09 March 2023

Trey chats with Dr. Graeme Forster. Together they discuss the success of legendary investors such as Jim Simons & Orbis’ founder Allan Gray, Graeme’s shift from mathematics to value investing, and much more!

Graeme is the Director and Portfolio Manager of Orbis, which currently manages around $30B. 


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  • Graeme’s journey from mathematics to value investing, & exploring legendary investors like Jim Simons.
  • How Orbis’ founder and billionaire Allan Gray’s investing flexibility led to his success.
  • How Graeme balances the macro with a bottoms up approach.
  • A thesis which Graeme calls the Great Misallocation. 
  • How good & cheap companies outperform especially during bear markets.


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[00:00:00] Trey Lockerbie: We have a very special guest today, and that is Dr. Graeme Forster. Graeme is the Director and Portfolio Manager of Orbis, which currently manages around 30 billion. Graeme attained a master’s in mathematics from Oxford and a PhD in mathematical epidemiology and economics from Cambridge.

[00:00:16] Trey Lockerbie: In this episode, you will learn Graeme’s journey from mathematics to value investing, exploring legendary quant investors like Jim Simons along the way, how Orbiss founder, billionaire Allan Gray’s, investing flexibility led to his success. How Graeme balances the macro with a bottoms up approach, a thesis which Graeme calls the great misallocation, how good and cheap companies can outperform, especially during bear markets and a whole lot.

[00:00:39] Trey Lockerbie: Orbis is a global investment management firm, but they’re not big self-promoters, so you won’t find many interviews with someone like Graeme. We’re lucky to have him, and it was a delightful discussion. So without further delay, here’s my conversation with Dr. Graeme Forrester.

[00:00:57] Intro: You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast, where we study the financial markets and read the books that influence self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

[00:01:09] Trey Lockerbie: Welcome to the Investors Podcast. I’m your host, Trey Lockerbie, and like I said at the top, I am here with Graeme Forster from Orbis. Graeme, as far as I can tell, you don’t do many of these, so I am very excited to have you in getting the word out about you and Orbis and what you guys are doing because it’s really interesting, so thanks for coming on the show.

[00:01:26] Graeme Forster: Thanks, Trey. It’s good to be here. You’re right, we don’t do many of these, so it’s exciting for me as well . 

[00:01:30] Trey Lockerbie: As I wanted to start off here by talking a little bit about you, person, and then talking a bit about what you do at Orbis, but I find your background pretty interesting. You got your master’s in mathematics from Oxford, your PhD from Cambridge. I’m kind of just genuinely curious about your interest in mathematics and how that ultimately led you to investing.

[00:01:51] Graeme Forster: Yeah, so I mean, I was going to go on the academic route. It wasn’t until my second year doing a PhD that I kind of wavered on that. The reason was that I’d always seen academia as a meritocratic endeavor where you know you are doing the noble thing, analyzing things that really matter. In reality, I think it lost its way a little bit. I don’t want to disparage the academic field, but as it got bigger, it grew more bureaucratic. The allocation of funding in the academic sphere becomes difficult the more niche you become.


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