25 March 2025
From ETF debates to home heat mining, Jessy brings deep insights on navigating Bitcoin’s evolution, securing your crypto, and building a future with sound strategy and security.
- How Bitcoin ETFs are reshaping market dynamics and investor behavior
- Whether Bitcoin can serve as a reliable retirement asset
- Practical steps for passing down Bitcoin to future generations
- How to safely and effectively donate Bitcoin to charity
- The pros and cons of Bitcoin ETFs vs. private keys
- Risks of centralized exchanges and why they’re considered “honeypots”
- Whether investing in MicroStrategy is a smart Bitcoin proxy play
- How mining pool centralization could threaten Bitcoin’s decentralization
- Jessy’s personal journey with home mining and heating
Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.
[00:00:00] Intro: You are listening to TIP.
[00:00:03] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone. Welcome to this Wednesday’s release of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast. This week I have special guest, Jessy Gilger on to talk about current events in Bitcoin estate planning and smart tax strategies for investors. As you’ll see, Jessy is a wealth of information and someone that makes the topic exciting and accessible for the listeners.
[00:00:22] So with that, let’s jump right into the interview with Jessy.
[00:00:28] Intro: Celebrating 10 years. You are listening to Bitcoin Fundamentals by The Investor’s Podcast Network. Now for your host, Preston Pysh.
[00:00:47] Preston Pysh: Hey everyone. Welcome to the show. I’m here with Jessy, and we’ve got a lot to talk about. Jessy. We had a pretty fun experience together out in Jackson. We were skiing and we just happened to be fortunate enough to be out skiing with a couple of Olympians by chance and I don’t know how you felt after this and we will talk about this quickly and jump right into the content, but this is like too cool of an experience to not talk about.
[00:01:13] This was nuts to me. So I had skied as a kid and really haven’t skied all that much as an adult. And we were at a conference, there were some people that were like Olympic skiers and we just happened to be able to spend the day with them on the mountain. And I don’t know about you, but like how I felt after I was done, I told my wife, I said, I feel like I played Russian roulette, and won and made it out of the day alive and didn’t kill myself. I don’t know how you felt, but I was pressing my comfort.
[00:01:43] Jessy Gilger: For the record, I was on the Preston side of the keeping up with the Olympians. I was not, one of the Olympians and the things these guys were doing were just completely humbling, right? Preston, I was pushing myself to my max and they were seeing the same mountain backwards. Just relaxing, it was quite an endeavor to try to keep up with them.
[00:02:00] Preston Pysh: I’ll remember for years to come forever, I remember I called my dad afterwards and said, you are not going to believe this experience I just had. But it was miraculous. I mean, we were moving out, like how I didn’t kill myself that day. Wow, it was crazy.
[00:02:15] Jessy Gilger: And it’s a tough mountain, right? Jackson is, we were talking to one of them and they said, oh, favorite in the whole world, ski essentially everything that was top of the list for him. So yeah. Congratulations. You made it out.
[00:02:26] Preston Pysh: I kept looking over at you ’cause I knew you were kind of at a similar skill level as me, but wow. That was crazy.
[00:02:32] Hey, so you went to a traditional finance conference after this ski adventure we had. Talk to us about this. Like what was your takeaway? What can you share?
[00:03:03] So I got delayed in the flight, but as soon as I landed, got in the conference, I learned that Michael Saylor was speaking at it. I was like, oh, I’ve got to catch this. What does Michael Saylor have to say to the traditional finance audience?
[00:03:14] Got to the stage and seats were a third, maybe half packed right? Most people attending other events and Saylor is describing what he’s up to with releasing and arbitraging new products or essentially adding volatility to his stock.
[00:03:27] This is breaking the minds of traditional financial advisors, like got to have conversations with them afterwards and they’re like, this is reckless. This is a complete scam. He’s going to blow everyone up and we need to steer well clear of this. And I’d say the general consensus amongst traditional financial advisors is eight, nine out 10. Like, do not go near Bitcoin, don’t touch it, don’t talk about it.
[00:03:48] Preston Pysh: What was the general take at the conference with the current administration and everything that they’re doing from like the strategic Bitcoin reserve? Is any of that being talked about, or is it still just looked at as being this real novelty, weird, he’s placating his voters kind of thing?
[00:04:05] Jessy Gilger: If anything, it’s the second. I would say most people, it’s not even on their radar. You brought up a strategic Bitcoin reserve, like it’s the what and on the just not, it didn’t make it to their newsfeeds. And then if it did, it is like, oh, that’s cute. He’s probably placating to some audience and making some voting constituency happy with a promise, but not taking it as a serious asset, and we just maybe rewind a little bit to what I get to do day in and day out.
[00:04:29] I lead Sound Advisory, which is unchained sister company, right. Unchained as Bitcoin products, Sound Advisory does wealth management, financial planning for Bitcoiners, and so it’s very common for me to see someone who is 50% of their net worth 80, 90% plus of their net worth already in Bitcoin and using Multisig G Control before they ever even get to us.
[00:04:50] And then so hopping from that type of Bitcoin to the traditional financial advisor, there is just a giant gap in knowledge between the two. And I got to see ’em back to back like one conference to another. And it made me realize like we are still so early.
[00:05:04] There were many conversations I had with advisors, they could not believe the type of these, their, like the niche that we serve, right? Like, oh, that’s, that’s very interesting. You’ve got people that are that crazy or off the deep end. And for us it’s a serious market that needs help. So yeah, just the juxtaposition, it got me thinking like, this is still very, very early.
