3 September 2015

In this episode, Preston and Stig discuss Ashlee Vance’s book about Elon Musk. If you want to learn more about one of Sillicon Valley’s most unique investor/inventor, you won’t want to miss this episode.


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  • Who is Elon Musk and how will the billionaire change the world?
  • How does thinking like Elon Musk make you think like a billionaire?
  • Ask the Investors: Should I pick different stocks for my Roth IRA and 401(k)?


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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  01:03

Hey, how’s everybody doing out there? This is Preston Pysh. I’m your host for The Investor’s Podcast. And as usual, I’m accompanied by my co-host Stig Brodersen out in Denmark.

And I’ll tell you what, folks, we’ve got another fun one for you. We’re going to be talking about Elon Musk today. We read this book by Ashlee Vance and the name of the book is “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.” This was a very, very interesting read. I didn’t know really that much about Elon Musk. I’m curious to know your initial thoughts, Stig, when you first opened this up.

Stig Brodersen  01:38

Yeah, I didn’t know too much about Elon. I kept hearing about him actually from the very first book Preston that we had, Peter Thiel’s “Zero to One.” And Elon Musk was always that other dude, but really, the more I heard about Elon Musk from different articles and other people, the more I got interested in him.

Preston Pysh  01:58

Yeah, so he’s an interesting character. We’ll get to that here in just a second. Before we start talking about the book, we just wanted to have a really quick conversation about the current market conditions, because right now it’s September 3, 2015. And the current market conditions are fairly volatile, to say the least. We are just going to open up each one of our shows for the next couple of episodes to talk about the market.

So I don’t really have too many things to discuss and too many changes to what we’ve talked about in the past because it’s really just all over the place. It’s what we expected. That’s exactly what we talked about. We said, because you started seeing this meltdown in China, you see the dollar getting stronger, you see oil low. And we’ve talked about all these different forces and the impact that they’re going to have on the market, where our general conclusion was it’s going to continue to be volatile and continue to be all over the place until you start to see maybe a significant pullback. And so that’s it, in my opinion, that’s what we’ve seen. We’ve seen the market come off of its high about 10%. It got up as high as 18,300 on the Dow. It’s around 16,000 now.

And it’s every day on the market is a 300 point day on the Dow. It’s a two to three to even higher 4% change either up or down. And that’s exactly what we were talking about when we sent out the message two, three weeks ago, and said, “Hey, watch out there’s going to be a lot of volatility coming.” And that’s exactly what we’re seeing.


We actually saw the VIX hit a higher number, the VIX is of volatility, just in case people don’t know. VIX is a volatility measure where it goes in it looks at options contracts on the open market. And when there are enormous spreads and those options contracts, that’s what how they measure how much higher the VIX numbers. Well, the VIX number is higher than it was in 2008. I believe it hit a higher number last week than it was in 2008. So that’s a pretty good significant indicator that you’re up on some interesting times.

So, like we’ve been saying, we have no idea how long this volatility could last. And I think that’s the key thing that I think a lot of people got to be prepared for. There are people out there putting on shorts and doing all sorts of crazy things. The thing you got to realize about putting on a short in these market conditions is the volatility will eat you alive, absolutely it will eat you alive. So you’ve got to make sure that you are absolutely 100% right if you’re going to do something like that. We’re not recommending that.

Stig Brodersen  04:38

So when I look at the volatility, I think about one thing first, and that is that we really can’t put too much emphasis on the fundamentals right now, at least not in the short run. I might still have the impression that the stock market is overvalued. But when you’re looking at a market like this, it is really driven by psychology. So no one is really looking at what is the overall PE or what’s the debt. That’s not what people thinking about. It’s like, “Hey, the Dow went up 2% yesterday, perhaps they’ll do the same today,” or people might think it has to drop another 2% because it went up yesterday or whatever it may be. I mean, that’s what we’re seeing right now. We’re not seeing the big fundamental playing out, especially as Preston was saying in the short run.

Preston Pysh  05:22

One of the things that I’ve been thinking about a lot is the international fundamentals. So I think a lot of people in the US are focused very closely on what are the fundamentals in the US? What are those default rates that we keep talking about? Because that’s the thing that really makes the money or the credit dry up is when you have defaults. And we’re really not seeing a lot of those in the US. And so that’s why I think you have a lot of people that are actively involved in the market and still thinking that there might be some bull cases for it going higher.

But the thing that I would challenge is, what do the defaults look like over in China? What do the defaults look internationally, especially in the emerging markets, as this dollar is getting stronger?  You got all this international debt that’s denominated in dollars. So whenever the dollar goes higher, it’s harder for them to pay back that debt. That’s my big concern. And I think that that might be the spot where a lot of people are missing the boat, on how this is all interconnected, and how that’s actually going to culminate and come back to US markets in the long run, as those conditions continue to develop.

Stig Brodersen  06:29

Preston, I’m curious to hear your thoughts about catalyst because I got that there were some of the things you will also be considering when you’re looking at how this will play out. Not really just talking about the short term volatility. Which type of catalyst do you think and could really trigger a crash if that is indeed what we are looking at?


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