20 January 2021

On today’s show, Preston talks to software engineer and Bitcoin core developer, Jimmy Song. Jimmy covers a wide range of topics on how software is developed, deployed, and updated into the protocol. He also covers risks and concerns that many users of the protocol often voice.



  • How are Bitcoin updates generated between developers?
  • How are Bitcoin updates released once complete?
  • How are new versions tested and agreed to?
  • What happens if updates aren’t used by full node operators?
  • Why full node operators are important versus why miners are important.
  • 51% attacks.
  • Quantum computing and it’s potential threat to Bitcoin.
  • Other engineering threats to Bitcoin.
  • Jimmy’s thoughts on interesting software initiatives moving forward.


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  • Jimmy Song’s new Book, Thank God For Bitcoin.
  • Jimmy’s Book, Programming Bitcoin.
  • Jimmy’s Podcast, OffChain.
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Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh (00:00:03):
Hey, everyone. Welcome to our Wednesday release of the podcast where I’m covering Bitcoin. Today’s guest is a well-known software engineer and core developer to the Bitcoin protocol, Mr. Jimmy Song. Jimmy has numerous contributions to the current software baseline, and he’s the author of the go to textbook, Programming Bitcoin.

On today’s show, we get into how updates are made to the code, how these updates are tested by a decentralized group of software engineers, then how does the update get deployed? How do full node operators adopt the code? What risks are associated with this process and much, much more. Jimmy talks about other blockchains. He talks about quantum computing. There’s a lot of variety in this and it all relates to the engineering and it comes from a guy that’s written some of the code itself. So, without further delay, here’s my chat with the one and only, Jimmy Song.

Intro (00:00:53):
You are listening to Bitcoin Fundamentals by The Investors Podcast Network. Now for your host, Preston Pysh.

Preston Pysh (00:01:12):
All right. So, hey, everyone. Welcome to the show. I’m super pumped to be here with Jimmy Song talking Bitcoin and Bitcoin tech. Jimmy, welcome to the show.

Jimmy Song (00:01:21):
Well, thanks for having me. It’s a pleasure to be on. I appreciate that you were on my podcast. So it’s a little nice exchange here.

Preston Pysh (00:01:28):
This is fun because we were talking all investing and now we can talk all the tech and engineering and all the really good stuff. So let’s dive into this, Jimmy. Let’s start off. A lot of the folks that listen to our show really kind of come out of traditional finance, and are just getting introduced to Bitcoin for the first time through the show, and you’ve been in this space for years. So, I just want to give the audience a little bit of background on you. So tell us your story. Tell us how you got attracted to Bitcoin. What year was it? Talk to us about some of that stuff.


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