that a little bit more, I want to throw something out there to our audience that Stig and I are very excited about. So if you’ve seen on our forum, the WarrenBuffettForum.com, you might have seen this stuff about the new Berkshire Shareholders’ meeting that’s coming up at the very end of April 2016. We’re getting very close to this, because this is being recorded in December, just so everyone knows it’s December 10. While we’re recording this, and we want to inform our audience early enough that if you want to go to the Berkshire Shareholders’ meeting and attend with us, we would love for you to join us while we’re out there. We will put out more information on our forum and also send something out on our email list at the bottom when we send out the show notes or whatever. You guys will get the information if you guys are signed up on any of our lists.

But if you want to go to the Berkshire Shareholders’ meeting, and you want to go meet Stig and me, we will be out there. And so, will a bunch of the members of our audience, and a lot of the guests that have been on the show. And last time we did this was two years ago. It was just a blast to just interact with some of the people that were part of the Buffett’s Books community and man, we developed some discussion and relationships with some folks. And it was just so much fun. We just had a blast. And what’s great is you get to go into this auditorium, you get to listen to Warren Buffett basically talk about the current market conditions for… How long does he do it, Stig? It’s like an all-day affair.

Stig Brodersen  04:15

Oh, yeah. And even Charlie Munger, they can just go on and on and on. That’s amazing.

Preston Pysh  04:21

Now for us, we absolutely love this stuff. Some other people might like, if my wife had to go and sit in the room, she’d be like, “What are these guys talking about? And why is this taking so long?” But it is an awesome event. They answer question after question. And it’s just neat to see their thought process at that level.

So if this sounds like something you want to go to, we’re going to start building out pages on our site. We’re going to start having things available for everyone out there to show you how you can go to this because it’s a whole lot easier than you might think, as far as getting the credentials for the meeting. And we’ll help you through that process if it’s something you want to go to.

Now, here’s what I’ll tell you. You have to start making this decision right about now because the tickets to get out to Omaha for that day, they get a little bit crazy. So you want to get that sooner rather than later. You’re also going to want to book your hotel a little sooner than later. So if this is something you want to do, you’re probably going to have to make that decision pretty soon. But we would love to have you there. We would love to spend time with you and meet you and whatnot. So if it’s something you want to do, we’ll be putting out all the information for that very shortly.


So let’s go ahead and talk about this book. So Michael Lewis, this guy, he’s written  “Liar’s Poker,” the one that we’re going to be discussing. It was his first book that put him on the map. And this was a New York Times’ bestseller. It went wild. It was a very popular book and it gave him his start. Then he wrote the book “Moneyball,” which has been turned into a movie. Then he’s written a couple of others that were huge, “The Big Short,” I just saw literally on TV about a week ago. That book is being turned into a movie. That one was about the 2008 crash and I highly recommend that book. It was very good.

And then obviously we did “Flash Boys” already. We already talked about that one about the high-frequency stuff, which was probably about a year ago. So he’s written just a ton of stuff, great author. But we’ll jump into the book here. So  “Liar’s Poker” is all about his time at Salomon Brothers. So he starts off the book with the story of two of the board of directors playing this game of Liar’s Poker.

And just so people understand the game. So what these traders would do, and that’s what he was, he was a trader for Salomon Brothers. But what they would do in their me-time, whenever they’re just playing around, you might have a guy that goes up to a group of four other traders and he might pull a $10 bill out of his pocket, or 50, or whatever it might be. He would say, there are four sixes. And so, what they would do is they would bet on the odds that as each person pulls a $10 bill out of their pocket, they would look at the serial number and if there were six sixes on the bills and when you added it up, then that person would collect the money from the other people. If there was less than that or the number was off, then the rules would play out. I’ve never played this. So I’m probably describing it wrong. But what they were doing, the essence of it is they were trying to figure out the probabilities and they were betting on it. That’s what they were doing.


So the book starts with this story with the chairman of their board, John Gutfreund. He was walking down the aisle and he came across one of the other bond traders, John Merryweather, and comes up to Merryweather and he says “$1 million liar’s poker.” And it says the gentleman replied he said, “Well, if we’re going to play this, it’s a no-tears allowed,” and just told him that he’s going to bet a million dollars on this silly game. John Gutfreund replied and he said, “Well, I’m not doing it for 1 million. Let’s just make it 10 million. And let’s do this right.” And the other guy says, “You’re absolutely crazy.” And just walks away.

So the whole point of that story upfront in the book is just to show are you lying? Are you just putting on a front? Are you a poser? Because that’s the whole culture here is just like, are you bluffing? When you’re a trader, are you bluffing? Are you just trying to trick me? Are you being serious? Are you truly that crazy?. And so, it’s just a unique story. And I’ll tell you, it grabs your attention as you start to read the book. And the rest of the book is just is I don’t know, exciting, or interesting, I guess. I mean, for me, whenever I hear this stuff, I just think that’s just stupid. You know, that’s just absolutely stupid. That’s my personal opinion. I don’t live in a culture like that. I can promise you that.


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