30 July 2024

In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, we interview Bob Burnett, a Bitcoin mining and technology expert. Bob explains why the value of a block is largely misunderstood and how the future of mining may differ from common assumptions. We discuss the forward marketplace for blockspace, the economic implications of its scarcity, and the evolving role of miners. Bob also shares insights into the strategic importance of securing blockspace for major corporations and the potential symbiotic relationships between mining and financial services companies. Tune in to learn about the dynamics of blockspace, the impact of Bitcoin on energy markets, and what the future holds for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

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  • The often misunderstood value of a block.
  • The future of Bitcoin mining and how it may evolve.
  • The concept of a forward marketplace for blockspace.
  • Why blockspace is both a commodity and absolutely scarce.
  • The strategic importance of securing blockspace for major corporations.
  • How miners are shifting from producing Bitcoin to offering blockspace.
  • The potential impact of mining on financial services companies.
  • How the value of a block is determined beyond just transaction fees.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

[00:00:00] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone, welcome to this Wednesday’s release of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast. Today we have Bitcoin mining and technology expert, Bob Burnett. He’s one of my favorite people in the space. He’s so smart and so experienced. We’ll explore the misunderstood value of a block and why the future of mining may surprise many people.

[00:00:20] Bob will discuss the forward marketplace for blockspace, its scarcity, the economic value and the evolving role of miners. We’ll also touch on the strategic importance of securing blockspace for major corporations and even governments. All right. So with all of that said, let’s jump right into the interview with the insightful and knowledgeable Mr. Bob Burnett.

[00:00:43] Intro: Celebrating 10 years, you are listening to Bitcoin Fundamentals by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Now for your host, Preston Pysh.

[00:01:02] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone. Welcome to the show. I’m here with Bob Burnett. Bob, welcome back to the show.

[00:01:06] I really enjoyed the first conversation we had. I’m very excited about this topic and great to have you here.

[00:01:12] Bob Burnett: Thanks, Preston. Always nice to see you and thanks for having me back for another show. You’re going to be in Nashville here in a week?

[00:01:18] I will be there. Yes. Great. I’ll be there from Wednesday to Saturday, so I assume I’ll see you there.

[00:01:23] Preston Pysh: Yeah, I’m sure we’ll bump into each other.

[00:01:25] Okay. So where I wanted to start here, most people, when they’re thinking about mining and they’re thinking about a blockspace, they’re just one of the narratives that we’ve been talking about for years is this correlation between energy companies and miners and how they’re kind of, they’ve got this symbiotic relationship.

[00:01:42] And, which I know you agree with a lot of those ideas, but you’re kind of ringing the bell or kind of like really trying to make some other people understand that there’s even another component to this is the financialization of mining and derivatives and really kind of this idea of like, what is blockspace?

[00:02:03] And I guess where I want to start is what is driving this for you? Like what is putting this idea up on your radar before we start talking about what that is? What is it that you’re seeing right now as a person who minds that’s driving this idea for you?

[00:02:17] Bob Burnett: I have looked at where I have to take my company to be successful, and there’s a realization, I think, that most people associated with this have, that there was a feed dependency that was emerged as importance to the miners, right?


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  • Bob Burnett’s website: Barefoot Mining.
  • Related episode: Bitcoin’s Hardware Future with Bob Burnett.
  • Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here.
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