10 November 2021

This week, Preston Pysh sits down with Greg Foss (Bond Expert) and Guy Swann (Bitcoin OG) to discuss the current market conditions and why the bond market is such a big deal.

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  • Guy and Greg’s thoughts on the pop culture impact.
  • The White House committee guidance for stable coins.
  • Greg’s thoughts on CPI Versus Interest rates.
  • How should people manage their personal mortgages?
  • What do interest rates look like in hyperbitcoinization?
  • The chances of a March 2020 type event happening again.
  • Risk tolerance between generations.


*Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh (00:00:02):

Hey, everyone. Welcome to this Wednesday’s release of the podcast where we’re talking about Bitcoin. On this week’s episode, I have two incredible guests. The first is back by popular demand, and that’s Greg Foss, who has three decades trading fixed-income. Next I’ve got Guy Swann, Who’s an OG influencer in the space and has been around since 2011. We cover a lot of topics, but spend a good amount of time talking about the bond market and how things might progress moving forward. So without further delay, here’s my chat with Guy and Greg.

Intro (00:00:34):

You’re listening to Bitcoin Fundamentals by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Now for your host, Preston Pysh.

Preston Pysh (00:00:52):

Hey everyone. Welcome to the show. Like we said, in the introduction, I’m here with Greg Foss and Guy Swann. Gents, man, this is going to be a fun one. In fact, as we were just warming up, you guys made the suggestion that we should all have a Bourbon or some type of drink in hand, and so I have to tell you, this is the first interview I have ever done on this show where I was having a drink. And I think that this is the perfect interview for this occasion.

Greg Foss (00:01:23):

Cheers to that, for me.

Guy Swann (00:01:24):


Preston Pysh (00:01:25):

Now I did do a live discussion where, I forget what it was, one time, we had a drink on that but it wasn’t my show.

Greg Foss (00:01:32):

That doesn’t count. We’re the first.

Guy Swann (00:01:34):

I say [inaudible 00:01:35] hour.

Preston Pysh (00:01:35):

That’s exactly what it was. This is my first question for you guys, this pop culture thing, no one’s talking about this. I think is a really big deal. You just saw Aaron Rogers today come out and he’s given away a million dollars worth of Bitcoin on Cash App. Tom Brady, who I was watching the world series, I see all the umpires wearing FTX jerseys. It’s literally written on the mound, FTX. You got all these professional athletes. It’s kind of crazy, right? What are you guys thinking the impact of just that is?

Guy Swann (00:02:09):

So I think, this is the follow up, 2017 was really the time that Bitcoin and even the crypto like scam world, but the whole idea of digital money as an independent thing, became a household name. And obviously for so long people even conflated the idea like people would be like, “Yeah, [inaudible 00:02:31] Bitcoin, I got Eth. Bitcoin was it. That’s what you called all of the things. And then of course we went through another bear market and things have pulled back. But as the recognition in the beginning of learning one thing from the other, as it’s presence in the human mind has continued throughout these years, everybody even in my life doesn’t even know that’s what I do, friends and family members. Like it’s there. It’s like eating me in everybody’s mind that this thing exists, it keeps not dying, which like as I’ve said for years and years, said for a decade, all Bitcoin has to do is not die and it wins. That’s the whole goal here.

Guy Swann (00:03:12):

This is it. This is what you see. This is hyperbitcoinization. People realizing that Bitcoin is a money too, and in fact, maybe it’s a more fun money. Maybe it’s the money that you give away because you’re actually giving it to people. I don’t have to call my bank to figure out how to give it to them. I can just like, I can give away stuff like on Twitter. I just randomly went down when they started doing the, I mean I gave you a couple of dollars just because you were the only one by the [inaudible 00:03:40] for a little while.

