30 July 2022

In today’s classic episode that originally aired back in September 2018, Preston and Stig were absolutely privileged to interview Tony Robbins. During their discussion, they talked to Tony about his books “Unshakeable” and “Money: Master the Game.” 

Additionally, they talked to Tony about the things that matter most, which is how a person can find their higher purpose, how to accomplish the things people want to master in their own lives, and most importantly, how to have real impact. 


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  • Why investors in 401(k) plans put up 100% of the capital, take on 100% of the risk, and only 33% of the return.
  • Why business and life are all about adding value.
  • Why you should plant your seeds when you have nothing, to gain abundance in business and life.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Stig Brodersen  0:00

In today’s classic episode that originally aired back in September 2018 Preston and I were absolutely privileged to interview Tony Robbins. Preston and I have followed Tony for years, so having a chance to sit down with him and share our discussion with you was unforgettable. 

During our discussion, we talked to Tony about his books “Unshakeable” and “Money: Master the Game.” 

Additionally, we talked to Tony about the things that matter most, which is how a person can find their higher purpose, how to accomplish the things people want to master in their own lives, and most importantly, how to have real impact. 

Preston Pysh  0:02

On today’s show, we’re absolutely privileged to interview Tony Robbins. As someone who’s looked up to Tony for years, it’s somewhat startling for Stig and myself to interview him. We’re extremely excited to bring you this interview.

During our discussion, we talked to Tony about his book “Unshakeable” and “Money: Master the Game.”

Additionally, we talked to Tony about the things that matter most, which is how a person can find their higher purpose, how to accomplish the things people want to master in their own lives, and most importantly, how to have real impact.

For people who aren’t familiar with Tony, he’s a New York Times bestselling author of multiple books. He’s an entrepreneur of multiple businesses that produce $6 billion annually.

Tony has worked on an individual basis with people like Wayne Gretzky, Serena Williams, Hugh Jackman, and even people like President Bill Clinton. Tony has been ranked as a top 200 business guru by the Harvard Business Press. He’s been ranked as a Forbes Celebrity 100. Without further delay, here’s our interview with the brilliant and charitable Tony Robbins.

Intro 1:11

You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast, where we study the financial markets and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  1:31

All right, like we said in the introduction, we are super pumped to be here with the one and only Tony Robbins, number one New York Times best-seller across multiple books. Stig and I were a little bit shell shocked right now. Tony, welcome to The Investor’s Podcast. We are thrilled to have you here.

Tony Robbins  1:48

I’m thrilled to meet you both. I know you guys have the number one podcast of its nature in the world, so I feel honored to be here. Thank you for your kind words.

Preston Pysh  1:55

Thanks, Tony. We’re just going to jump right into this first question. Stig and I have read your book “Unshakeable.” We’ve also read your book “Money: Master the Game.”

You talk about this in the book, but I want you to explain it to our audience. What was your motivation to get out there and write this? I mean, your first book was a behemoth. Your second one is big. What inspired you to do this, because this is not an easy undertaking?

Tony Robbins  2:22

I love things where there’s no net. I love the idea of a live event because you never know what’s going to happen. You got 10,000 or 25,000 people, and you never know what’s going to happen. I love playing with that and the newness of it all.

Writing a book, you’re sitting solitary. There’s no feedback to see how you’re doing. I just don’t really like them. However, I got so pissed off in 2008. That’s really what made me write this.

I said, “I have to get this out to people. I got to get it in a form that’s inexpensive and they don’t have to go to a seminar to do it.” Because the amount of abuse that happens in the financial system, as you guys both know, well, it’s not a bunch of evil people trying to destroy people’s lives. It’s just a bunch of very large corporations that are doing what they’re *inaudible* is to do, which is to maximize shareholder value.

That’s not to maximize you as an investor. The only way they can make more money is more fees.

I’ve worked with Paul Tudor Jones, one of the top 10 financial investors in the history of the world. Literally, for 24 years. I’ve worked with him literally every day, five days a week. He writes to me and gives me the details. I meet him four times a year in person, and he has not lost money personally in all those years, which no one in his category and his volume and size has done. I’ve learned a lot from him.


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