01 June 2023

On today’s episode, Clay reviews Thomas Phelps’s book – 100 to 1 in the Stock Market, and also highlights writings put out by Akre Capital Management.


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  • Common characteristics of companies that increased their share price by 100x.
  • Why most investors aren’t able to hang onto their winners as Phelps suggests.
  • Why good stock selection is much more important than good stock market timing.
  • Mental models Phelps uses to figure out the odds when investing.
  • Why we should invest with companies that align with our own values.
  • When to look for potential 100 Baggers.
  • The four categories of companies that were 100 Baggers in Phelps’s study.
  • Who is best equipped to be individual stock pickers.
  • Chuck Akre’s three-legged stool approach.
  • Takeaways from two of Akre Capital’s brilliant articles – ‘Why Compounding is so Difficult’ and ‘The Art of (Not) Selling’.


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[00:00:00] Clay Finck: Hey everyone! Welcome to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host today, Clay Finck. And on today’s episode, I’m going to be covering a book by Thomas Phelps called “100 to One in the Stock Market.” As someone who’s on the front end of their investing journey, I want to take full advantage of the many years of compounding ahead of me.

[00:00:24] Clay Finck: So I’ve been reading books to help equip me to discover companies with relatively low risk but a long runway to grow and compound. Along with Chris Mayer’s book “100 Baggers,” this book by Thomas Phelps is another great one to help me continue to internalize these concepts related to buying and holding long-term compounders.

[00:00:46] Clay Finck: Towards the end of this episode, I chat about some of the things I’ve been revisiting recently from Akre Capital Management’s blog, and that’s had some really great pieces as you’ll find later on in this episode. And at the very end of this episode, I also mention the TIP mastermind community that we’ve recently launched in April.

[00:01:09] Clay Finck: So be sure to stick around until the end to hear more about that. Without further delay, I hope you enjoy today’s episode covering Thomas Phelps’ book “100 to One in the Stock Market.”

[00:01:23] Intro: You are listening to The Investors Podcast, where we study the financial markets and read the books that influence self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

[00:01:43] Clay Finck: All right, so to give some background on this book, the book was published back in 1972. Every once in a while, I enjoy reading books that are a bit older. I get this feeling that people just think and write differently during these time periods, and I like how it sort of mixes up the type of content I’m consuming.

[00:02:07] Clay Finck: Thomas Phelps lived from 1902 through 1992, so he was around 70 years old when this book was published. He spent over 40 years in the investing world working as a private investor, a columnist, an analyst, and a financial advisor. So he held a number of different jobs and obviously was deeply fascinated with investing overall.

[00:02:30] Clay Finck: Phelps studied 365 different companies in his book that had the price of their stock increased by over 100 times, and he started from the year 1932 and then ended this study in 1971. So that’s a time period of 40 years. And then throughout the book, he shares many of his takeaways from studying these companies and how they increase their share price by 100 times.


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