25 September 2015

In this episode, Preston and Stig talk with online business expert, Dorie Clark, about how to create online assets. Dorie has written two best selling books about growing an online following around your passions. If you have ever wanted to start your own online business, you will definitely want to check out this episode.


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  • How Dorie Clark has come up with breakthrough ideas to build her own assets
  • Ask The Investors: How should you invest $1,000,000 to increase my monthly income?


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  01:08

Hey, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh. I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast. And as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host Stig Brodersen out in Denmark.

And I’ll tell you what, folks, we’ve got a really fun guest for you today. Her name is Dorie Clark. I really like this topic, because we haven’t really covered this topic very much on our show. And the idea is: how do you create assets? How do you create your own business? How do you go about creating your own cash flow outside of whatever it is that you might be doing at the present moment?

So a lot of people, they work in their regular business cycle, and they’re just working for an employer, but how do you start your own business? And so that’s why Dorie is on the show with us today because she’s going to help us talk about some of those ideas in creating your own assets instead of buying assets, which is what Stig and I almost always talk about.

So let me give you a little bit of a background on Dorie. Dorie is a former presidential campaign spokeswoman and as an adjunct professor of Business Administration at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. And she’s also a visiting professor at the IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. She gives guest lectures at Harvard University, Stanford, Wharton School of Business, MIT, just to name a few. Just to   impress you with some of these schools that she’s involved with.

What I think is really cool about Dorie is, I was on LinkedIn, and I saw an article pop up, and I said, “Oh, that looks like an article that I’d be really interested in reading.” So I click on it, I’m reading through the whole article. And I’m like, this is some really good writing, and it was out of the Harvard Business Review. So, I get down to the bottom of the article, and I look at who the author was. Well, sure enough, it was Dorie. And I’m like, she’s coming on our show. I was so pumped and so excited to have stumbled across this article out of the Harvard Business Review. And here it is Dorie, who’s coming on our show.

So she wrote a book and the name of the book is “Stand Out.” It’s all about how to find your breakthrough idea and to build a following around it and really   do this online business type feel in building an audience behind some ideas that you’re really passionate about. And so we’re going to be talking to Dorie about her book today, and just some general ideas of creating your own assets, and creating your own following. And I think it’s going to be a really fun discussion.

Dorie, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to be with us.

Dorie Clark  03:22

Thank you, gentlemen. It’s great to be talking with you.

Preston Pysh  03:25

What is the mission of your book, Dorie? Can you   give people an idea so that they understand what “Stand Out” is all about? Can you also give us a little bit of a background and a story about yourself that motivated you to write this book of passion that you put out there?

Dorie Clark  03:39

The reason that I wrote the book and the thing that I wanted to accomplish with it was I think we all know these days, that we’re living in a world that is getting increasingly noisy. There’s so much coming at us. You know, the average professional is getting 100 emails a day, and that number is increasing by 15% a year. So, just with the compounding alone, we are very close to an unsustainable level of incoming. We have meetings, we have Twitter feeds to maintain, we have social media, we have all this stuff going on.

And with all of that, a problem arises. I mean, the good news is if you have some   idea, if you have something you want to talk about, guess what? You can talk about it. Now you can create a blog, you can create a podcast, you can write a book, you can do whatever you want, but who’s going to listen to it? Because no one has the time or the bandwidth to do it. And that’s where the potential tragedy comes in because you could have people who have really good ideas, and nobody ever listens to them or picks up on them, because they just don’t notice.

I don’t want to live in that world. I want to live in a world where the best ideas can be heard and can rise to the top. And so I wrote, “Stand Out.” I interviewed about 50 top thought leaders in a variety of different fields. And my goal was to try to understand what they did to be successful, how did they break through and get noticed, and what can a regular professional, someone who has a good idea do to emulate that so that they are far more likely to succeed and to get the word out.


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