Guy Swann (00:03:41):

But like, that’s it. It’s that poison. It’s that seed. It’s that virus that is in everybody. It’s more contagious than COVID. It’s sitting there and it’s spreading and people are recognizing it more and more. And when Aaron Rogers or Tom Brady, somebody starts to go down the rabbit hole, they start to understand some of the main elements to it and if they grasp on, like something that makes it like really powerful or really interesting, it fuels, like it’s a feedback loop. You get even deeper, you latch on even harder. And then you’ve got a million followers, you got 10 million followers, why is this guy even talking about it? He’s worth, like Tom Brady’s case, what’s that guy make a year, a hundred mil?

Greg Foss (00:04:25):

Probably something like that, for sure. One thing that’s happening in Canada, well, great points, Guy. Canada, so we’re a much smaller nation, obviously population wise, but I was at a Bitcoin meetup in a smaller town in Southern Ontario called Waterloo, Ontario on Friday night. And [Ali 00:04:44] from the [Real Tahani’s 00:04:45] was there and [Rudolfo 00:04:47] from, Ali was there and Rudolfo and Deterministic Optimism, NVK, the guy is really a star. I’ve never met him before in person, but we had a great time. And then there was a guy who introduces himself as Chris Johnston and I know I knew who he was, but it didn’t dawn on me, and he’s a sportscaster on TV, in Canada with, not millions of followers, but certainly he covers hockey, he knows the NHL players association. He’s at this Bitcoin meetup and I told him, I said, “Hey, listen, one of the biggest times in my life for my kids was when one of my sons saw that you were following me on Twitter. It actually made me look something cool.”

Greg Foss (00:05:29):

So he was there. And that’s the sports side of it. But I have a little anecdote that I was talking with Preston a little bit earlier, before we started recording. I got two independent, well, one call from a member of parliament in Canada today on Bitcoin, and one text. And now in the past, I have noted that I gave a presentation to 45 members of parliament in Canada on Bitcoin. And this is starting to permeate the political spectrum in Canada. But the funniest one, and I won’t name who sent me the text, but he did say, this was a text, he’s so frustrated with his bank because he went to his bank today and he had a bank draft from another credit union that’s also in his name.

Greg Foss (00:06:13):

And at the bank, he’d been a customer of the bank for 25 years, and they still put a hold on funds that were being transferred from the credit union to his own account. And he even talked to the bank manager and then he goes, that’s it, I’ve had it with these banks. I told him the banks are baked. The banks are baked and I’m getting this from a member of parliament. I’m like, geez, this is neat stuff. Now I don’t want to [inaudible 00:06:40] them and everything and this could have been any member of parliament or maybe no members of parliament. But at the end of the day, what it means is people are wondering, and I’m going to flip it back on its ear, Preston, how often have you heard the term Fiat currency amongst people you never would have thought understood what that meant?

Greg Foss (00:06:58):

So it’s not just what Bitcoin is, it’s people understanding what Fiat currency is. And I promise you in Canada 15 years ago, nobody had a clue what Fiat currency was. Now it’s almost like a word that is common within the media, it’s common within politicians, the conservative MP Pierre Poilievre, who’s had some really great posts on various social platforms on inflation, I mean, he’s calling it out. He’s calling out the government. If they can’t print money, that’s what he said today, if the liberals, which is, it’s a ruling party and he’s the opposition, he goes, if the liberals can’t fund themselves by printing money, what are they going to do? And it’s just interesting that he throws that out to the public as if it’s a topic of conversation. So sports, politics, young kids who actually use the word Fiat, now they may not know exactly what it is, but I promise you, they never would have even used the word in the past.

Guy Swann (00:08:01):

Yeah. And I think we can never discount the power of memes. And the fact that we are having fun. Like the laser eyes, that’s a pretty incredible, obnoxiously as it’s overused and as brazen and just aggressive as some of the people can be on Twitter about it, it’s impossible to ignore. It’s 100% impossible to ignore and impossible not to notice. And I think Ben Stein is right, this is a meme war. And I think the very fact that anybody I know knows what the word Fiat is outside of a conversation directly with me, and that everybody I know outside of a conversation directly with me knows what Bitcoin is, suggests that we’re winning that war.


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