02 December 2023

In this episode, Stig Brodersen talks with investment expert Lyn Alden about currencies, debt, inflation, and how to invest in an uncertain world.


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  • Why the bull theses are always more thoughtful and plentiful, and how to account for that.
  • The relationships between debt, inflation, and wars.
  • How to best take advantage of debt in your portfolio.
  • How capital controls work.
  • How a debt restructuring works in practice.
  • Can technology be so deflationary that the FED can print us to inflation?
  • The future role of the Euro on the global scene.
  • Whether China is in a balance sheet recession.
  • The pros and cons of Argentina dollarizing its economy.


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[00:00:02] Stig Brodersen: In today’s episode with fan favorite, Lyn Alden. We talk about currencies, debt, inflation, and how to invest in an uncertain world. We discuss why companies like Berkshire Hathaway take on debt where they could be without it, and how to think like a micro investor in a world that might at a glance seem to be rapidly changing.

[00:00:20] Stig Brodersen: Lyn Alden is a master of breaking down complex macroeconomic concepts for all of us and making them relevant, regardless of the investment strategy you might be following. And if you’re unsure about what a debt restructuring is, the relationship between world conflicts & currencies, and how to best take advantage of inflation, this is most certainly not an episode you want to miss out on.

[00:00:45] Intro: You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast, where we study the financial markets and read the books that influence self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

[00:01:05] Stig Brodersen: You’re listening to The Investor’s Podcast. I’m your host, Stig Brodersen and as you can hopefully tell from my voice here, I’m very excited because I’m here with someone who’s really special and that is Lyn Alden. Lyn, how are you today?

[00:01:19] Lyn Alden: I’m good. Thanks for having me back.

[00:01:22] Stig Brodersen: So, Lyn, you recently published Broken Money and we already talked a lot about that, but if you’ll forgive me, I would like to start talking about your wonderful book here at the top of the interview.

[00:01:32] Stig Brodersen: This is already my favorite book in 2023 and being a micro investor, I was surprised to see how excited I was for a book that’s so macro-based and I would say I haven’t been as excited about a book in macro since book, The Changing World Order. Which in case someone’s like, what do you mean?

[00:01:50] Stig Brodersen: It’s just my way of praising a book, but anyway, so Preston and I, we interviewed you about Broken Money and this was the first part was back on episode 574. But before you jumped on the call, Preston and I were like, I don’t know, talking for a few minutes before then. And Preston said to me that he felt that you did such a wonderful job outlining why Bitcoin was the solution to the fiat currency issues we have right now.

[00:02:16] Stig Brodersen: And then you jumped on the call and our conversation ended there but to me, I found that to be pretty interesting because I read your book three times now, and it’s just getting better and better every time I read it. And I concluded all three times that Bitcoin is not the solution. And so, this is not a question of discussing whether or not Bitcoin is right.

[00:02:34] Stig Brodersen: I actually try not to talk about Bitcoin for the rest of the episode, but it told me about the potential confirmation biases that I might have had going into the book, because I haven’t changed my mind going into the book, even though I learned a lot. My overall conclusion was the same going out of it.


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