01 January 2024

On today’s episode, Kyle shares the lessons he learned from reading What I Learned About Investing From Darwin by Pulak Prasad.

The book is authored by Pulak Prasad, an investor out of India who helps run Nalanda Capital. From 2007 to 2022, they compounded their capital at 19% per annum turning 1 rupee into 13.8 rupees during that time sample!! But more important than their track record is the unique ways they run their fund.

The book illuminates 3 key principles that Nalanda uses for its investing framework:

1. Avoid big risks.

2. Buy high-quality at a fair price.

3. Don’t be lazy – be very lazy.

To help readers understand why he invests this way he dives deep into many of Darwin’s principles to help you understand their potential power in investing.


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  • What a cheetah can teach you about risk
  • Why you should be more focused on risk than returns
  • How things in nature and investing mostly stay the same
  • Some interesting data on why great companies remain great, and poor companies remain mediocre
  • What a Russian scientist can teach us about the power of focusing on one investing metric to help identify wonderful businesses
  • The importance of robustness in nature, and why you should search for the same attribute in business
  • How to identify businesses that can evolve in a fast-changing world and remain on top
  • What guppies can teach us about honest and dishonest signaling
  • Why we should prioritize the past over making bold predictions
  • How to invest without ever doing a discounted cash flow ever again
  • What bear teeth and finches can teach us about the importance of avoiding noise
  • How to use the presence of noise as an opportunity to outperform
  • And so much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:02] Stig Brodersen: In today’s episode. I welcome a new host here on The Investor’s Podcast. His name is Kyle Grieve. Starting today, Kyle will be hosting an episode every other week on the We Study Billionaires Show. As you’ll soon see, Kyle is the smartest that come. If you are a value investing to its core, you will be in safe hands with him.

[00:00:20] Stig Brodersen: This episode will be published on January 1st, and Charlie Munger would have celebrated his 100th birthday today. William Green already made a tribute to Charlie, and Clay will publish another tribute later this week. Still, Kyle and I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about what Charlie Munger meant for us.

[00:00:38] Stig Brodersen: And Kyle will, later in this episode, present his favorite book of 2023. The name of the book is What I Learned from Darwin About Investing, which is not accidentally one of Charlie Munger’s biggest heroes, along titans such as Benjamin Franklin. If you love Charlie Munger and investing, you will love this episode.

[00:01:00] Intro: You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast. Since 2014, we studied the financial markets. and read the books that influence self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected. Now for your hosts, Stig Brodersen and Kyle Grieve.

[00:01:26] Stig Brodersen: Welcome to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host, Stig Brodersen, and today I’m joined by my new co-host, Kyle Grieve. Kyle, I couldn’t be more excited here today. I mean, having a new host join the show is, that’s always something very special. And Kyle, perhaps many of the listeners don’t know you, but you’re actually also the host of our other show, Millennial Investing, that you’ll be hosting every other week and then every other week, you’ll also be hosting here on We Study Billionaires. Could you please introduce yourself to our listeners?

[00:01:55] Kyle Grieve: Absolutely. So I’m Kyle. I’ve been the host of the Millennial Investing Podcast since the beginning of August. I’ve been investing myself since 2017. I made all the mistakes that you could possibly make back then.

[00:02:08] Kyle Grieve: Basically, I was speculating on crypto and doing everything that you could possibly do wrong. Whether that’s shorting, using leverage, looking at charts all day, not knowing what you own I did all that and unfortunately it, I did really well for a time, thought I was a genius and then everything crashed and I lost a large percentage of my money. And I basically learned a lot from that. And I took a huge break. I just, it was a painful experience for me and back. And then in 2020 COVID arrived and I looked at the newspaper, saw a massive drop in prices and that kind of just got me interested.

[00:02:38] Kyle Grieve: And luckily for me, when I got back in, I learned value investing and so since 2020 I’ve basically been down this gigantic rabbit hole just learning as much as I possibly can and just consuming information and then also obviously using that information to manage me and my wife’s portfolio. So now I’m just in stocks.

[00:02:58] Kyle Grieve: I’m long only and I’ll talk a little bit more about my investing process in a bit. But yeah, I’m purely self-taught and I love investing very much and it’s something that consumes a lot of my time and energy.


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