9 October 2021

In this episode, Stig Brodersen brings back one of our most popular guests, investment expert Lyn Alden. They discuss on how to build a global portfolio. Lyn teaches how we can determine the most attractive equity markets, how to identify red flags, and how we can protect ourselves against inflation.  


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  • How does Treasury-Inflation-Protected-Securities (TIPS) work, and is it good inflation protection?
  • Are TIPS a good investment for some investors but not for others? 
  • How to protect yourself against inflation 
  • How to rank asset classes based on attractiveness?
  • How to value a stock market?
  • Which other factors than valuation can you use to identify the most attractive equity markets.
  • How do you value the USD compared to other currencies? 
  • Which equity markets are currently most attractive.
  • How to position in various equity markets.
  • How to consider our currency exposure in our investments.
  • Why the structural deficit in the US doesn’t matter until it really matters?
  • What is China’s game plan to make its currency more dominant?
  • Is the Chinese market more attractive than the Indian market? 
  • How to build a personalized global portfolio?


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Stig Brodersen (00:28):
Welcome to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host, Stig Brodersen, and I can already feel that this is going to be a great episode because today we are joined by the one and only Lyn Alden. Lyn, welcome back on the show.

Lyn Alden (00:40):
Hey. Happy to be back. Always glad to be here.

Stig Brodersen (00:43):
So Lyn, I wanted to talk to you and the audience about global investment opportunities but I wanted to talk about inflation first because inflation is just such a tax on everything that we do. So I wanted to have that part as our foundation before we venture into the different investment opportunities that you see in the market. And you recently wrote a great blog post about treasury inflation protect securities or TIPS. So let’s kick this off and perhaps you could explain how TIPS work and whether it’s a good inflation hatch in today’s environment.

Lyn Alden (01:15):
Yeah. So at the current time we’re seeing a pretty good amount of inflation compared to the historical average over the past couple decades. And it looks like in certain areas that’s rolling over but it’s still quite elevated, especially compared to bond yields. And so investors find themselves … The risk is that if you hold cash or bonds that are yielding 0%, 1%, 2% while inflation is 4%, 5%, 6%, you’re getting devalued. You’re losing purchasing power. And so one of the ways that investors can deal with that is to buy treasure inflation protection securities or TIPS. And so some countries issue those as a small part of their sovereign bond market. So my article focused on US TIPS. And basically what they say is we’ll adjust the bond coupon that you’re getting based on inflation levels. Official CPI in the United States. And so that kind of takes away that risk of inflation. But my whole article focused on the fact that TIPS can be very useful as an inflation defense but they’re not perfect. And so obviously if you have that extra inflation protection built into your bond there’s no free lunch and so that comes with some costs.

Lyn Alden (02:24):
So the main cost is that the TIPS yields are lower than normal treasury bonds. And so in the United States currently you’re getting like a negative 1% yield on your TIPS. You’re basically going to earn inflation minus about 1%. Ironically you’re guaranteed to underperform inflation by owning inflation protected securities which sounds terrible but it’s one of those things where right now the 10 year treasury yield is under one and a half percent and the inflation expectations by the market are maybe two and a half percent while inflation’s currently 5%. Because they’re expecting that this is not going to stay at this level for a very long time and that the average inflation over the course of, say the 10 year duration of this bond, will be lower in the mid two range. Now if that’s the case, if the inflation expectations are true then normal bonds and TIPS will have about the same return. They basically are optimized around kind of that break even point. However, if inflation ends up being higher than those inflation expectations, like if inflation is 3%, 4%, 5% averaging over the decade, then those TIPS, despite the fact that they will mildly underperform inflation, will still do better than normal treasury yields that are yielding one and half percent while inflation’s 3%, 4%, 5%.


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