[00:05:25] We’re not even used to say second inning. Like, I don’t think we’re even in the bleachers yet. Yeah. Game game hasn’t even started. Yeah. Well, I’m curious, what are they talking about? So the conference is called Future Proof. It prides itself on being innovative, right? We’re headed to the future. All of these new things are happening, and I think the most innovative thing that they talked about was maybe adding AI to record their meeting notes, which is, the, the Bitcoin content.
[00:05:50] I mean, Saylor was poking at it. It was very explicit, like, Hey, we are adding volatility to this situation. That makes a, a traditional 60 40 stock bond advisor just cringe. Like you’re doing what? Their phones are ringing off the hook because of a 10% correction in the S&P 500. Yeah. And so an average investor can’t stomach a lot of volatility and it’s something that a lot of advisors shy away from.
[00:06:12] And so the most common question I got was I hear all this talk from. Bitcoin believers that it’s a store of value, not for me, not for my clients. They’re nervous in a 10% correction. And that’s, that’s a Tuesday in Bitcoin, right? Yeah. And so I’m trying to help reframe some of those conversations educated by, okay, we store value, but it’s over 20 years, right?
[00:06:30] It’s not a tomorrow store of value. And I think often as Bitcoiners, we’re so deep down the rabbit hole that we’ve like carved ourself into a rut with our language and things that we say that are just common to us. Most recent one I’ve been hearing is the Overton window. Nope. Like a regular person doesn’t know.
[00:06:46] What kind of window are you talking about? Is that like a style or brand? We’ve got a lot of bridging to do to educate that. I mean, there’s over a trillion dollars represented amongst those advisors and what they’re managing, right? Billions and billions of dollars. One shop and 1500 people at the conference, and they’re thinking on, they’re on the cutting edge of innovation, yet avoiding Bitcoin, taking it seriously, or, I did see a lot of this too. There’s so much ego that goes into being an advisor. You have to be right, have a good knowledge and understanding about money, and if you change something fundamental like, oh, well, I think money is something different now, you’re not only wrong to yourself, you have to go explain yourself to a hundred plus clients.
[00:07:26] It’s a hard, it’s an ego death, right? You’re going to be an advisor who starts to take Bitcoin seriously. You have to not only change how you approach finance, but you’re doing that on behalf of your clients as well. And so I think we’ve got a long way to go. It’s an industry that I think thinks it’s on the cutting edge of innovation, yet they’re ignoring something that’s often a cornerstone asset for at least my clients’ financial lives.
[00:07:51] Preston Pysh: Yeah, and you know what? If you go to business school, or let’s say you majored in finance or whatever, they truly define risk as volatility. So when you’d have a guy like, yeah. Saylor on stage saying, well, I’m basically taking Bitcoin’s volatility and I’m bottling it up and turning it into a product for fast money on Wall Street.
[00:08:11] I’m sure they’re just looking at this and be like, this is a madman. What in the world’s he doing? What’s he talking about? And to even begin to understand it, you first have to understand the core thesis of Bitcoin, which I don’t think any, I hate using the word any, but very few even understand that. Let alone building financialization on top of it.
[00:08:29] Jessy Gilger: Yeah. On top of it, I think is a great word. ’cause the way I’ve tried to create a metaphor out of this is like they have a financial belief structure, right? The way they view creating plans and talking about allocations, and the base of that is the, what is money question, right?
[00:08:42] It’s like a Jenga tower. And if you start pulling for those low blocks. And like, I’m going to change what is money in your mind and what it could be and how it might be broken. It just makes the whole structure crumbly. There’s an instinctual reaction like, Nope, don’t touch that question. Like, and you can tell ’em, look Fed printed 3,000,000,000,001 night.
[00:08:59] There’s the bottom March, 2020, right? Watch it. Go straight up everything. Gas, beef, groceries, Bitcoin, gold. Did all those assets get better March 21st? No. A Bitcoin is very intuitive. Money’s broken. Money is better now with Bitcoin, and a traditional financial advisor just struggles with that low Jenga piece. There’s a cringe when you go for polling at it, but, not that one.
[00:09:20] Preston Pysh: Yeah. So yeah, it’s so commonplace in our community, the Bitcoin community, to talk about how the real hurdle rate is basically like global M2 that you should be trying to outperform. But I think in traditional finance, I don’t even think that that idea or that concept is something that they would first of all agree with. And second of all, they’d be like, where’s this number that you’re, this M2 number? Like, what are you talking about?
[00:09:44] Jessy Gilger: I would agree with that. I would say inflation to a pointer is the expansion of the money supply. More currency units, inflation to traditional financial advice is a CPI.
[00:09:54] Preston Pysh: Whatever the government tells you.
[00:09:56] Jessy Gilger: So that, that becomes their hurdle rate. They quote it at three, we got to outperform three S&P does a good job. It’s kinda like they’re monetized. Like a token, right? Like okay, you go into S&P as like a baseline to outperform CPI over the long term.
[00:10:08] Preston Pysh: Yeah, it’s wild to me how far, like you said it we’re like still in the bleachers. National Anthem hasn’t even played yet kind of level of the ball game and what helps people start figuring it out? Is it just pure price action? Is it Bitcoin going to 500,000 and more people just questioning the narrative or what?
[00:10:28] Jessy Gilger: I’ve seen a lot of people start and continue their Bitcoin journeys over the years and you can’t replace curiosity, right? And price does a very good job of instigating curiosity, right? You have a 10 x on anything. It’s like, whoa, why? Why did that happen? And that can start the digging for some people and they land at different conclusions or they start, start like an alt coin phase early in the journey but it’s got to be curiosity.
[00:10:50] And I’ve started to communicate with advisors that are curious. I can’t make you a believer in this or I can’t make you understand it. I can give you the information, but you have to, if it’s going to be something that you believe, do the proof of work and get there yourself. And so there are, unfortunately, some advisors are like sitting on a golden goose of a 60 40 stock bond practice, have hundreds of millions of AUM, and they’re just not interested in doing much more work.
