13 October 2021

Robert Leonard chats with Codie Sanchez about where her curiosity for becoming a contrarian come from, why rental properties might be a dumb idea, her favorite ways of building cash flow with no money, and much, much more! 

Codie Sanchez is a reformed journalist, turned institutional investor. She is now a Managing Director and Partner at Entourage Effect Capital, which is a private equity firm focused specifically on investing in the legalized cannabis industry. Since its inception in the summer of 2014, EEC has deployed $100+ million into over 65 companies out of its two dedicated funds and co-investments. Throughout her career, she has worked at the intersection of marketing and money, finding contrarian ways to invest. She’s always balanced her profession with non-profit service to empower women, veterans, and Latinos.

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  • Why does Codie think the saying “Money can’t buy you happiness” is wrong?
  • Where did Codie’s curiosity for becoming a contrarian come from?
  • The importance of books in contrarian thinking.
  • Why rental properties might be a dumb idea according to Codie.
  • What are Codie’s concerns for Airbnb’s and other rentals?
  • How did Codie finance a laundromat deal that went viral on Twitter because it net $67,000 when it only needed $100,000 to close?
  • What are Codie’s favorite ways of building cash flow with no money?
  • What is the difference between buying a passive business and buying a job?
  • What does the quote, “The world is the classroom, the school is the prison,” mean?
  • And much, much more!


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Codie Sanchez (00:02):
It’s all about opportunity cost, right? So in everything in life, if you want to go out on a Friday night with your friends, you can’t stay in and watch the Netflix movie. If you want to go to a concert, you can’t go out and go to a dinner. You have to pick, right? And for every decision you make, there’s some constraint, which means you don’t get to do something else. And with investing and when you have money, you have to think of about, where can my little army of soldiers go best and attack? The one reason that I have them out there fighting anyway.

Robert Leonard (00:31):
On today’s show, I talk with Codie Sanchez about where her curiosity for becoming a contrarian came from, why rental properties might actually be a dumb idea, her favorite ways of building cash flow with no money, and a bunch more. Codie Sanchez is a reformed journalist turned institutional investor. She is now a Managing Director and Partner at Entourage Effect Capital. Since its inception in the summer of 2014, EEC has deployed over $100 million into over 65 companies out of its two dedicated funds and co-investments. Throughout her career, she has worked the intersection of marketing and money, finding contrarian ways to invest. She’s always balanced her profession with nonprofit service to empower women, veterans, and Latinos.

Robert Leonard (01:15):
Before we get into the actual episode, just a couple of quick housekeeping items. First, towards the end of the episode, Codie’s computer unfortunately died. So the interview ended a bit shorter than we would’ve liked, which you’ll hear at the end, but the first half that was recorded, which you guys hear in this episode had some awesome nuggets that I wanted to make sure got shared. Codie’s team and my team are working on finding a new time to get this episode finished. So if you like this first part, be sure to stay tuned for part two.

Robert Leonard (01:47):
Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter. My username is therobertleonard. I share a bunch of different types of content frequently, typically around how real estate and money works, but I also share quite a bit about fitness and motocross, and even a look into my personal life. And I share updates about the shows and a bunch of other cool stuff. So be sure to come connect with me on social. My username is therobertleonard. You can also follow Codie on Twitter and Instagram. Her username is Codie_Sanchez. All right, let’s get into this week’s episode with Codie Sanchez.

Intro (02:23):
You’re listening to Millennial Investing by The Investor’s Podcast Network, where your host, Robert Leonard, interviews successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors to help educate and inspire the millennial generation.

Robert Leonard (02:46):
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Millennial Investing Podcast. As always, I’m your host Robert Leonard. And with me today, I have Codie Sanchez. Codie, welcome to the show.

Codie Sanchez (02:56):
Thrilled to be here. Thanks for having me.

Robert Leonard (02:58):
The first thing I want to do is learn a bit about you and your background. Tell us your story and give us a quick rundown on how you got to where you are today.

Codie Sanchez (03:07):
A little 60 seconds about me is I was a journalist originally. I started off as a human trafficking and drug smuggling-focused journalist, right out of college. Graduated a little bit early and focused on my thesis of basically what happens along the US-Mexico border and when borders separate humans. And so I wrote some, what I thought were interesting stories about people being left behind and families being separated. And I continued doing that for a few years, but at one point I just sort of realized, man, I don’t want to just be telling the story. I want to be trying to make some changes in the story. And I knew that journalism wasn’t the right place to do that. You needed to actually factually report the news and keep your opinion and biases out of it. At least that’s what it was supposed to be like back in my day.


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