23 April 2017

In this episode, Preston and Stig talk to the brilliant researcher and author, Christopher Whalen.  Whalen recently published the book, Ford Men, which is a fresh new look at the Ford Empire and the forces that drove the company to such global success.  Although many individuals recognize and attribute Henry Ford as the chief architect and mastermind behind the company’s enormous success, Whalen describes a much different picture.  Instead, he suggests that a highly skilled group of men that accompanied Ford through the years are the ones ultimately responsible for the company’s superior results.


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  • How Henry Ford almost destroyed his company several times.
  • How Henry Ford closed down the entire banking system in the US.
  • Why the product launch of Ford Edsel in 1958 is still considered the best marketing case today.
  • Two takeaways from Ford Motor Company that all business owners should know.


Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present due to platform differences.

Preston Pysh  0:02  

Hey, how’s everyone doing out there? This week, we got a very exciting episode for you. One of the people that we have never covered is the one and only Henry Ford. If Henry Ford was around today and you took his net worth, and you looked at it from an inflationary impact here in 2017, Henry Ford would be worth $199 billion. That’s twice as much as Warren Buffett. So to say his impact was huge would be the biggest understatement ever. 

But there’s a little catch with Henry Ford and our guest today, his name is Christopher Whalen. Christopher Whalen has done a ton of research on Henry Ford and what it was that made him so successful. I think when you hear this interview, you’re going to be very surprised because it might be a little bit different than the history that you studied maybe in your high school history class or your college history, because some of the facts that Mr. Whalen is going to disclose today are going to really surprise you about Henry Ford.

Stig Brodersen  1:06  

In this episode, you’ll learn the true and fascinating story about Henry Ford and the Ford dynasty. We will learn how this great company was built and has lasted for more than a century, perhaps not because of the Ford family. But just as much, despite the family. Our guest will teach us that contrary to popular belief, Henry Ford didn’t invent the assembly line. It was Charles E. Sorensen, the lead engineer, and we’ll learn how we could attribute Ford’s success to James J. Couzens who ran Ford Motors, and how Alan Mulally saved and made the company what it is today in the 21st century. In other words, this is the story about the Ford men, the men not known to the public, but the men who made Ford Motor Company what it is today.

Intro  1:55  

You are listening to The Investor’s Podcast where we study the financial market and read the books that influenced self-made billionaires the most. We keep you informed and prepared for the unexpected.

Preston Pysh  2:14  

All right, so like we said in the intro, we have Christopher Whalen here with us. He’s the author of “Ford Men.” And we are really, really excited to talk to you about this because Henry Ford and all the individuals surrounding him is just a topic that we’ve never covered. We’re very excited to cover this. So Chris, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to to join us today.

Christopher Whalen  2:36  

It’s my pleasure. It’s a great story.

Preston Pysh  2:39  

All right. So let’s go ahead and kick off the interview with this question here. So one of the common themes that we see with many modern billionaires is some sort of driving force or interest that propels the individual to form a desire for extreme performance. What would you say was the driving force behind Henry Ford?

Christopher Whalen  2:57  

Henry Ford’s vision was of creating a horseless carriage, a wagon that had a gasoline engine. Everybody in Ford’s community, in that turn of the century period in Detroit, Michigan, worked at the wagon factory. They worked in and around the business because those immigrants came down to St. Lawrence Seaway, and they disembarked from their ships. The first thing you had to do is get a wagon take you and your goods and your family to wherever it was you were going. That whole area of the United States had been opened up for the logging industry and natural resource exploitation. The waves of immigrants who came thereafter really determined why Detroit became the center of transportation. 

Now, if you think why did the auto industry end up in Detroit? It was because most of the major players, Henry Ford, the Dodge Brothers, many, many others all worked in wagon shops initially. Before Ford gets this idea od a gasoline powered car or wagon, if you will, after he had spent a lot of time talking to his friend, Thomas Edison. And Edison said, “No, don’t use electricity the way the European automakers had tried to do. Better to use gasoline. It’s more compact as a source of energy.”


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