[00:11:17] They’re going to continue to ride that easy cruise control type of practice. And unfortunate I. If I had a message to clients, you’ve got an advisor like that, like what are you paying them for? Like what? What’s going on there? So truly, yeah. Yeah. I think curiosity is something you can’t replace, can’t teach, and it starts everyone’s journey.
[00:11:37] Preston Pysh: The thing that continues to just bogle my mind and it’s boggled my mind for years and years. Is everybody’s that’s gone to business school. Everybody that’s a financial manager, they know that you control the volatility, quote unquote risk with position size. And so, right like, but it seems like when you look at Bitcoin and you look at its performance and you say, well, why don’t you own one or 2%?
[00:12:00] You even have BlackRock now coming out and saying they think it’s appropriate for a 2% position. This was literally in Bloomberg probably two months ago, or I think before Christmas. That there was a Bloomberg article that came out and BlackRock thinks that a 2% position size in Bitcoin is responsible.
[00:12:18] Has large cap financial companies like BlackRock saying these types of things, do you think that that’s slowly starting to make an impact?
[00:12:28] Jessy Gilger: Yeah, key words slowly right out of the 50. 60 advisors I talked to. I’d say like three are curious and starting to open the door in a reasonable way.
[00:12:39] Let’s put another 10 in, okay, I could consider that, but if I’m going to buy Bitcoin, which Bitcoin, right? Like they still got the blockchain alt coin, lack of understanding there and not, most advisors don’t want to have to apologize for something. Mm. Right. Yeah. If they stick their neck out for anything, even a one 2% idea, and they got to explain to the client why they’re putting it in portfolio and then it goes down by half or to zero, they’d just rather not do it at all.
[00:13:05] If what I’m doing works well enough to keep the client happy and not calling, and I have to meet with them two times a year, continue to collect my 1%. That’s the apathy that I think exists in too big of a chunk.
[00:13:18] Preston Pysh: One other current event topic that I would love to cover before we get into some of the top questions you get as a retirement planning expert. Did you see this stuff with Nvidia that came out this week with all the robots and the AI and, oh, you haven’t seen this?
[00:13:34] Jessy Gilger: Oh no, not the new stuff.
[00:13:35] Preston Pysh: Oh my God. What are they doing? Well, so Nvidia just comes out and, I mean they are just going to town on providing GPUs and software interface for basically pushing robotics at a pace that’s like humanoid robots at a pace that I think is way faster than anybody’s anticipating to the point where I’m hearing trials in, factories this year, maybe even home testing.
[00:14:02] Developmental testing this year, and then maybe even by next year, some initial prototypes going into homes. They’re able to accelerate the learning through simulated environments that 10 x the speed at which the robots can learn the way that they’re moving the battery technology, like all of this stuff.
[00:14:19] Yeah, and I’m just looking at it and I’m saying to myself, I can’t even imagine how deflationary this is going to be from a technology standpoint. I. In the coming five years. Yeah. And the amount of fiat printing that’s going to have to be conducted to offset the technological deflation that this is causing.
[00:14:37] Yeah. And the dislocation and like all these other things. And I’m just like, I’m watching all this Nvidia. Maybe it’s because I put a lot of this into my Twitter feed that I’m seeing a lot of it, maybe more prevalent case.
[00:14:47] Jessy Gilger: That makes sense and breaks my mind at the same time, right? Because if you imagine where we were at with ChatGPT two years ago. It’s like, okay, well this is kind of cute in a tool and look what it can do. And now I’m seeing regular people like use it as a necessary tool in their workflows now. Like, oh, you can’t get rid of chat tiva. Yeah. I’m reliant on it. And that was the software side. And now you’re talking about hardware and Yeah, yeah.
[00:15:11] Mechanical engineering and like, okay. Well if you take. The growth of what’s happening in software. And you showed me in Jackson, like, watch me speak Korean. I don’t know how to speak Korean at all, but here I’m going to have some Michael Saylor commentary and it’s going to take all of that content, change how my lips move, and then you gave it to your friend who was fluent in Korean. He said it’s perfect, right?
[00:15:33] The software combining with the hardware. I can’t even imagine how much, the world’s going to change. And you said five, I’ve got to live 10, 20, hopefully 30 more years. Like, where does it all go? And it touches on that Jeff Booth idea, like it’s going to create so much productivity, which is going to cause deflation and that’s the kryptonite to the fiat system, right?
[00:15:53] Preston Pysh: Yes. This is what the TradeFi, if I had a big gripe, this is the thing that I don’t think all those people in the room that you were there at this conference understand is that the technological deflation is an exponential curve and it builds in this goes that Jeff Booth’s thesis that so many Bitcoiners talk about is like the 50th fold of the piece of paper gets you from the earth’s surface to the sun because it’s exponential.
[00:16:17] When I’m just looking around at AI and I’m looking at robotics and I’m looking at, I’m saying the amount of printing that they have to do to offset this is just miraculous. It’s out of our comprehension just within five years, and I just want to be able to scream it to the rooftops of traditional finance, like, wake up, you have to see this. Like there’s no way they’re going to be able to mask this any other way than just printing like tons of more monetary units.
[00:16:46] Jessy Gilger: And that was really when I started taking Bitcoin seriously in clients’ financial lives. Right. When they, in March, 2020 created those new currency units to expand the system, you had something to point to, right?
[00:16:59] I was in a situation where I got a stimulus check at that time. Shoveled that puppy straight into Bitcoin, encouraged clients to do something.
[00:17:04] Preston Pysh: Which by the way is what amount now? It’s like 20,000.
[00:17:07] Jessy Gilger: Oh geez. I haven’t checked on it.
