21 March 2023

Preston Pysh talks with Security Intelligence Director, Mathew Pines about Bitcoin and global macro impacts happening around the world. They also discuss the importance of stable coins and the US potentially ensuring a CBDC doesn’t jeopardize the trust in the USD.

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  • How Matthew Pines became familiar with Bitcoin.
  • Was the balance of payments between net producers and net consumers a reason why we have so many global issues?
  • How often do companies Matthew consults with, bring up Bitcoin?
  • What is the impact China is going to have from a geopolitical standpoint?
  • How does Japan’s interest rates underpin the rates around the world?
  • How geopolitical decision are extremely complex and not made with just a monetary lens.
  • What caused the dollar to change course in November?
  • Why the US Treasury and FED may need private stable coin issuers instead of CBDCs.
  • What is Matthew’s take on the BIS and their proclamations against Bitcoin?
  • How do we address Elected Officials to affect change?


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone. Welcome to this Wednesday’s release of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast. On today’s show, I have a very astute global macro and security intelligence thinker, Mr. Matthew Pines. Matthew has made quite the splash online in the past few years for his deep, critical thinking and complex understanding of the global dependencies and incentives.

[00:00:18] Preston Pysh: On our discussion today, he talks about China and its deeply manipulated market conditions, Japan being a major choke point for international interest rates, central bank digital currencies, and why there might be an incentive for the United States to not implement a CBDC relative to multiple private stable coins and many, many more interesting ideas.

[00:00:37] Preston Pysh: So without further delay, here’s my chat with Mr. Matthew Pine.

[00:00:44] Intro: You are listening to Bitcoin Fundamentals by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Now for your host, Preston Pysh.

[00:01:03] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone, welcome to the show. I’m here with Matthew Pines. Matt, I’ve been following you on Twitter and your content and the things that you’re publishing is phenomenal, so I’m really excited to have this opportunity to chat with you.

[00:01:15] Matthew Pines: Yeah, I’ve been a longtime listener, first time guest, so I appreciate you having me on.

[00:01:19] Preston Pysh: Yeah, great to have you. I’m curious, and I’m sure the audience is curious, just with your background in cybersecurity and macro and advising as a consultant, how did you come across Bitcoin?

[00:01:30] Matthew Pines: I’ve been curious about lots of kinda emerging technology for a while. Kind of have a, I have that nerdy streak. I actually though came across Bitcoin through like a college buddy of mine who I think was like, you know, really into the kind of crypto ICO phase back in the day.

[00:01:45] Matthew Pines: And I remember having conversations with him bar and kind of various kind of friendly gatherings and I was like very ill disposed to it initially, right? Because I just got a very scammy vibe and I really didn’t dig too much into it. I sort of read all the, the major fund pieces and I was like, all right, this thing is dead after this sort of bubble fades and it didn’t fade.

[00:02:02] Matthew Pines: And so I paid more attention to it over the years. But like my professional career was mostly in the sort of national security kind of thinking through kind of bigger challenges to the US government across lots different dimensions, whether it’s counter-terrorism, where it’s sort of nation state, whether it’s sort of like emerging technology forecasting.

[00:02:17] Matthew Pines: And so Bitcoin was never like directly involved in. It was only in the past, I’d say like a year and a half or so have I sort of started to think through more about Bitcoin as relevant on the geopolitical stage. I think even folks that were really bullish about Bitcoin five years ago, you know, still that was a very speculative, kind of far out into the future idea that like Bitcoin would have a sort of macro and even a geopolitical sort of role to play.

[00:02:40] Matthew Pines: And so that’s really where professionally my sort of analytic background and my sort of experience thinking through kind of these different questions and the sort of dynamics that play, you know, started to be applied to thinking through how Bitcoin could play a role. And I think that’s been sort of where I’ve been focusing the last, you know, year to two years is starting to try to apply some more.


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