[00:17:08] Preston Pysh: I’ll look it up while you’re talking. It was a $1,200 check.
[00:17:11] Jessy Gilger: Yeah, I know mine was 1400, so I don’t know. And maybe the point I was getting to within that is when they inject. They have to choose how and who, and that’s inherently an unfair process.
[00:17:23] In that month, they were buying Apple corporate bonds. There was the PPP loans for business owners, and then there were stimulus checks for, let’s call ’em the plugs, right? The common folk. And it was just a whole set of rules that was created and then injected.
[00:17:36] And I think for the first time you saw when the note, the new money units are injected into the lower socioeconomic ends of the population. That’s where you’re getting the grocery store inflation, right? If you just inject it into banks and apple bonds, you’re not going to see beef be affected as much as capital assets, right? And so I was paying attention to injection site like, okay, they got, they got to print new money, where’s it going to go?
[00:18:01] And that canon effect is not, not a straight line, right? . It filters and flows through the con over years and it has ripple effects and so. The printing that got done was still under a a Trump one administration. Yeah. But then all this price inflation is like trickling through into the Biden administration and people are like, oh, that’s Biden’s inflation.
[00:18:21] It’s just not intuitive to people that, okay, money gets injected 3,000,000,000,001 night. People didn’t. Change the list price on their house the next morning. It takes years to trickle through and it’s not fair. You can’t choose how it happens and it is going to happen again. And so I guess that’s such a question I kind of want to ask you, like, how big do you think the next Federal Reserve balance sheet expansion is going to be?
[00:18:44] Preston Pysh: Yeah. Your point on the frequency or the lag factor of the input versus the output is so on point. . And so important and so lost on so many. By the way, the stimulus, if you got a $1,200 stimulus, it’s now worth $12,000. It’s 10x in value, since they mailed those out, if you would’ve taken all of it and put it in the Bitcoin.
[00:19:06] My answer to that, I’m sorry. Help me remember.
[00:19:09] Jessy Gilger: It was a cheap shot question. How big is the next print?
[00:19:11] Preston Pysh: Oh, yeah. The way I would go about answering this would just be, look at the growth rate of the global M2. And the US is printing at about eight to 10% annualized, and it’s been very flat for three or four years.
[00:19:26] This is another point on how much do they got to print? It depends on how much of that deflation of the credit, how much of that credit do they allow to be soaked up or to go poof? All the promises, how much of that do they allow to go poof, and for how? How deep do they allow that to go also plays into how much they’ve got to print in the immediate term to get it back on track with that eight to 10% growth rate.
[00:19:49] So if they don’t ever allow that impairment to really kind of play out in the credit markets and they just continue to like juice it, then the print is just going to continue to take, whatever eight to 10% of the current nominal growth rate is and just figure that out. But if it contracts like what we saw in 2020.
[00:20:06] Like that was really a sharp reaction to Covid. And so the amount that they put into the system was, I would say, a little bit extra than what they probably needed to. But I think that if you’re looking at it from that, the speed at which they were able to.
[00:20:20] Jessy Gilger: Yeah, the speed, their response has become quicker. So TARP was what? Wait and TARP was three months. Covid was like three weeks. Yeah. And then the, the bank’s breaking, I think they did that over a weekend, right? Like, yeah. Silicon Valley Bank and, yeah. That’s another, Oprah was broke on Friday and made a hole on Monday.
[00:20:36] Preston Pysh: That’s a perfect example of why it’s so hard to predict the next amount that’s going to be printed is because look at Silicon Valley Bank. Perfect example. Died on a Friday. It was reinvigorated before the market opened on Monday and everything just kept chugging along.
[00:20:52] It’s like nothing to happen. Nothing to see that weekend. Yeah, nothing to see. But if they would’ve let that play out for, let’s say they didn’t do anything and they took their hands off the controls for two weeks, could you imagine the amount of the dominoes would just start, the impairment would’ve just cascaded through the entire global economy, and then they would’ve had to have printed a lot more to offset that versus how they responded to it.
[00:21:11] So yeah, it’s a little bit of a fool’s errand to answer a question like that because you just don’t know how long they’re going to allow the impairment to play out. But I think that if you’re looking at it on a net long-term basis, like over how much are they going to print in the next five years, I think you can actually figure that out pretty closely to by just looking at the chart and just kind of doing the math of that growth rate.
[00:21:34] Now whether this robotic stuff will accelerate the technology deflation, I don’t know, but AI., I don’t know.
[00:21:41] Jessy Gilger: And it’s that feedback loop too, right? Yeah. The more they do, the more they have to do.
[00:21:45] Preston Pysh: And it’s big time. It’s crazy.
[00:21:47] Alright, so here’s my question for you. Okay. What’s the number one question that you hear? with like ego death, we, when I’m talking to a lp, I can tell you the number one question I hear.
[00:21:58] Jessy Gilger: How do you outperform Bitcoin?
[00:21:59] Preston Pysh: That is the question. So what’s your number one question you hear? You nailed that, by the way.
[00:22:04] Jessy Gilger: It’s a twofold set of problems. So typically, I’ll just tell you the tip was a husband and wife coming in. This isn’t always Oh man, but the, oh man, I see where this is going. Husband is more the technical Bitcoin or, and very curious on if there’s tax savings to be had. Right? So tax is number one.
[00:22:17] That one’s typically the primary technical Bitcoin or, and the family wants to save money so they can buy more Bitcoin, the less technical spouse. Is looking at that guy and saying, well, what if I do, if he smokes that, right? Like, I’m on board with the Bitcoin. I’m not involved in the finance, but if something happens to him, health, or otherwise, God forbid, I’m not confident that I know what to do or if I have someone to talk to.
[00:22:40] So it’s twofold. It’s like a tax and inheritance. One two punch and then maybe a third as a backup is like, well, if we’re right about Bitcoin, then I’m going to have a new set of opportunities or choices. So how do I like dial back maybe the work I’m doing or pivot it to something else? So, can you save me money on taxes?
[00:22:57] Probably the number one question, and that’s the the deep end customized question. Inheritance is pretty standard, especially in couples. I believe in my spouse and I’m on board with Bitcoin, but I’m not as. Technically confident or no, I don’t know. I’m going to be okay if something happened. And then once those two are solved, we start looking at the future and what transition scenarios might look like. So I’d say that’s the most classic.
[00:23:21] Preston Pysh: Let’s talk the tax piece because, yeah. And I know that you said this gets very nuanced to the individual, but if you would take, let’s say you have a person, their net worth is $500,000, how would you walk them through the tax implications and how to think about it.
[00:23:37] Jessy Gilger: Yeah, so there’s a couple different components to tax and I’d say the the two big ones that are just highly dependent on who you are in your financial situation is going to be income tax, right? I make money every year and have to pay taxes on it. And then estate tax, which is kind of the net worth one that you are poking at.
[00:23:52] I’ve got this much money and the way the tax law is currently structured, if you die with too much, that’s the death tax, right? Government comes in and takes it quick. It kicks into 40% really quickly. And so if death tax is in play, that’s a huge needle mover where often we’re looking at hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.
[00:24:11] Tax savings. Bitcoiners are unique. ’cause even the person that’s at a $500,000 net worth thinks they might be in some measure of time. Like, oh yeah, well I’m going to the moon and so. I might have the death tax as a problem, so it’s something we’re always paying attention to, regardless of net worth. Right now, those numbers are about $14 million per person, so $28 million net worth for a couple.
[00:24:37] That’s part of the Trump tax bill that sunsets this year. If they don’t change any rules gets cut in half. To 7 million per person. Oh, okay. So coming down from 28 for a couple down to 14. Yeah. And just depending on the uniqueness of your situation, if you see a net worth and like those two, that perfect storm collides, like, well, I might be over 14, and if this sunsets, it’s nuanced.
[00:24:57] It’s a little bit complicated. And we’re talking about two different. Structures that we can move the needle in. So when you present net worth, that makes me think, which tax are we talking about, right? Is it . I pass away and I had too much money, so now I’m taxed and pay half to the government.
[00:25:13] That’s a big one to avoid. The more common one, I think that applies to everyone is income tax, right? I’ve got, rental properties or W2 or had sold a business. And that tax is experienced every year. You’re not having the death tax every year, hopefully. And the income tax, that’s a different one. A little more unique I would say.
[00:25:31] If I could answer the question quickly for you and then kick it back to any follow up, the three biggest needle movers we have as Bitcoiners within the income tax are going to be good understanding of your basis to do both gains and loss harvesting. . Right. In a pullback, you can do lost harvesting, but there’s also gains harvesting.
[00:25:48] There’s a 0% capital gains tax bracket. Some people live in 0% tax states. So if you can go get and sell a Bitcoin and pay no tax, sometimes you can do that and just buy it right back and give yourself a higher basis. Help us understand where that would apply. So we’ll take someone who is. At a hundred thousand dollars a year of income as a couple, right?
[00:26:09] Husband and wife make a hundred thousand dollars a year, and they don’t have any other complexity in their tax situation. The 0% capital gains rate goes up to about $130,000 for this year, 2025. Using round numbers here, it’s a little more specific, but there is a situation if that couple lives in one of the nine states that have 0% tax.
[00:26:31] They can sell $30,000 worth of gain in Bitcoin and then buy that Bitcoin right back the very next second. That is a capital gains harvest, and they’re not going to pick up any tax for doing that. They’re still within the 0% federal window, 0% state. What they can do is sell, where we at today? 85,000. So let’s pick, they bought Bitcoin at 55,000, 85,000 today.
[00:26:54] . Going to sell the $55,000 Bitcoin. Buy it back for 85,000 and I’ve just improved my basis and future tax situation. Oh yeah. Buy that much for free. Yeah, so that’s one I pay attention to. I’d say that’s outstanding. That’s out quickly. The other, yeah, I love that. Oh, sorry. No, I love that. That’s outstanding.
[00:27:12] The other two are going to be donor-advised funds, so we have a lot of clients who are charitable. It’s kind of this, fix the money, fix the world idea, and we’re often identifying their lowest basis Bitcoin. And using that within their tax situation to get write offs, right? Can front load that and they can continue to hold the Bitcoin.
[00:27:31] It doesn’t have to go straight to charity, they just leave it in a structure. They can continue to hold it, let it grow, give it to charity. One day we’ve saved. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars by doing that for folks. And then the third one’s going to be Roth conversions. Roth IRAs being tax free.
[00:27:48] Bitcoiners love the idea of tax free. And so if we can get Bitcoin into a structure that without tax law changes, by the time they want to use it, they can do it without having to pay taxes. That’s a big one. So that is pretty nuanced in looking at the current bracket and how much can we get from traditional to Roth IRAs.
[00:28:05] Are we building Roth IRA from scratch? But in general, those are the three quick answers of like real needle movers. There’s other more peripheral ones, but tax gain, tax loss. Donor advised funds and charitable gifting and then Roth conversion.
[00:28:18] Preston Pysh: If a person was, a lot of people hear about having their own trust, at what point would you start recommending this for somebody? A self-directed trust or self-directed IRA through a trust. Help us understand how you think through some of these mechanics.
[00:28:33] Jessy Gilger: Yeah. So there’s a couple nuances within there, and I want to be clear on what you’re asking. Are you talking about trusts, which are typically more for like asset protection?
[00:28:43] And don’t necessarily need to be IRAs. And then there’s IRAs, a subcategory of IRAs as like the self-directed where a lot of early Bitcoiners had to use that structure to hold Bitcoin in an IRA.
[00:28:54] Preston Pysh: Both of those.
[00:28:55] Jessy Gilger: So I think we’ll do the IRAs one first, because early on in Bitcoin there wasn’t a great way to like hold your own keys for a Bitcoin and have it be tax advantaged. And so what happened is you’d set up what’s called a checkbook, IRA, right? It ends up being IRA owns this LLC. Then the Lll C is a business and it can go hold Bitcoin on its balance sheet. And so people or Bitcoiners to have key control, they do this checkbook IRA structure, or hey, I’m going to have the IRA, it’s going to own the LLC.
[00:29:24] The LLC is going to go buy Bitcoin and I’ll hold my keys in that. And I would say that’s probably one of the earliest ways you saw Bitcoin in IRAs. Now there’s. Far more products than options, right? Whether you would just want to be the ETF on, Schwab or Fidelity. I helped develop, when I was at Unchained for a few years, they have a two of three Multisig IRA, right?
[00:29:45] Where clients still holding two keys, Unchained holds the third. They use their third to keep you compliant from a reporting perspective. So because they have a key in the setup, they can watch if the Bitcoin ever leaves. That’s the mechanism they use to keep you compliant as an IRA. And so there’s far more options now, and I think it’s rare for me to see a checkbook IRA, but they still do exist.
[00:30:10] Like anything, there’s trade offs, fee, each structure, so I don’t want to rabbit trail too much on that. And then how about just the trust in general? Yeah. This is more of an estate planning and inheritance question. Trust can hold assets, wills cannot. Right? So when you look at doing your estate plan, you say, Hey, I want my kids to be taken care of by, grandma Susie, and I want the dog to be taken care of by someone else.
[00:30:31] You can do everything you want within a will, but a will can’t hold Bitcoin for you when assets are transferring to inheritors. You often want to trust, and this is a 50 statewide question, I’m not an attorney. Attorneys have to write trust, but I’ll brainstorm this with clients because the three big things that Bitcoiners don’t like when they hear what I’m about to say is the state can be involved with how your assets are transferring to heirs if you don’t have that set up.
[00:30:59] So if you’ve got Bitcoin and you bought it in Preston’s name, right? I’m Preston, I bought Bitcoin. Something happens to Preston and that Bitcoin is supposed to go to your wife. Depending on how you’re set up, the state you live in could be involved. That is a process called probate. It’s often very slow, can be expensive.
[00:31:16] And the big one that Bitcoiners don’t like is it’s public record. Hey, Preston’s wife got this many Bitcoin on this day. That’s, an avoidable situation. And so a trust is that mechanism that can hold assets. I’m Preston, I’m going to set up a trust. My wife is going to be a co-trustee to that trust, and we are going to put the Bitcoin from my Preston name into the trust.
[00:31:39] That is a non-taxable event like going left pocket to right pocket. Now the trust owns the Bitcoin and there’s still key control structures available to do that. Then if something happens to you, your wife is just the co-trustee the next day, not going through the state. No one needs to know it’s next day access, and it really keeps her above board, right?
[00:31:59] . She doesn’t have to document, well, how’d you get this Bitcoin? she’s able to find your keys like in a single signature setup, right? Hey, it’s unfortunate pressed and passed, but I got the keys. She’s going to bring that into a financial service at one point to sell it or take a loan against it.
[00:32:16] And they might, ask, well, how did you get this? And you can save a lot of that pain upfront by just, Hey, let’s title this correctly. We don’t have to make sacrifices in our key control setup. We just need a good legal wrapper around this to avoid really the state getting involved in having their say.
[00:32:32] Preston Pysh: Yeah. And what net worth or like, what would be the metrics that you would tell somebody?
[00:32:38] Jessy Gilger: That’s common? I don’t think that one’s tied to net worth at all. So that situation we described is called like Revocable Living Trust.
[00:32:44] Revocable meaning I can take it back as long as I’m living. And so Revocable Living Trust, often called a Family Trust. You can put assets into it, take it back out. That is something that everyone should consider currently, regardless of network. I would say some of the more automated legal Zoom type options can be a few hundred bucks. Meeting with an attorney’s probably between three grand and 10 grand to get it done, and you’re getting your basic set of documents taken care of, that you can still make changes too.
[00:33:13] . And so that one, in my opinion, doesn’t have a net worth trigger like some of the more advanced trust did. The more advanced trusts are called irrevocable, which means no takebacks. And the big reason you’re doing that is for asset protection or to avoid that death tax that we talked about earlier. Like, hey, I’m over that 14 or 28 million. Let me use that number now and get the Bitcoin out of my estate into this trust that I no longer control.
[00:33:40] And so you set up that type of trust with a lot more intentionality and due diligence. And you’re usually not exploring that until you’re on the bubble, right? The 14 or 28 or whatever it decides to be next year.
[00:33:53] Preston Pysh: Yeah. Let’s talk the, technical risks that you said come up in, these initial meet and greets that you have that one of the two, bring up that they have concerns if the other one passes to be able to manage the keys. How do you go through this?
[00:34:08] I mean, when I’m thinking about this, I think about on one extreme, you have like my grandmother. . There’s no way she could ever do anything with Bitcoin keys without having somebody do all of it on her behalf. So buying something like an ETF or somebody of that technical competence seems to make more sense. And I know that that’s not a popular thing to say in the space. How do you go about talking?
[00:34:32] Jessy Gilger: It might be popular, but I think it’s right. Take everyone for where they’re at and try to get them the best thing that fits them. So yeah, unfortunately we had a client pass last year in his eighties and surviving spouses in her seventies.
[00:34:45] He was holding his own keys. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with that. . And so in some ways. We have to ask the question like, is quote unquote going backwards the rest? Right. We were holding keys and all, but she’s very nervous and it’s tough for her to feel comfortable with.
[00:35:02] She likes Bitcoin. Her husband believed in it. She feels this almost, this urge to carry on, in Yeah, in his name with the asset. But maybe the ETF is a better fit for now, or at least. We can choose a little bit of each, right? . And we just have those discussions and figure out what might be right. As far as ETFs go, it’s common for us to divide amongst the custodians.
[00:35:23] Coinbase honeypot, I think they’re helping out eight or nine of the ETFs. Spite already runs their own custody, and then a Gemini runs Van X. So if we use ETFs, like, Hey, let’s maybe spread across these custodians to diversify against the hack a little bit. .
[00:35:39] Preston Pysh: What are your thoughts on the Coinbase, honey quote unquote honeypot?
[00:35:43] Jessy Gilger: Oh, they hold a lot of ETF coins. Yeah, I think they hold a lot of MicroStrategy’s coins. I don’t know where America’s going to hold its coins within that summit that we went to in Jackson. I heard them called the gold standard for Bitcoin custody. And what I see with, we’ll just call ’em Bitcoiners on the street. It’s like, it’s not the gold standard of how many Bitcoin maximalist would trust Brian Armstrong with their private keys.
[00:36:08] I don’t know. Not a high percentage. And so that looks like a big risk to me. And I have Bitcoiners, don’t say that. Don’t jinx them. Like we saw Mal Gox, like we’ve seen FDX, like we’re looking at what a honeypot could be.
[00:36:22] They’re holding, between those three entities, it’s over a million and a half Bitcoin, somewhere around there. The ETF’s MicroStrategy in potentially America, I don’t know. And so I’d like to see coins leave Coinbase slowly rather than all at once, right?
[00:36:37] If a million Bitcoin leaving a night, that’s a bad year, potentially decade for Bitcoin. If we can have better custody options develop and be adopted over 10 years and Coinbase doesn’t have to have a catastrophic event, that would be a preferable outcome.
[00:36:53] Preston Pysh: I think the SAB 1 21 and this request for in-kind redemption is . All a positive direction to remedy some of this, what you’re talking about. I just don’t know the pace at which it would play out.
[00:37:06] Jessy Gilger: Yeah. That would allow banks to be like, Hey, we’re going to redeem the ETF at Coinbase, but then they still have to come up with their key control model. Right. What is Chase Bank running cold storage Multisig look like? Yeah. And I don’t know, I know how much work have they done from that perspective to make sure that that’s secure?
[00:37:22] So yeah, I’d like to see maturity in the industry competitors develop SAB 1 21 and or in kind redemptions. Would help make it easy to transfer some of the et f points of squire.
[00:37:33] Preston Pysh: Yeah, no doubt. You had mentioned that the third thing that sometimes comes up is this discussion around like, well, what do we do if we’re right?
[00:37:42] Jessy Gilger: I don’t know how.
[00:37:45] Preston Pysh: No, it seems more like a philosophical discussion with purpose. And I’m just kind of curious to hear your thoughts on some of that. Like, hey, we’re 10, 15, 20 years into the future. Let’s say you’re very right about all of this and it changes your life.
[00:37:59] Jessy Gilger: I get to see it, right? I’ve worked with clients who started in 20 12, 20 13. Yeah. And exactly that happened, right? Yeah. This used to be a nominal amount and now it’s grown into a life changing amount and when, if that happens again. And so what I’ve already seen, if it compounds right, and we’re folding the paper and you’re going to be presented with opportunities that you’ve never seen before and simultaneously problems that you’ve never encountered before. Right? For a lot of people like. I didn’t know what death tax kicks in at $28 million. So I encourage ’em, Hey, do your moon math. And, figure out when this matters to you.
[00:38:33] I’ve seen some Bitcoins like, well, my answer is to just go underground. I’m going to do the no KYC thing and I’ll make my family go dark for generations. Okay. Or with some planning and intentionality, you can choose to stay above board and just have good structures and a strategy in place. So. It being exponential.
[00:38:50] And if you’re right, in 10, 15, 20 years, you’re presented all this new opportunity from a time and energy perspective, like how you make work optional and what you focus on, what matters to you. I do see a trend of let’s fix the money, fix the world. As Bitcoin has happened to people, it unlocks that fix the world side of them and they start caring about causes and want to use their Bitcoin for that.
[00:39:12] So that’s exciting to partner with. And then, yeah, just the problems that wealth brings. I’ve got to meet, in my opinion, some very, very wealthy people on this journey. And they’re not problem free, they just have different money problems. Yeah. So it’s a fun job getting to see the whole spectrum, right?
[00:39:30] Those early in the journey and ones that it’s already happened to, what would be the different strokes for different folks though.
[00:39:35] Preston Pysh: What would you say is the one bit of advice you’d like to leave with the listener as they think through some of these things?
[00:39:41] Jessy Gilger: I think the biggest piece of advice is your situation is not like anybody else’s. And I’ll bring Saylor back into this because another common question, I guess I’m told to never sell my Bitcoin, right? Michael Saylor said to never sell my, well, Michael Saylor is getting 0% debt and arbitrage a convertible bond market that we have no access to, right? And so he’s playing a different game and his needs are going to be met incidentally.
[00:40:05] Like they’re a rounding error of his life, right? He’s operating in a different threshold, so don’t play somebody else’s game. Yeah. You go on Twitter and you see all this advice, do this, this, and this. Often someone’s speaking from like, Hey, here’s the game I’m playing and how, how I want, I’m a revolutionary.
[00:40:21] I’m going to die on this bill and I’m never selling my Bitcoin. Yeah. Talk to a 62-year-old couple. They’re retiring and are they in that same spot? Are they a revolutionary? No, they’re not going to work. They want to have a calmer experience than what Bitcoin volatility has traditionally brought most folks.
[00:40:37] So it can be tough, especially within, if we are in an echo chamber, right? And we’re saying those words to ourselves, you can get caught up playing somebody else’s game and you think you’re making good financial decisions. ’cause that’s what a community or a signal could be telling you. They’re not playing your game.
[00:40:53] They don’t know who you are. They don’t know if you have a wife or kids, or you know what your job looks like and or that you just sold your business and you’ve got to pay a bunch of taxes. They don’t know any of that. And so only you are in your shoes. You can reach out to people that work on this.
[00:41:06] Like, that’s why we built Sound Advisory. I got the question before Sound Advisory launched. I got that question all the time at Unchained. Say, what should I do? Oh, I can’t say should, right? You hear it all the time on every podcast, not financial advice. Go talk to your guy. There weren’t many good guys or people in the space that could answer that question for folks.
[00:41:24] And so that’s what we look to do is just be a sounding board, understand Bitcoin deeply, and try to give advice that makes sense for Bitcoiners and like be a partner with them in the game that they’re playing.
[00:41:36] Preston Pysh: Love this advice, love this advice. ’cause you, do you see it on Twitter or X all the time where people are actually like getting in fights and arguments over, no, that’s not how, and it’s like, no, everybody has a different like life circumstance that they’re dealing with and I just really like that point a lot.
[00:41:54] You mined a little bit for three years, and I’m curious what your takeaway, like looking back at the experience, what was your takeaway with mining for three years on your own?
[00:42:05] Jessy Gilger: So I mine outta my garage and heat my house. So in the winter, or I think we kick it on around October and I just, above the fridge. Popped a vent through the garage and then just pump it out into the entryway. I live in Idaho, so it’s cold. Right. Often be like single digits or the teens. And so we just keep it on all winter. Not an advanced setup, but it was heating the house for about eight bucks a day and electricity, and at the time maybe making six to seven bucks a day in Bitcoin.
[00:42:33] So more of a nerd hobby, but fun. And I see the, the conversation starting around heat reuse, right? Yeah. For so many of these mega scale miners, they’re looking for cheap electricity costs and then doing just massive scale, right? And a lot of heat is the output and it’s valuable. And I saw that just personally, I’m like, I could either run the heat pump, which is really expensive and doesn’t make Bitcoin or can run the miner and like get some Bitcoin alongside and so it’s just completely on grid. We weren’t getting any sort of special rate or anything. Yeah. But I’m very encouraged to see, you’ve seen the prototypes of like the the hot tub, right? Yeah. We’re going to keep the hot tub with Bitcoin and talking to another Idaho and locally he is like, I want to keep my driveway and I want to eat my pool.
[00:43:18] And if it makes Bitcoin all the better. And I just think that’s energy that’s changed from electricity into heat is often being. Wasted by miners and it could be injected into so many homes. Right. Water heaters. There’s just a deep need for heat. I was chatting with someone on the plane who did get it, got Bitcoin a little bit.
[00:43:38] I’m like, I’m very, very curious to see like miners migrate in winter. Like they go from North America to South America for the winter, just ’cause that’s where the heat is needed. . I don’t know if that’ll happen, but. Yeah, there was a joke there with chickens and egg six, and it was a good joke, right? Like maybe we’ll see miner migration if he becomes more valuable.
[00:43:56] Preston Pysh: If you could look at it objectively from the typical person that’s wanting to do this at their house and the technical competence required and the operational and maintenance. Like you just told me before we started recording that you were on quite a few trips in the past three weeks and being away from that, how likely do you think something like this coming into the home is and like what kind of timeline do you think something like that might occur?
[00:44:22] Jessy Gilger: Oh goodness. If they built, so I’ve seen like the, the heat bits and there’s an industry that’s poking at the, the user interface of it all. Like making that easier. It wasn’t too difficult, like I’m not an electrician or an engineer. I don’t know how to code at all, and I just opened up my panel, ran a wire over, plugged it in, and I was able to jerry rig it.
[00:44:42] I’m confident that others could, but I think the industry making it plug and play is just. A very, that’s a curiosity. I think I have that. Okay. Well what if you could just buy a water heater at Home Depot that has asics using to heat the water. Yeah. Have it all point to a address or a wallet and it’s not too difficult and your water heater goes out.
[00:45:01] It’s like, are you going to buy the one that mines Bitcoin or doesn’t? They cost the same? You’re going to choose the one, and I think that’ll just start to infect. The need for heat market.
[00:45:11] Preston Pysh: It’s exciting to just see the potential.
[00:45:14] Jessy, if people want to learn more about you or Sound Advisory, give ’em a handoff.
[00:45:20] Jessy Gilger: Yep. So we can be found at That’s T-H-E Sound Advisory. We can book an intro with our team. We’re three advisors, two CPAs doing taxes in-house for folks. I’m @idahohodl on Twitter, and then other folks on the team, so Von Kellerman, Malcolm. I’m sure any of them would be happy to have a follow.
[00:45:40] So reach out, say hi if you’ve got questions. That’s what we’re here for.
[00:45:44] Preston Pysh: Alright, we’ll have links to all this in the show notes and until next time, hopefully we can be as lucky as we were this past time in Jackson not killing ourselves on the slopes bit.
[00:45:56] Boy, I had a blast with you, sir. So thank you for making time and coming on the show.
[00:46:00] Jessy Gilger: Thank you for having me. It’s an honor.
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